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Last active July 15, 2020 21:46
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library(maptools) ## for readShapeLines
library(colorspace) ## for terrain_hcl
## Get data from GADM and DIVA-GIS
download.file('', '')
unzip('', exdir='.')
download.file('', '')
unzip('', exdir='.')
## Read DEM and boundaries
proj <- CRS(' +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84')
ethAdm <- readShapeLines('ETH_adm1.shp', proj4string=proj)
ethAlt <- raster('ETH_msk_alt')
## Compute shaded relief
slope <- terrain(ethAlt, 'slope')
aspect <- terrain(ethAlt, 'aspect')
ethHS <- hillShade(slope=slope, aspect=aspect,
angle=20, direction=30)
## DEM color theme: terrain colors and blue for the sea
terrainTheme <- modifyList(rasterTheme(region=terrain_hcl(n=15)),
## hill shade theme: gray colors with semitransparency
hsTheme <- modifyList(GrTheme(),
## DEM alone
levelplot(ethAlt, par.settings=terrainTheme, margin=FALSE, colorkey=FALSE)
## DEM with shaded relief
levelplot(ethAlt, par.settings=terrainTheme, margin=FALSE, colorkey=FALSE) +
levelplot(ethHS, par.settings=hsTheme)
## DEM with shaded relief and boundaries
levelplot(ethAlt, par.settings=terrainTheme, margin=FALSE, colorkey=FALSE) +
levelplot(ethHS, par.settings=hsTheme) +
layer(sp.lines(ethAdm, col='black', lwd=0.3))
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