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Created June 20, 2016 16:50
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## Configurate Projections
projUTM <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84")
projLongLat <- CRS(" +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
# Load data
## maximum sample distance
d <- 5000
## Sample distance defined by DEM resolution
resD <- max(res(elev))
## Separations
seps <- seq(resD, d, by=resD)
## Raster definition with UTMX, UTMY coordinates and elevation
xyelev <- stack(init(elev, v='x'),
init(elev, v='y'),
names(xyelev) <- c('x', 'y', 'elev')
## Coordinates
locs <- as.matrix(xyelev)
px <- locs[, 1]
py <- locs[, 2]
pz <- locs[, 3]
## Angle of sector sampling 1º
inc <- pi/180
alfa <- seq(-pi, pi - inc, inc)
## Compute the horizon angle for each direction (alfa) with parallel
## computing using mclapply.
old <- setwd(tempdir())
for (i in seq_along(alfa))
ang <- alfa[i]
cat("Angle: ", ang, "\n")
## Loop across separations
lHor <- mclapply(seps, function(sep)
cat('Sep: ', sep, '\n')
x1 <- px - sin(ang) * sep
y1 <- py - cos(ang) * sep
p1 <- cbind(x1,y1)
z1 <- extract(elevFrame, p1)
## Angle in degrees
r2d(atan2(z1 - pz, sep))
}, mc.cores = detectCores())
## The result is a list with an element for each separation. Each
## element is a vector of angles, with a cell for each point of
## the DEM (row of locs). The horizon angle at each location is
## the maximum angle, that must be positive. pmax computes the
## maximum value at each point.
hor <-, lHor)
hor[hor < 0] <- 0
## Write the results to a raster file and remove the intermediate results
r <- raster(elev)
r <- setValues(r, hor)
writeRaster(r, filename = paste0('horizon_', i), overwrite = TRUE)
rm(r, lHor, hor)
## The result is a set of files (RasterLayer), one per each direction angle.
hFiles <- paste0('horizon_', seq_along(alfa))
## Read them and build a RasterStack with a layer for each angle
horizon <- stack(hFiles)
writeRaster(horizon, 'horizonStack')
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