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Created September 19, 2016 22:32
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Factory example using ngrestful
(function() {
'use strict';
// Pass the accountsFactory to the app
.factory('accountsFactory', accountsFactory);
// Define the accountsFactory
function accountsFactory($resource) {
// Inject with ng-annotate
// Define resource instance
var resource = new $resource("accounts");
// Define the account factory object to return
var accountsFactory = {
index: index,
show: show,
store: store,
update: update,
destroy: destroy,
// Return the account factory
return accountsFactory;
| Functions
| Declaring all functions used in the accountsFactory
// Display a listing of accounts.
function index() {
return resource.fetch(accountBase)
.then(function(data){ return; });
// Display a specified account.
function show(id) {
return resource.fetch(id)
.then(function(data){ return; });
// Store a newly created account in storage.
function store(data) {
.then(function(data){ return; });
// Update the specified account in storage.
function update(id, data) {
return resource.update(id, data)
.then(function(data){ return; });
// Remove the specified account from storage.
function destroy(id) {
return resource.delete(id)
.then(function(data){ return; });
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