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Last active November 15, 2022 16:50
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Rust notes

Cargo commands

cargo new <project_name>: start new project

cargo run: compile and run project

cargo build: build executable

Language basics

Primitive types

bool: boolean

char: character

f32, f64: floats

i8, i16, i32, i64, i128: signed integer

u8, u16, u32, u64, u128: unsigned integer

isize: pointer-sized signed integer

usize: pointer-sized unsigned integer


Prints output

print!("Hello World\n");

Prints output with newline at the end

println!("Appending a new line");

Prints as an error

eprint!("This is an error\n");

Prints as an error with new line

eprintln!("This is an error with new line");


Single Placeholder

println!("{}", 1);

Multiple Placeholder

println!("{} {}", 1, 3);

Positional Arguments

println!("{0} is {1} {2}, also {0} is a {3} programming language", "Rust", "cool", "language", "safe");

Named Arguments

println!("{country} is a diverse nation with unity.", country = "India");

Placeholder traits :b for binary, :0x is for hex and :o is octal

println!("Let us print 76 as binary which is {:b} , and hex equivalent is {:0x} and octal equivalent is {:o}", 76, 76, 76);

Debug Trait

println!("Print whatever we want to here using debug trait {:?}", (76, 'A', 90));

New Format Strings in v1.58

let x = "world";
println!("Hello {x}!");


A Tuple can have mixed element types. Create a tuple

let tup = (50, "hi", true);

Accessing tuple element by index

tup.1;  //index 1, or the 2nd element from tuple.

Tuple unwrapping

let (x, y, z) = tup;


An Array exists on the stack and has fixed type and size. Create an array with inferred type:

let arr = [1, 2, 3]

Create an array of specific type:

let arr: [i32; 3] = [4, 5, 6];

Accessing array element by index

array[0]; // index 0 or the first element from the array


let mut arr = [1, 2, 3];  // only mutable array can be modified
arr[0] = 0;


A Vector is dynamic "growable" array, and allocates memory on the heap. Declare a vector using vec macro

let vect = vec![1,2,3];

Create a vector using Vec constructor

let vect = Vec::new();

Create a fixed size vector

let vect = Vec::<i32>::with_capacity(3);

Create a vector from an iterator

let vect: Vec<i32> = (0..5).collect();

Vector mutations



A slice is a view of an array or a vector, and it cannot be stored as a variable or passed as function arguments; it can only be stored as a reference, these are non-owning references.

Create a slice

let v: Vec<i32> = (0..5).collect();
let s1: &[i32] = &v;  // pointing at the vector v
let s2: &[i32] = &v[2..4];  // point at element 2 up to 4 of vector v


Create a string on the heap (global and not null terminated). These are dynamic, owned and can be modified:

let str1 = String::from("Hello");
let str2 = "Hello".to_string();
let str3 = str1.replace("Hello", "Hi");

A string slice (&str) is a fat pointer containing both address, data, and its length. It cannot be modified, it does not allocate memory on the heap.

let str1 = "Hello";  // this is a &str
let str2 = str1.to_string();  // this is a string
let str3 = &str2;  // this is a &str

Comparing strings

str1 == str2;
str1 != str2;
"ONE".to_lowercase() == "one";   // true

String literals are typically used when the data is not valid UTF-8 (whereas both String and &str can only have UTF-8 sequences):

let rust = "\x52\x75\x73\x74";  // string literal "Rust"

Control flow

Logical control

if a > b {
} else if a == b {
} else {


loop {

Loop with name

'counter: loop {

You can break out of a named loop from anywhere inside:

'counter: loop {
  let mut num_inner = 0;
  loop {
    if num_inner == 3 {
      break 'counter;  // this breaks out the outer loop named "counter"
    num_inner += 1;

While loop

let mut num = 0;
while num < 5 {
  num += 1;

For loop

  let vec: Vec<i8> = (0..10).collect();
  for element in vec {
  for element in (1..10).rev() {


fn f() {
  let var = 1;           // created on stack
  let mut s = "string";  // created on heap
  s.push_str(" string"); // grows s

Both var and s are dropped as soon as the function f returns.

Move ownership

let x = vec!["hello".to_string()];
let y = x;          // moves ownership
println!("{:?}, x); // error: borrow of moved value 'x'
println!("{:?}, y); // works fine

The ownership of the vector has been moved from x to y, therefore cannot be referenced from x.

Clone ownership

let x = vec!["hello".to_string()];
let y = x.clone();
println!("{:?}, x);  
println!("{:?}, y);

Every single value inside the vector has been cloned to y.

Copy ownership

let x = 1;
let y = x;
println!("x={}, y={}", x, y);  // works fine

This works because integer implements "copy" and not "move. Types that implements "copy" includes: integer, float, boolean. A tuple can also have "copy" if every value it contains implements "copy".

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