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Created November 21, 2023 16:43
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Demo of symbolic optimization of sparse ML models using Julia and Symbolics.jl
using Flux, StatsBase, Symbolics, SparseArrays, StaticArrays, Functors, BenchmarkTools
# Simple dummy ML classifier model:
ninputs = 10
nlatent = 40
model = Chain(
Dense(ninputs => nlatent, relu),
Dense(nlatent => nlatent, relu),
Dense(nlatent => 1, sigmoid, bias=false)
# Turn it into a dummy sparse model by setting randomly selected weights to zero:
for i in eachindex(model)
A = model[i].weight
nzeros = trunc(Int, 9//10 * length(A))
A[sample(eachindex(A), nzeros, replace = false)] .= 0
# Run model:
x = randn(Float32, ninputs)
# Iterate above until model(x) is non exactly 0.5 to get an interesting sparse dummy model.
# Benchmark model performance:
@benchmark $model($x)
# Use SparseArrays (only helps if model is very sparse and layer sizes are large):
sparse_model = fmap(A -> (A isa AbstractMatrix ? sparse(A) : A), model)
@benchmark $sparse_model($x)
# Use StaticArrays (only works well if model layer sizes are small):
static_model = fmap(A -> (A isa AbstractArray ? SArray{Tuple{size(A)...}}(A) : A), model)
static_x = SVector(x...)
@benchmark $static_model($static_x)
# Use symbolic optimization:
@variables symbolic_x[1:ninputs]
symbolic_x[1] isa Real
model_symexpr = simplify(only(model([symbolic_x...])))
symopt_model_jlcode = build_function(model_symexpr, symbolic_x)
symopt_model = eval(symopt_model_jlcode)
@benchmark $symopt_model($x)
# Generate plain C code for symbolic model:
c_model_code = build_function(model_symexpr, symbolic_x, target = Symbolics.CTarget(), fname = "model")
# Some fixes since build_function currently thinks everything is a double in C code:
fixed_c_model_code = replace(c_model_code, "double" => "float", "f0" => "f", "abs(" => "fabs(", "exp(" => "expf(")
c_code_out = IOBuffer()
println(c_code_out, """
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
float ifelse(bool cond, float a, float b) { return cond ? a : b; }
println(c_code_out, fixed_c_model_code)
println(c_code_out, "
int main() {
float x[] = {$(join(string.(x) .* "f", ", "))};
println(c_code_out, """
float y[] = {0};
model(y, x);
printf("%f\\n", y[0]);
return 0;
write("run_c_model.c", take!(c_code_out))
# Run C-model using
gcc -O3 run_c_model.c -lm -o run_c_model
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