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Created January 2, 2020 09:54
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* Class which process all of the already parsed images: generates an object with images ready for import and generates a report for the import
importPackage( dw.system );
importPackage( dw.catalog );
importPackage( dw.util );
importScript( "dm/util/ProcessingLogger.ds" );
importScript( "dm/util/ManifestImportReportLogger.ds" );
function AmplienceImageMapProcessor() {
* Product images processed data object
var _imagesArray : Array = new Array();
/** api.jsObjectSize limit **/
var maxStack = 1200;
* Gets already processed product images
* @return {Object} product images
this.getProductImages = function() : Array {
return _imagesArray;
* Message map with info for the processing
var _messagesMap : Map = null;
* Gets messages map for the processed product images
* @return {Map} messages map
this.getMessagesMapArray = function() : Array {
return _messagesMap;
* Manifest Import Report Logger object
* Note: this object is initialized and updated in processAmplienceImages method
var _manifestImportReportLogger : ManifestImportReportLogger = null;
* Gets manifest import report logger object
* @return {ManifestImportReportLogger} manifest import report logger object
this.getManifestImportReportLogger = function() : ManifestImportReportLogger {
return _manifestImportReportLogger;
* Iterate through amplience images, asign product names, filter not existing ones and generates a report with the result
* @param {String} catalogID - Catalog identifier
* @param {Object} amplienceImages - object with already parsed Amplience images
* @param {String} pathPattern - a pattern for images path when export
* @param {Object} viewTypes - a list with view types
this.processAmplienceImages = function(catalogID : String, amplienceImages : Array, pathPattern : String, viewTypes : Object) {
var catalog : Catalog = CatalogMgr.getCatalog(catalogID);
if ( empty(catalog) ) {
throw new Error('Invalid catalog ID: ' + catalogID);
var productsIter : SeekableIterator = ProductMgr.queryProductsInCatalogSorted(catalog);
if ( productsIter.count == 0 ) {
throw new Error('No products found in catalog ' + catalogID);
var processingLogger : ProcessingLogger = new ProcessingLogger();
var _images : Object = new Object();
var totalUpdatedProductsCount : Number = 0;
// initally, add all sets in notmacthedSets, then remove the founded ones
var notMacthedSets = amplienceImages;
var manifestImportReportLogger = new ManifestImportReportLogger();
while ( productsIter.hasNext() ) {
var product : Product =;
var productLogger : ProductLogger = processingLogger.getProductLogger(product.ID);
if ( product.isVariant() ) {
var processedProductImage = processSingleProductImages(product, amplienceImages, productLogger, pathPattern, manifestImportReportLogger);
if ( !empty(processedProductImage) ) {
var pid = product.ID;
var foundProductIndex = findInArray(amplienceImages,pid);
// if you hit your limit push it to your "_imagesArray" and clear it out
if (Object.keys(_images).length == maxStack) {
_images = {};
_images[pid] = processedProductImage;
// update total updated products count
// remove founded product ID from the not matched sets
delete notMacthedSets[foundProductIndex][pid];
* automatically assign master images (from first variant) if missing
autoAssignMasterImages(product, processedProductImage);
* add information for products with missing images
addProductMissingImages(product, processedProductImage, viewTypes, manifestImportReportLogger);
// update the total updated products in report logger
// updated not match product sets
_messagesMap = processingLogger.getMessagesMapArray();
// grab any remainder from the array stacking
_manifestImportReportLogger = manifestImportReportLogger;
// Last time around you have to push the remaining items of the stack to the "_imagesArray"
if (Object.keys(_images).length !== 0) {
* Process a product (i.e. asign product name, filter not existing ones and updates the report with the result)
* @param {Product} product - it can be Master product or a simple product
* @param {Object} amplienceImages - object with already parsed Amplience images
* @param {ProductLogger} productLogger - logger for a product
* @param {String} pathPattern - a pattern for images path when export
* @return {Object} processed image info for a product
var processSingleProductImages = function(product : Product, amplienceImages : Array, productLogger : ProductLogger, pathPattern : String) : Object {
var result : Object = null;
var pid = product.ID;
var foundProductIndex = findInArray(amplienceImages,pid);
if (!empty(foundProductIndex)) {
result = new Object();
var PVM : ProductVariationModel = product.getVariationModel();
for ( var i in amplienceImages[foundProductIndex][pid] ) {
var amplienceGroup = amplienceImages[foundProductIndex][pid][i];
var isValid : Boolean = isAmplienceGroupValid(PVM, amplienceGroup, productLogger);
if (isValid) {
result[i] = amplienceImages[foundProductIndex][pid][i];
updateProductImagePaths(product, pathPattern, result[i]);
} else {
productLogger.error("Invalid attribute value combination - " + amplienceGroup + ".");
} else {
productLogger.error("Product has no images found on Amplience CDN.");
return result;
* Check if the vars defined in Amplience product image are valid
* @param {ProductVariationModel} PVM - variation model of a prodcut
* @param {Object} amplienceGroup - group object for Amplience product images
* @param {ProductLogger} productLogger - logger for a product
* @return {Boolean} result - true of all of the vars of amplienceGroup are valid
var isAmplienceGroupValid = function(PVM : ProductVariationModel, amplienceGroup : Object, productLogger : ProductLogger) {
var result : Boolean = true;
for (var amplienceVariation in amplienceGroup.vars) {
var PVA : ProductVariationAttribute = PVM.getProductVariationAttribute(amplienceVariation);
if ( !empty(PVA) ) {
// Returns the values for the specified attribute. Only values that actually exist for
// at least one of the master product's currently online and complete variants are returned.
// ***** Offline Product Issue with ProductVariationModel class - will not return if variants/master are offline *****
var PVAVs : Collection = PVM.getAllValues(PVA);
var attrValid = false;
for each (var PVAV : ProductVariationAttributeValue in PVAVs) {
if ( PVAV.getID() == amplienceGroup.vars[amplienceVariation] ) {
attrValid = true;
if (!attrValid) {
result = false;
productLogger.error("Invalid variation attribute value for attribute - " + amplienceVariation + " with value - " + amplienceGroup.vars[amplienceVariation]+ ".");
} else {
productLogger.error("Invalid variation attribute - " + amplienceVariation + ".");
return result;
* Update image paths according to the pattern path
* @param {Product} product - it can be Master product or a simple product
* @param {String} pathPattern - a pattern for images path when export
* @param {Object} productImage - product images object. Note: this object will be updated.
var updateProductImagePaths = function(product : Product, pathPattern : String, productImage : Object) {
var pathValue : String = pathPattern;
* split the path patter into words, i.e. '/name_color' -> ['name', 'color']
var patternWords : Array = pathPattern.split(/[^A-Za-z]+/).filter( function(str) { return !empty(str) } );
for (var i = 0; i < patternWords.length; ++i) {
// current pattern word, i.e. 'name', 'color'
var patternWord : String = patternWords[i];
// actual value to replace the pattern word
var valueToUpdate : String = (patternWord.toUpperCase() == 'NAME') ? : productImage.vars[patternWord];
if ( empty(valueToUpdate) ) {
* if there's no value to update, we should remove the pattern word
* Note: if the current word is not fist, we should also remove
* the separator symbol before it, i.e. with 'color' empty: '/name_color' -> '/name'
if (i > 0) { // check if not first word
var sepIndex = pathValue.indexOf(patternWord) - 1;
if (sepIndex != -1) {
// remove the separator char before the pattern word without value to assign
pathValue = pathValue.slice(0, sepIndex) + pathValue.slice(sepIndex + 1, pathValue.length);
// remove pattern word without value to assign
pathValue = pathValue.replace(patternWord, '');
+ // Replace spaces with "-", and
+ // remove unsafe characters, except these $-_./
+ pathValue = encodeURI(pathValue.replace(/\s/g, '-').replace(/[^a-z0-9\$\?\-\_\.\/]/ig,''));
} else { // we have value to assign
pathValue = pathValue.replace(patternWord, valueToUpdate);
// Replace spaces with "-", and
// remove unsafe characters, except these $?-_./
pathValue = encodeURI(pathValue.replace(/\s/g, '-').replace(/[^a-z0-9\$\?\-\_\.\/]/ig,''));
// Update paths for images, spin images, and videos
for each ( var image in productImage['images'] ) {
image['path'] = image['path'] + pathValue;
for each ( var spinImage in productImage['spin_images'] ) {
spinImage['path'] = spinImage['path'] + pathValue;
for each ( var video in productImage['videos'] ) {
video['path'] = video['path'] + pathValue;
* Add missing images for a product to the manifest import report logger
* @param {Product} product - currently processed product object
* @param {Object} processedSingleProductImages - processed Amplience images for the product
* @param {Object} viewTypes - images view types
* @param {ManifestImportReportLogger} manifestImportReportLogger - manifest import report logger
var addProductMissingImages = function(product : Product, processedSingleProductImages : Object,
viewTypes : Object, manifestImportReportLogger : ManifestImportReportLogger) {
var PVM : ProductVariationModel = product.getVariationModel();
* Iterate through PVA of the newly processed product images
var pvaIterator = PVM.getProductVariationAttributes().iterator();
while ( pvaIterator.hasNext() ) {
var PVA =;
if ( !empty(PVA) ) {
* Skip check if we have added for the current image variation from manifest import file
var pvaIdVal = PVA.getAttributeID();
if ( !empty(processedSingleProductImages) && !empty(processedSingleProductImages[pvaIdVal]) ) {
var PVAVs : Collection = PVM.getAllValues(PVA);
for each (var PVAV : ProductVariationAttributeValue in PVAVs) {
var imageFound : Boolean = false;
* iterate through image view types
* if product don't have at least one image
* we log information for product without an image
for (var viewType : String in viewTypes) {
// getImage(viewtype : String) : MediaFile
var mediaFile = PVAV.getImage(viewType);
if ( !empty(mediaFile) ) {
imageFound = true;
if (!imageFound) {
var pvavDisplayValue : String = PVAV.getDisplayValue();
var pvavId : String = PVAV.getID();
// add info for a product without images
manifestImportReportLogger.addProductWithoutImage(product.ID, + pvavDisplayValue, product.ID + '_' + pvavId);
* Automatically assigns the first variant's first image as master image if it is determined to be missing.
* @param {Product} product - currently processed product object
* @param {Object} processedSingleProductImages - processed Amplience images for the product
var autoAssignMasterImages = function(product : Product, processedProductImages : Object) {
if (empty(processedProductImages)) {
var pid = product.ID;
// We determine the absence of a master image when the product ID is missing from the processedProductImages object.
var hasMaster : Boolean = pid in processedProductImages;
if (!hasMaster) {
var firstVariantKey = Object.keys(processedProductImages)[0];
var firstVariant = processedProductImages[firstVariantKey];
if (!firstVariant) { return; }
var masterImages : Object = {'vars' : {},
'params' : { 'hasSwatch' : false},
'images' : [],
'videos' : [],
'spin_images' : [],
'sets' : 'sets' in firstVariant ? firstVariant.sets : []
// Take only the first image
// Replace this with a loop should you need to assign additional alt images.
if ('images' in firstVariant && firstVariant.images.length > 0) {
// Assign master images to processedProductImages
processedProductImages[pid] = masterImages;
function findInArray(arr: Array, pid: String) {
var index = null;
for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!empty(arr[i][pid]) && arr[i][pid] != undefined) {
index = i;
return index;
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