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Last active June 1, 2019 07:07
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Sketch of explainshell like output, after discussion on work Slack
Sketch of like output, in plain text
$ python
git diff-tree -M -r --name-status <commit>
└───┬───┘ ├┘ ├┘ └─────┬─────┘ └──┬───┘
┌───────┘ │ │ │ │
│┌────────────┘ │ │ │
││┌──────────────┘ │ │
│││┌──────────────────────┘ │
└┼┼┼┼─ Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects
└┼┼┼─ Detect renames
└┼┼─ recurse into subtrees
└┼─ Show only names and status of changed files
│ for example:
│ M
└─ show differences between this commit and preceding one
NB: if you're using a good font like `Menlo` with support for Unicode box-drawing
characters, you can pass `usePens=True` to alternate each line bold/normal to
make it easier to read.
(With many fonts, the bold characters default to variable width.)
import itertools
import math
from itertools import (accumulate, chain, repeat, cycle)
from functools import reduce
from textwrap import wrap
from operator import itemgetter
def tokens(descs):
def norm(desc):
return desc if type(desc) is tuple else (desc, None)
ts = [{'token': t,
'comment': c,
'length': len(t)}
for (t,c)
in [norm(desc) for desc in descs]]
return ts
def decorate(ts, usePens=True):
def offset(a, b):
o = a['offset'] + a['length']
po = o + math.ceil(b['length'] / 2)
return {**b,
'offset': o,
'pathOffset': po}
init = {'offset': 0,
'pathOffset': 0,
'length': 0,
'comment': None}
withOffset = list(filter(itemgetter('comment'),
accumulate([init] + ts, offset)))
withDelta = [{**t,
'indent': t['offset'] - p['offset'] - p['length'],
'pathDelta': t['pathOffset'] - p['pathOffset']}
for (t,p)
in zip(withOffset, [init] + withOffset)]
pens = cycle([{'pen': False},
{'pen': True}]) if usePens else repeat({'pen': False})
withPens = [{**t, **p}
for (t,p)
in zip(withDelta, pens)]
return withPens
boxes = {
'ew': '─',
'EW': '━',
'ns': '│',
'NS': '┃',
'se': '┌',
'sE': '┍',
'Se': '┎',
'SE': '┏',
'sw': '┐',
'sW': '┑',
'Sw': '┒',
'SW': '┓',
'ne': '└',
'nE': '┕',
'Ne': '┖',
'NE': '┗',
'nw': '┘',
'nW': '┙',
'Nw': '┚',
'NW': '┛',
'nse': '├',
'nsE': '┝',
'Nse': '┞',
'nSe': '┟',
'NSe': '┠',
'NsE': '┡',
'nSE': '┢',
'NSE': '┣',
'nsw': '┤',
'nsW': '┥',
'Nsw': '┦',
'nSw': '┧',
'NSw': '┨',
'NsW': '┩',
'nSW': '┪',
'NSW': '┫',
'sew': '┬',
'seW': '┭',
'sEw': '┮',
'sEW': '┯',
'Sew': '┰',
'SeW': '┱',
'SEw': '┲',
'SEW': '┳',
'new': '┴',
'neW': '┵',
'nEw': '┶',
'nEW': '┷',
'New': '┸',
'NeW': '┹',
'NEw': '┺',
'NEW': '┻',
'nsew': '┼',
'nseW': '┽',
'nsEw': '┾',
'nsEW': '┿',
'Nsew': '╀',
'nSew': '╁',
'NSew': '╂',
'NseW': '╃',
'NsEw': '╄',
'nSeW': '╅',
'nSEw': '╆',
'NsEW': '╇',
'nSEW': '╈',
'NSeW': '╉',
'NSEw': '╊',
'NSEW': '╋',
'w': '╴',
'n': '╵',
'e': '╶',
's': '╷',
'W': '╸',
'N': '╹',
'E': '╺',
'S': '╻',
'Ew': '╼',
'nS': '╽',
'eW': '╾',
'Ns': '╿'}
def box(*items):
def norm(item):
if type(item) is tuple:
(dirs, case) = item
return dirs.upper() if case else dirs.lower()
return item
dirs = ''.join([norm(item) for item in items])
def aux(a,b):
return {**a,
b.lower(): b}
rose = reduce(aux, dirs, {})
dir = ''.join([rose.get(d, '')
for d in 'nsew'])
return boxes.get(dir, ' ')
def boxer(pen):
return lambda item: box((item, pen))
def header(ts):
print(''.join([t['token'] for t in ts]))
def markers(ts):
def indent(t):
return ' ' * t['indent']
def line(t):
_ = boxer(t['pen'])
l = t['length']
if l == 1:
return _('ns')
elif l == 2:
return _('nse') + _('nw')
left = math.floor((l-3) / 2)
right = math.ceil((l-3) / 2)
return ''.join([
left * _('ew'),
right * _('ew'),
def draw(t):
return indent(t) + line(t)
print(''.join([draw(t) for t in ts]))
def converge(ts):
def aux(left, right):
(r,*rs) = right
span = r['pathOffset'] - len(left)
heads = [box(('ns', l['pen']))
for l in left]
_ = boxer(right[0]['pen'])
curve = _('ns') if span == 1 else _('se') + (_('ew') * (span-2)) + _('nw')
tails = [' ' * (r['pathDelta']-1) + box(('ns', r['pen']))
for r in rs]
return ''.join([*heads,
for x in range(0,len(ts)):
print(aux(ts[:x], ts[x:]))
def reflow(text, width):
return sum([wrap(para, width)
for para
in text.split("\n")],
def definitions(ts, width):
l = len(ts)
for x in range(0,len(ts)):
current = ts[x]
pen = current['pen']
rest = ts[x+1:]
first = ''.join([' ' * x,
box(('ne', pen)),
*([box(('ew', pen), ('ns', t['pen']))
for t in rest]),
box(('ew', pen)),
' '])
then = ''.join([' ' * (x+1),
*([box(('ns', t['pen']))
for t in rest]),
' '])
text = reflow(ts[x]['comment'], width - (l+2))
for (h,t)
in zip(chain([first], repeat(then)),
def explain(descs, width=80, usePens=True):
ts = tokens(descs)
ts = decorate(ts, usePens=usePens)
definitions(ts, width)
descs = ['git',
' ',
('diff-tree', 'Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects'),
' ',
('-M', 'Detect renames'),
' ',
('-r', 'recurse into subtrees'),
' ',
"""Show only names and status of changed files
for example:
' ',
('<commit>', 'show differences between this commit and preceding one')]
explain(descs, usePens=True)
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You'll need to use a font with good support for Unicode drawing characters to use the bold versions. Menlo works on my system.

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