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Created March 12, 2018 06:29
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// Table definition
object Cities : Table() {
val id = integer("id").autoIncrement().primaryKey()
val name = varchar("name", 50)
val create_date = datetime(name = "create_date")
// Entity definition
data class City(
val id: Int,
val name: String
fun execute(cities: List<City>) {
transaction {
Cities.batchInsertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate( cities, listOf(id, name) ) { batch, city ->
batch[] =
batch[] =
// The below code is just a copy-paste that should actually be in the lib
class BatchInsertUpdateOnDuplicate(table: Table, val onDupUpdate: List<Column<*>>) : BatchInsertStatement(table, false) {
override fun prepareSQL(transaction: Transaction): String {
val onUpdateSQL = if (onDupUpdate.isNotEmpty()) {
" ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " + onDupUpdate.joinToString { "${transaction.identity(it)}=VALUES(${transaction.identity(it)})" }
} else ""
return super.prepareSQL(transaction) + onUpdateSQL
fun <T : Table, E> T.batchInsertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate(data: List<E>, onDupUpdateColumns: List<Column<*>>, body: T.(BatchInsertUpdateOnDuplicate, E) -> Unit) {
takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.
let {
val insert = BatchInsertUpdateOnDuplicate(this, onDupUpdateColumns)
data.forEach {
body(insert, it)
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