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Created May 3, 2021 14:43
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Unogs API miner: CLI type functions (snippet 5/6)
import argparse
import re
# Allows for more control over the error message in the case of invalid arguments
def buffer_type(value, min=0, max=100):
value = int(value)
if min <= value <= max:
return value
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
f"Buffer must be in the inclusive range {min} to {max}"
def time_type(value):
match = re.match("^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$|^now$", value)
if match is None:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Execution time must be either now or HH:mm")
if match[0] != "now":
# Check for correct time values
hrs, mins = match[0].split(":")
if not (0 <= int(hrs) < 24 and 0 <= int(mins) < 60):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
f"Time must follow HH:mm format. Hours and minutes must be in the range [0-24) and [0-60), respectively"
return match[0]
def offset_type(value):
value = int(value)
if value >= 0 and value % 100 == 0:
return value
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Offset must be non-negative multiple of 100")
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