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Forked from logandillard/
Last active December 16, 2020 11:57
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import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
class LinearModelTree:
def __init__(self, min_node_size, node_model_fit_func, min_split_improvement=0):
self.min_node_size = min_node_size
self.node_model_fit_func = node_model_fit_func
self.min_split_improvement = min_split_improvement
def lm_predictions(self, x, y):
lm = self.node_model_fit_func(x, y)
predictions = lm.predict(x)
if np.isnan(predictions).any():
print('got nan prediction')
1 / 0
return predictions, lm
def convert_df_to_ndarray(X):
if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(X, pd.Series):
return X.values
return X
def build_tree(self, X, lm_X, y):
X = LinearModelTree.convert_df_to_ndarray(X)
y = LinearModelTree.convert_df_to_ndarray(y)
self.root = Node.build_node_recursive(self, X, lm_X, y)
def predict(self, X, lm_X):
X = LinearModelTree.convert_df_to_ndarray(X)
data = []
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
data.append(self.predict_one(X[i, :], lm_X.iloc[[i]]))
return np.array(data)
def predict_one(self, X, lm_x):
X = LinearModelTree.convert_df_to_ndarray(X)
return self.root.predict_one(X, lm_x)
# 2-d array of [node_id, prediction]
def predict_full(self, X, lm_X):
X = LinearModelTree.convert_df_to_ndarray(X)
data = []
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
data.append(self.predict_full_one(X[i, :], lm_X.iloc[[i]]))
return np.array(data)
def predict_full_one(self, X, lm_x):
X = LinearModelTree.convert_df_to_ndarray(X)
return self.root.predict_full_one(X, lm_x)
def node_count(self):
return self.root.node_count()
def serialize(self):
return self.root.serialize()
class Node:
def __init__(self, feature_idx, pivot_value, lm):
self.feature_idx = feature_idx
self.pivot_value = pivot_value
self.lm = lm
self.row_count = 0
self.left = None
self.right = None
def node_count(self):
if self.feature_idx is not None:
return 1 + self.left.node_count() + self.right.node_count()
return 1
def predict_one(self, x, lm_x):
local_value = self.lm.predict(lm_x)[0]
if self.feature_idx is not None:
child_value = 0
if x[self.feature_idx] < self.pivot_value:
child_value = self.left.predict_one(x, lm_x)
child_value = self.right.predict_one(x, lm_x)
return child_value + local_value
return local_value
def predict_full_one(self, x, lm_x, prefix='T'):
local_value = self.lm.predict(lm_x)[0]
if self.feature_idx is not None:
result = None
if x[self.feature_idx] < self.pivot_value:
result = self.left.predict_full_one(x, lm_x, prefix + 'L')
result = self.right.predict_full_one(x, lm_x, prefix + 'R')
result[1] += local_value
return result
return np.array([prefix, local_value + self.lm.predict(lm_x)[0]]) # convert to 2-d array, then back
def build_node_recursive(tree, X, lm_X, y):
(feature_idx, pivot_value, lm, residuals) = Node.find_best_split(tree, X, lm_X, y)
node = Node(feature_idx, pivot_value, lm)
node.row_count = X.shape[0]
if feature_idx is not None:
left_X, left_lm_X, left_residuals, right_X, right_lm_X, right_residuals = Node.split_on_pivot(
X, lm_X, residuals, feature_idx, pivot_value)
node.left = Node.build_node_recursive(tree, left_X, left_lm_X, left_residuals)
node.right = Node.build_node_recursive(tree, right_X, right_lm_X, right_residuals)
return node
def split_on_pivot(X, lm_X, y, feature_idx, pivot_value):
sorting_indices = X[:, feature_idx].argsort() # sort by column feature_idx
sorted_X = X[sorting_indices]
pivot_idx = np.argmax(sorted_X[:, feature_idx] >= pivot_value)
sorted_lm_X = lm_X.iloc[sorting_indices, :] # lm_X.[sorting_indices]
sorted_y = y[sorting_indices]
return (sorted_X[:pivot_idx, :],
sorted_lm_X.iloc[:pivot_idx, :],
sorted_X[pivot_idx:, :],
sorted_lm_X.iloc[pivot_idx:, :],
def find_best_split(tree, X, lm_X, y):
predictions, lm = tree.lm_predictions(lm_X, y)
residuals = y - predictions
mean_value = residuals.mean()
row_count = X.shape[0]
sse = (residuals ** 2).sum()
resid_sum = residuals.sum()
best_sse = sse
best_feature = None
best_feature_pivot = None
for feature_idx in range(X.shape[1]):
sorting_indices = X[:, feature_idx].argsort() # sort by column feature_idx
sorted_X = X[sorting_indices]
sorted_resid = residuals[sorting_indices]
sum_left = 0
sum_right = resid_sum
sum_squared_left = 0
sum_squared_right = sse
count_left = 0
count_right = row_count
pivot_idx = 0
while count_right >= tree.min_node_size:
# advance our pivot
row_y = sorted_resid[pivot_idx]
sum_left += row_y
sum_right -= row_y
sum_squared_left += row_y * row_y
sum_squared_right -= row_y * row_y
count_left += 1
count_right -= 1
pivot_idx += 1
if count_left >= tree.min_node_size and count_right >= tree.min_node_size:
# consider a split
# compute rmse from sum, sum_squared, and n: rmse = 1/n * sqrt ( n*sum_x2 - (sum_x)^2 )
rmse_left = math.sqrt((count_left * sum_squared_left) - (sum_left * sum_left)) / count_left
sse_left = rmse_left * rmse_left * count_left
rmse_right = math.sqrt((count_right * sum_squared_right) - (sum_right * sum_right)) / count_right
sse_right = rmse_right * rmse_right * count_right
split_sse = sse_left + sse_right
if (split_sse < best_sse and sse - split_sse > tree.min_split_improvement and
# only if the value is different than the last value
(count_left <= 1 or sorted_X[pivot_idx, feature_idx] != sorted_X[
pivot_idx - 1, feature_idx])):
best_sse = split_sse
best_feature = feature_idx
best_feature_pivot = sorted_X[pivot_idx, feature_idx]
return (best_feature, best_feature_pivot, lm, residuals)
def serialize(self, prefix='T'):
if self.feature_idx is not None:
self_str = ',rc:%i,f:%i,v:%s' % (
self.row_count, self.feature_idx, str(self.pivot_value))
return "\n" + prefix + (self_str +
self.left.serialize(prefix + 'L') +
self.right.serialize(prefix + 'R')
self_str = (',rc:%i,f:_,v:_,int:%f,coef:%s' % (self.row_count, self.lm.intercept_, str(self.lm.coef_)))
return "\n" + prefix + self_str
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