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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Hacksummit Conference 2014
Topics mentioned:
Hack.hands (marketplace to get instance codign help)
Advices for programming to improve productivity:
3. Pair programming
4. Eliminate distractions
5. Explain how the system shoul be done
6. Avoid gold building (Not everything will be perfect as one way, i can be wrong)
8. Use the command line against the ui (Makes you more efficience and productive)
9. Work in small badges. Small checks, small tasks.
The timeless way of building is about design and architecture, not about programming.
How to be a star at work
The seven habits of highly effective people.
The one minute manager
Sites to see:
KPIS Metrics every year.
Importa solo si las revisamos como equipo y discutimos.
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