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How to make your Atom + Haskell setup behave (almost) like IntelliJ
# # #
# How to make your Atom + Haskell setup to behave (almost) like IntelliJ:
# (by Oleksandr Shyshko @oshyshko <-- let me know if you want to contribute or have ideas)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Install Stack (see for details)
# $ curl -sSL | sh
# $ stack update
# $ stack setup
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2. Install binary deps (required by Atoms packages)
# $ stack install ghc-mod hlint stylish-haskell hasktags pointfree pointful
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 3. Install and run Atom
# -
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 4. Install Haskell plugins for Atom
# - Atom > Preferences > Packages > + Install > Filter packages by name > ... type "Haskell" > ... choose:
# - language-haskell
# - haskell-ghc-mod
# - autocomplete-haskell
# - ide-haskell
# - ide-haskell-hasktags
# - haskell-pointfree
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 5. Add the code bellow to your "" (remove #s).
# - Atom > Init Script...
# =================================================
# atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor',
# 'editor:scroll-down': ->
# e = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
# ee = atom.views.getView(e)
# ee.setScrollTop(
# ee.getScrollTop() + e.getLineHeightInPixels())
# 'editor:scroll-up': ->
# e = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
# ee = atom.views.getView(e)
# ee.setScrollTop(
# ee.getScrollTop() - e.getLineHeightInPixels())
# {Point, Range} = require 'atom'
# # select with brackets
# atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor',
# 'bracket-matcher:select-outside-bracket', ->
# return unless e = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
# return unless ev = atom.views.getView(e)
# ir = e.getSelectedBufferRange()
# ev.dispatchEvent(new Event("bracket-matcher:select-inside-brackets"))
# r = e.getSelectedBufferRange()
# return if ir.isEqual(r)
# nr = new Range(r.start.traverse(new Point(0, -1)), r.end.traverse(new Point(0, 1)) )
# e.setSelectedBufferRange(nr)
# =================================================
# - Restart Atom
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 6. Add the code bellow to your "keymap.cson".
# - Atom > Keymap...
# TODO unset: ctrl-page-up, ctrl-page-down
# TODO implement: ctrl-shift-j -- join lines
'cmd-b': 'haskell-ghc-mod:go-to-declaration'
'ctrl-b': 'haskell-ghc-mod:go-to-declaration'
# 'ctrl-b': 'ide-haskell-hasktags:go-to-declaration'
# 'cmd-b': 'ide-haskell-hasktags:go-to-declaration'
'ctrl-alt-left': 'ide-haskell-hasktags:go-back'
'ctrl-n': 'ide-haskell-hasktags:show-tags'
# 'ctrl-alt-T': 'haskell-ghc-mod:show-type'
'ctrl-alt-t': 'haskell-ghc-mod:insert-type'
'ctrl-alt-h': 'haskell-hoogle:lookup'
'ctrl-alt-l': 'ide-haskell:prettify-file'
'f2': 'ide-haskell:next-error'
'shift-f2': 'ide-haskell:prev-error'
'ctrl-q': 'haskell-ghc-mod:show-info-fallback-to-type'
'ctrl-alt-i': 'haskell-ghc-mod:insert-import'
'ctrl-alt-l': 'ide-haskell:prettify-file'
'ctrl-c': 'core:copy'
'ctrl-v': 'core:paste'
'ctrl-x': 'core:cut'
'ctrl-z': 'core:undo'
'ctrl-shift-z': 'core:redo'
'ctrl-home': 'core:move-to-top'
'ctrl-end': 'core:move-to-bottom'
'ctrl-shift-f': 'project-find:show'
'ctrl-shift-r': 'project-find:show'
'ctrl-shift-n': 'fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder'
'ctrl-shift-a': 'command-palette:toggle' # Find action
'ctrl-1': 'tree-view:toggle' # Open corresponding tool window
'ctrl-2': 'ide-haskell:toggle-output'
'ctrl-left': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-word'
'ctrl-right': 'editor:move-to-end-of-word'
'ctrl-shift-left': 'editor:select-to-beginning-of-word'
'ctrl-shift-right': 'editor:select-to-end-of-word'
'ctrl-down': 'editor:scroll-down'
'ctrl-up': 'editor:scroll-up'
'f3': 'find-and-replace:find-next'
'shift-f3': 'find-and-replace:find-previous'
'ctrl-[': 'bracket-matcher:go-to-matching-bracket'
'ctrl-]': 'bracket-matcher:go-to-matching-bracket'
'ctrl-{': 'bracket-matcher:select-outside-bracket'
'ctrl-}': 'bracket-matcher:select-outside-bracket'
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
# TODO move cursor down if one or no line was selected
'ctrl-/': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'
#'cmd-/': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'
'ctrl-d': 'editor:duplicate-lines'
'cmd-d': 'editor:duplicate-lines'
'ctrl-shift-j': 'editor:join-lines'
'ctrl-w': 'editor:select-to-next-subword-boundary'
'ctrl-shift-w': 'editor:select-to-previous-subword-boundary'
'shift-delete': 'editor:delete-line'
'ctrl-y': 'editor:delete-line'
'ctrl-shift-up': 'editor:move-line-up'
'ctrl-shift-down': 'editor:move-line-down'
'ctrl-r': 'find-and-replace:show'
'cmd-r': 'find-and-replace:show'
'alt-right': 'pane:show-next-item'
'alt-left': 'pane:show-previous-item'
'ctrl-l': 'go-to-line:toggle'
'ctrl-e': 'fuzzy-finder:toggle-buffer-finder'
'ctrl-j': 'snippets:available'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 7. Enable autosave on window deactivation
# - Atom > Preferences > Packages > Filter packages by name > ...
# - "autosave" > Settings -> Packages -> autosave -> [v] Enabled
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 8. Create a Stack project and build it (from terminal)
# $ stack new hello-project
# $ cd hello-project
# $ stack build
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 9. Open the project from Atom
# - File > Add Project Folder ... > Choose "hello-project"
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