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Last active July 10, 2020 18:32
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-16.4 script --package fsnotify --package directory --package filepath --package process
-- Usage
-- sync.hs <local-path> <remote-host> <remote-path>
-- $ ./sync.hs ./path/to /home/joe/path/to
-- Syncing changes from: /Users/joe/path/to/
-- to:
-- ++ /home/joe/path/to/123/
-- >> /home/joe/path/to/123/1.txt
-- -- /home/joe/path/to/123/1.txt
-- -- /home/joe/path/to/123/
import Control.Concurrent.Chan (newChan, readChan)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.FilePath (makeRelative, splitPath, takeFileName,
import System.FSNotify (Event (..), eventPath, watchTreeChan,
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- TODO migrate to cmdargs
[localPath_, remoteHost, remotePath] <- getArgs
localPath <- makeAbsolute localPath_
events <- newChan
withManager $ \mgr -> do
_ <- watchTreeChan mgr localPath
(\e -> not $ any ("." `isPrefixOf`) (splitPath $ eventPath e)) -- ignore hidden files
putStrLn $ "Syncing changes from: " ++ localPath ++ "\n" ++
" to: " ++ remoteHost ++ ":" ++ remotePath
forever $ do
e <- readChan events
let lp = eventPath e
rp = remotePath </> makeRelative localPath lp
let maybeCmd = case e of
Added _ _ True -> Just ["++", "ssh", remoteHost, "mkdir " ++ rp]
Added _ _ False -> Just [">>", "scp", lp, remoteHost ++ ":" ++ rp]
Modified _ _ True -> Nothing -- TODO sync remote attrs?
Modified _ _ False -> Just [">>", "scp", lp, remoteHost ++ ":" ++ rp]
Removed _ _ True -> Just ["--", "ssh", remoteHost, "rmdir " ++ rp]
Removed _ _ False -> Just ["--", "ssh", remoteHost, "rm " ++ rp]
Unknown {} -> Nothing
case maybeCmd of
Just (m:cmd:args) -> do
putStrLn $ m ++ " " ++ rp
a@(ec, _, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd args ""
case ec of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure _ -> putStrLn $ "!!" ++ show a
Nothing ->
putStrLn $ "Unexpected FSNotify event: " ++ show e
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