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Created September 4, 2022 18:54
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package io.example
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.json.decodeFromStream
import okhttp3.Interceptor
import okhttp3.Response
import retrofit2.HttpException
import retrofit2.Invocation
import kotlin.math.abs
import retrofit2.Response as RetrofitResponse
class ServerErrorsInterceptor(
private val json: Json,
) : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val response = chain.proceed(chain.request())
if (!response.isSuccessful) throwErrorForResponse(response)
return response
private fun throwErrorForResponse(response: Response) {
// We can't call body.string() because it closes stream and makes it
// unavailable for other interceptors and for retrofit.
// Read response body to buffer instead.
val source = response.body?.source() ?: return
source.request(Long.MAX_VALUE) // Add whole response to buffer
val bodyStream = source.buffer.clone().inputStream()
val errorResponse = parseErrorResponse(bodyStream)
throw ServerException(
message = errorResponse.error,
userMessage = errorResponse.message,
errorCode = errorResponse.code,
httpException = response.toHttpException(),
private fun parseErrorResponse(stream: InputStream): ErrorResponse {
// Specify here your logic to parse error body. Simplest possible logic used as example
return json.decodeFromStream(stream)
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // We don't want this call in stacktrace, so make it inline
private inline fun Response.toHttpException(): HttpException {
val retrofitResponse = RetrofitResponse.error<Unit>(checkNotNull(body), this)
return HttpException(retrofitResponse)
private fun Response.getRetrofitStackTraceElement(): StackTraceElement? {
val method = (request.tag( ?: return null).method()
// Kotlin adds suffix after hyphen for internal methods and methods having default arguments. Drop it.
// Also, append response code to the method name.
val fakeMethodName = "${'-')}-$code"
// We don't know real line number for method, so we calculate fake line number.
// This value should be a positive number and should always be the same for equal method calls.
val fakeLineNumber = abs( xor fakeMethodName.hashCode())
return StackTraceElement(
/* declaringClass = */,
/* methodName = */ fakeMethodName,
/* fileName = */ "${method.declaringClass.simpleName}.kt",
/* lineNumber = */ fakeLineNumber,
data class ErrorResponse(
val code: String? = null,
val message: String? = null,
val error: String? = null,
class ServerException(
message: String?,
val userMessage: String?,
val errorCode: String?,
val httpException: HttpException,
) : IOException(message, httpException) {
val httpCode: Int
get() = httpException.code()
package io.example
/** Adds the given [elements] to the start of the given stack trace. */
fun <T : Throwable> T.prependStackTrace(vararg elements: StackTraceElement?): T = apply {
stackTrace = (elements.filterNotNull() + stackTrace).toTypedArray()
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