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Created July 7, 2022 14:43
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  • Save osirisgothra/7b339b49ceb432302c6fc4b5a4a47b62 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save osirisgothra/7b339b49ceb432302c6fc4b5a4a47b62 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate listing webpage of gogo play anime english dub episodes onto a single page, with covers! (note: all links are to ep 1 or the individual fmv whatever it may be, please read disclaimer inside! Does not transfer any copyrighted data so dont ask!)
# the author of this script is not responsible for any content that might be on the websites it is used on
# it is up to the user of the script to make sure they are not accessing copyrighted works.
# You will need to type in the website's name (just the domain name and extension)
# like "" will use but you will have to type the
# page name in as I cannot legally put gogoplay or any other website that may have
# copyrighted material on it, into this script. This script is not intended to be used
# to break any laws. It was written as a test only, not to be used for such purposes.
# compile gogoplay-style anime dub pages into a single local html file for browsing
# be sure to run this in a directory that zsh can write to AND read from
# required installed programs:
# zsh, at least version 5.8 x86_64
# with commands 'read' and 'echo' enabled
# with current path permissions read/write at least for your group or you
# wget, at least version 1.20.3 linux-gnu build
# grep, at least GNU grep version 3.4
# sed, at least GNU sed version 4.7
# perl, at least perl v5.30.0 x86_64 (build gnu-thread-multi)
# cat, at least GNU cat version 8.30 --
# tr, at least GNU tr version 8.30 |
# sort, at least GNU sort version 8.30 |-- from coreutils package
# uniq, at least GNU uniq version 8.30 _|
# Tested platforms: Linux Ubuntu (linux-gnu build)
# TODO: image items were originally interpreted as being png of their same title on cdnimg
# however this is not always the case, this needs to be fixed by just ripping out the
# image file's name. I was in a hurry so some images *might* be missing at this point
# however ALL links, even if the image appears broken, DO work. At the time, this was
# the important thing. You can probably fix this little issue in a few seconds of editing.
if [[ $1 == --help ]]; then
echo "syntax: $0 [website name] [output filename]"
echo ""
echo "any items not put on the command line will be asked for!"
echo ""
exit 1
if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
[[ $# -ge 1 ]] && websitename=$1 || read "Enter Website Name":websitename
[[ $# -eq 2 ]] && finalname=$2 || read "Enter Final Filename":finalname
[[ $# -gt 2 ]] && { echo "too many arguments, use --help if need be"; exit 2; }
echo "Website: $websitename"
echo "Final Output: $finalname"
echo "press ENTER to proceed, CTRL+C to abort"
read -sk1
for ((x=1;x<105;x++)); do
echo "getting page $x ...";
# kept using -O- > instead since I have verified that this works in both linux and windows subsystem without any problems
wget 'https://'${websitename}'/search.html?keyword=(Dub)&page='$x -O- > animedubs-page${x}.html
# see TODO above, might want to pick that out
# in all the previous pages retrieved
# - merges all lines to a single line, then
# - grabs all text from the first start of anchor tag-> <a href="/videos <-encountered in the file
# to the very LAST /a> (end of anchor tag) in the file
# - next, splits the text up so only ONE tag is on each line of the text
# - next, grabs ONLY the lines that are the image tag or the video links
# - next, replaces image tag with anchor end instead***** you might want to change this to include images
for ((x=0;x<105;x++)); do
cat animedubs-page${x}.html |
tr -d '\n' |
grep '<a href="/videos.*/a>' -o |
grep '<.*?>' -o |
grep '<(img src="https://cdnimg.|a href="/videos)' |
sed -r 's/<img src.*alt="//g;s/" \/>/<\/a>/g' >
# combines ALL results into a single page
echo '<html>
<head><title>Gogo-Play Anime Dubs ALL OF THEM</title>
/* for image margins that will be showing on the edges (about 10px, 6px min on the corners) */
background: linear-gradient(12deg,#453d3db3,#2525287a);
padding: 10px;
margin: 5px;
border-radius: 4px;
width: 2in;
height: 2.75in;
/* set this to whatever font you like in the browser */
font-family: "Source Code Pro";
font-size: 9pt;
display: inline-grid;
text-decoration: none;
text-wrap: normal;
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
content a:nth-child(even)
background-color: rgba(12,24,36,1.0);
grid-column: 1;
content a:nth-child(odd)
background-color: rgba(36,24,12,1.0);
grid-column: 0;
Anime Dubs (All)
<base href=""/>'
for ((x=0;x<105;x++)); do
cat "episodes-page${x}.html" |
while read line1; do
read line2
echo "$line1$line2";
echo '</content>
} > episodes.html
cat episodes.html | perl -wpe 's/episode-([0-9]+)/episode-1/g' | sort | uniq > unique.html
cat unique.html | perl -wpe 's#(?<=videos/)(.*)(-episode-1)#\1-episode-1"><img src="'$r'\1.png#g' > $finalname
rm unique.html
rm episodes-page*.html
rm episodes.html
rm animedubs*.html
echo "finished, generated $finalname"
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osirisgothra commented Jul 7, 2022

I created this for testing and (text) archiving purposes only. I have not fully tested this as a whole as of yet. I have just saved these commands I used on the CML for the time being, to create such a page. I Thought I would save it into a script in the case that someone would find it useful for any tests or experiments they might be running against such an archive. Not to be used for the actual transfer of copyrighted materials! You have been warned!

All this script really does is inspect the website's search results page, extract destination anchor and image ref pairs from it, and saves the anchors to a local "cache" file where the list can be stored. Any images, or link destinations are NOT saved nor inspected at all. Any art, images, videos, etc. are not saved or even inspected. The links to such content is not considered. For this reason, the resulting page is useless offline as none of the image data is actually saved.

So, in short, it is just collecting links, using linked images and titles as the link anchor.

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