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Vinny Osiro osiro

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class Api::V1::JukeboxRoomParticipantsController < Api::V1::ApiController
respond_to :json
load_and_authorize_resource :jukebox_room
load_and_authorize_resource through: :jukebox_room
def index
def create
@jukebox_room.jukebox_room_participants.create! do |jukebox_room_participant|
1.9.3p392 :015 > @twitter_user = "27792705-Rck7ctaHJyxWlQbQwWTh7d8iLRbKECyiO5CNT0fvr", oauth_token_secret: "ylnoZZsReNofgcs7VBRFAR6yRya99fyhYuaIac2E")
=> #<Twitter::Client:0x007f8dc4339970 @consumer_key="xgCcAq42YmnuLXC4SvZQcQ", @consumer_secret="8CuIIPcmJ28C4EbrBgR3aoqvK8vc6N7o2k0QVXcmrY", @oauth_token="27792705-Rck7ctaHJyxWlQbQwWTh7d8iLRbKECyiO5CNT0fvr", @oauth_token_secret="ylnoZZsReNofgcs7VBRFAR6yRya99fyhYuaIac2E", @endpoint="", @connection_options={:headers=>{:accept=>"application/json", :user_agent=>"Twitter Ruby Gem 4.6.2"}, :request=>{:open_timeout=>5, :timeout=>10}, :ssl=>{:verify=>false}}, @identity_map=false, @middleware=#<Faraday::Builder:0x007f8dbcaa3970 @handlers=[Twitter::Request::MultipartWithFile, Faraday::Request::Multipart, Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded, Twitter::Response::RaiseError, Twitter::Response::ParseJson, Twitter::Response::RaiseError, Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp]>>
1.9.3p392 :016 >
1.9.3p392 :017 >
1.9.3p392 :018 > @twitter_u
should include #<Position id: 295, manager_id: 2752, name: "et, et, voluptatem, and eos", created_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", updated_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", active: true>, #<Position id: 296, manager_id: 2752, name: "et, hic, tenetur, and nostrum", created_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", updated_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", active: true>, and #<Position id: 297, manager_id: 2752, name: "ea, asperiores, et, and est", created_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", updated_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", active: false>
should not include #<Position id: 298, manager_id: 2753, name: "magni, ad, qui, and ipsum", created_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", updated_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:23", active: false>
should not include #<Position id: 301, manager_id: 2754, name: "atque, tempore, asperiores, and nihil", created_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:24", updated_at: "2013-04-12 01:41:24", active: true>
should include #<Course id: 1000, manager_id: 2756, name: "cupiditate, recusandae, deleniti, and id
when content type is artists
returns a hash containing urls for artist images
when content type is album
returns a hash containing urls for album images
when content type is videos
returns a hash containing urls for videos images
when content type is tv
returns a hash containing urls for tv images
when user already exists but is not linked with trainee
should not create a new user based on the trainee
should associate user with the trainee
should return the user whose trainee was associated with
when user already exists and is already linked with trainee
should not create a new user based on the trainee
should return the user whose trainee was associated with
when user does not exists yet
should create a new user based on the trainee
def greg
'Anal assassin (United Kingdom) or anal astronaut[15]',
'Anal Buccaneer',
'Arse bandit[16]',
'Back door bandit[17]',
'Backgammon player (late 18th century Britain)[18]',
'Batty boy (alternatively botty boy),[19] also batty man',
'Bent, bentshot[20] or bender[21] [22]',
'Bone smuggler[23]',
- current_url = url_for(params.slice(:search))
%h1= page_title
= semantic_form_for(@search_form, url: url_for(), method: :get, html: {class: 'inline-form'}) do |f|
= f.inputs do
= f.input :term
= f.input :released_after, as: :date_picker
= f.input :released_before, as: :date_picker
= f.actions do
osiro / aaaaaaa
Created September 20, 2013 06:37
Viniciuss-MacBook-Pro:ndri-poster_maker_mobile osiro$ rake build:ios ENV=staging
WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.9.0, but has dynamically loaded 2.9.1
Warning. Error encountered while saving cache ./.sass-cache/91d2099510d82e7905b3da810461ac68e3a3d819/mixins.css.sassc: can't dump anonymous class #<Class:0x007ffbc678dc68>
Warning. Error encountered while saving cache ./.sass-cache/91d2099510d82e7905b3da810461ac68e3a3d819/mixins.css.sassc: can't dump anonymous class #<Class:0x007ffbc678dc68>
2013-09-20 14:36:25.534 xcodebuild[63453:4107] warning: ignoring unknown attribute assignment opcode 'b' for entry <C:'CodeSign /Users/osiro/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PosterMaker-cjmedqapejjdvyalyjqudihktxmf/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'>
2013-09-20 14:36:25.535 xcodebuild[63453:4107] warning: ignoring unknown attribute assignme
stupid_song = [
"I threw a wish in the well",
"Don't ask me, I'll never tell",
"I looked to you as it fell",
"And now you're in my way",
"I trade my soul for a wish",
"Pennies and dimes for a kiss",
"I wasn't looking for this",
"But now you're in my way",
stupid_voices = [
'Bad News',