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Created August 24, 2023 09:03
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Attestation for RLN Trusted Setup Ceremony MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm oskarth-1552237 and I have contributed to the RLN Trusted Setup Ceremony MPC Phase2 Trusted Setup ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (rln-withdraw)
Contributor # 51
Contribution Hash: 8c21c2d7 76dd3b2a 4bf8194f 6ff6ffb4
c55a7e3c 9790502d e442b6e2 0850cfcc
a101dcc7 322599d7 ab30928a 01778962
0ffdbfcc c9da6e04 d138868f 9c444d15
Circuit # 2 (rln-16)
Contributor # 50
Contribution Hash: d3acfc25 5e31c4a5 a91334f2 7d42fc1c
61730771 cf97f380 1daf6686 18c6aac3
6da69370 044faeca 4d464a9a 1c184c30
377da1d0 2672c6ad b85b869b aabc7c4b
Circuit # 3 (rln-17)
Contributor # 50
Contribution Hash: 34b055eb 6e1af26b 0da25a0f 12e8d5b4
afaae343 fbddb21b 798dec3d 44827d2e
405e2aa7 34fe746c a565109d 6431d268
c49576ed c19620d7 52d674cb 3a019362
Circuit # 4 (rln-18)
Contributor # 50
Contribution Hash: 52d52872 1e562a6d abf484dd 5ecaadca
6c83d0ab 9045e12d ba4e3fcd 41e9b4d7
5c731ca9 5b25938a c01c7713 c26361b3
7de56eab 2c052c4f eb87511f 90bdb218
Circuit # 5 (rln-19)
Contributor # 49
Contribution Hash: 3b781f13 526737a9 0031035b d75d8d60
b7782661 2a4a25bb 49aa92b4 5e80e556
b5836080 5dc4693e 32084ab6 bf337d7f
49949af4 5093d630 eb46202b 15e0215e
Circuit # 6 (rln-20)
Contributor # 49
Contribution Hash: 4cbfb73d 1f27cf61 20c68e9a 4d88613b
4a0c14a9 528865cd af9da16b 4281f5c9
f87ed400 ec3892c3 44166011 49f3cdab
aec74176 3308546d fad3a900 d15746a0
Circuit # 7 (rln-21)
Contributor # 49
Contribution Hash: 5a9442ef 53a17527 01ea1b6b 7e2ea7c0
2e6f9a8f 4a64b509 5c6a28b5 8460da8f
b0d0c4ea 17940e70 27a2ed38 469a13f0
f6b9d72e 6bf49f1c 85125bbd e5e7c638
Circuit # 8 (rln-22)
Contributor # 48
Contribution Hash: 9c720937 dc3218f9 b240c6a2 29d21b78
b2c38474 de59b1f6 42b99d92 4c06411e
5f4e77bc f3a6d707 83b640e3 eb4ec122
766b0877 b4e30a99 9108a85f 7b14da8b
Circuit # 9 (rln-23)
Contributor # 47
Contribution Hash: 651abece 0e82b704 53705d47 35313c49
9809734b 31eebf46 59b20272 6d80d8d4
c009529d eff22a24 4779ba9a 716db7b0
ec656c64 a3cd87e7 f3e38c90 d1e94f07
Circuit # 10 (rln-24)
Contributor # 47
Contribution Hash: 10131e75 a983d607 f7012a03 2831973f
e15ae17d 69a80b38 2a10df67 c0b72184
4ca2f12a 5f05ffc2 0735af22 f080ccce
5e03c0d1 4cde7a0b 74037830 8c4e02ca
Circuit # 11 (rln-25)
Contributor # 47
Contribution Hash: bb50cad0 49956ec2 768e4961 ebae3512
d74487c1 9ec803c8 8fefc68c a8345c40
77c395c9 c9012ecc 6155583b 38d0a051
d912c3e4 25742100 cf8ffd09 38188379
Circuit # 12 (rln-26)
Contributor # 47
Contribution Hash: 6a157882 e638ed1e 906897b0 3b779de3
036f7925 0672e529 765703c4 11aa8c18
8a4622c5 98af9be6 2b3fd19e 6472f88a
5d856183 56e27ce1 36ca5094 ed7d314b
Circuit # 13 (rln-27)
Contributor # 47
Contribution Hash: 7fac14b8 edbbe878 f2f64c36 0626419a
3678797d a17904ef 38adf91d 81efc448
9781ec71 d0bc6e6d 159c1314 00045c5e
7450917b f1c1145a e76f39da 25552ee4
Circuit # 14 (rln-28)
Contributor # 47
Contribution Hash: 9a1a7c59 82a9a32d 85dd2734 b698da8f
dca66289 ea90d5d5 98cf1ff8 a0a57f62
f7c83f78 a8c1fb69 6e0e71a4 3f550c3c
09880c91 14685117 5d3d3f59 9bbc876a
Circuit # 15 (rln-29)
Contributor # 46
Contribution Hash: 21763bec bb3e1b75 4879a0dc 3e82b408
105f69f1 f610be5c 933a63db ae792efb
d1fe9695 15bcfedd 682ae1ae 939dbbf1
f1c9065f b2078652 109efa0c a8234261
Circuit # 16 (rln-30)
Contributor # 46
Contribution Hash: 2516f268 793764dd 3a7dfaa4 7fa28027
42c23076 4638d50f 04be16f2 ae7dbbd1
36627353 cd7d4bc7 6aa14684 f9fdbcb9
f27d6f8c 2fcfae2b 39683819 6e452a67
Circuit # 17 (rln-31)
Contributor # 46
Contribution Hash: 41ace3c5 8b12e768 cf311110 224d8b50
fcf714ba d2f88e5f 71036d50 d222d0ea
63bcb990 dafb3adf bc0dfbfc d32f6570
b15f42c5 c962f75f fa271842 c138996f
Circuit # 18 (rln-32)
Contributor # 46
Contribution Hash: 117d9ea4 303c907e d3212856 de2abaae
e9a3dbba 7bef1de7 79368746 33255d08
5bc0f9db aa206ea2 774adce1 2ef323b4
3fd651fa 6e598f93 db0ff4f1 378f1e1c
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