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Last active May 1, 2023 17:42
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Checks that the constraint function of a periodic design region is the same whether or not a test feature crosses its edge and wraps around back into the design region.
Checks that the constraint function of a periodic design region
produces the same value whether or not a test feature crosses its
edge and wraps around back into the design region.
from typing import Tuple
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import meep.adjoint as mpa
import numpy as np
# properties of design region
res = 100
sx, sy = 3.0, 3.0
Nx, Ny = int(sx*res), int(sy*res)
def constraint_solid_void(min_length_scale: float,
d: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Evaluates the constraint function for the solid and void regions of the
design weights.
min_length_scale: the minimum length scale (line width and spacing) of
the design region to check for a violation.
d: weights of the design region as a 2d array.
Constraint function for solid and void regions of the design weights.
beta = 32 # projection bias
eta_i = 0.5 # blueprint design field thresholding point in [0, 1]
eta_e = 0.75 # erosion design field thresholding point in [0, 1]
eta_d = 1 - eta_e # dilation design field thresholding point in [0, 1]
filter_radius = mpa.get_conic_radius_from_eta_e(min_length_scale, eta_e)
# filter radius should be equivalent to minimum length scale
assert filter_radius == min_length_scale
threshold_f = lambda a: mpa.tanh_projection(a, beta, eta_i)
filter_f = lambda a: mpa.conic_filter(
a.reshape(Nx, Ny),
(0, 1)
prefac = 1e7 # hyperparameter 1
pwr = 4.0 # hyperparameter 2
c0 = prefac * (filter_radius * 1 / res) ** pwr
M1 = lambda a: mpa.constraint_solid(a, c0, eta_e, filter_f, threshold_f, 1, (0, 1))
M2 = lambda a: mpa.constraint_void(a, c0, eta_d, filter_f, threshold_f, 1, (0, 1))
return M1(d), M2(1-d)
def plot_design_weights(d: np.ndarray, fname: str):
"""Saves a plot of the design weights.
d: the design weights.
fname: filename of the PNG image for saving.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
extent = [x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]]
ax[0].imshow(d, extent=extent, cmap='binary')
ax[1].imshow(1-d, extent=extent, cmap='binary')
fig.savefig(fname + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# grid coordinates of design region
x = np.linspace(-0.5*sx, 0.5*sx, Nx)
y = np.linspace(-0.5*sy, 0.5*sy, Ny)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# Case 1: circle does not cross the edge of the design region
diam = 1.0
cx, cy = 0.0, 0.0
d = np.where(
np.abs(xv-cx)**2 + np.abs(yv-cy)**2 < (0.5*diam)**2,
# test 1: feasible constraint
constraint_solid, constraint_void = constraint_solid_void(diam + 0.5, d)
print(f"test1-solid:, {constraint_solid:.6g} (should be < ~0)")
print(f"test1-void:, {constraint_void:.6g} (should be < ~0)")
# test 2: infeasible constraint
constraint_solid, constraint_void = constraint_solid_void(diam - 0.5, d)
print(f"test2-solid:, {constraint_solid:.6g} (should be > 0)")
print(f"test2-void:, {constraint_void:.6g} (should be > 0)")
plot_design_weights(d, 'Case1_circle_periodic')
# Case 2: circle crosses the edge of the design region
cxs = (0.5*sx, -0.5*sx)
cys = (0.5*sy, -0.5*sy)
d = np.zeros((Nx, Ny))
for cx in cxs:
for cy in cys:
d += np.where(
np.abs(xv-cx)**2 + np.abs(yv-cy)**2 < (0.5*diam)**2,
# test 1: feasible constraint
constraint_solid, constraint_void = constraint_solid_void(diam + 0.5, d)
print(f"test1-solid:, {constraint_solid:.6g} (should be < ~0)")
print(f"test1-void:, {constraint_void:.6g} (should be < ~0)")
# test 2: infeasible constraint
constraint_solid, constraint_void = constraint_solid_void(diam - 0.5, d)
print(f"test2-solid:, {constraint_solid:.6g} (should be > 0)")
print(f"test2-void:, {constraint_void:.6g} (should be > 0)")
plot_design_weights(d, 'Case2_circle_periodic')
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