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Last active November 25, 2021 03:57
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Meep Benchmarking Simulation of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)
import meep as mp
from meep.materials import Al as ALU
import numpy as np
lambda_min = 0.4 # minimum source wavelength
lambda_max = 0.8 # maximum source wavelength
fmin = 1/lambda_max # minimum source frequency
fmax = 1/lambda_min # maximum source frequency
fcen = 0.5*(fmin+fmax) # source frequency center
df = fmax-fmin # source frequency width
resolution = 55
nfreq = 25
tABS = 0.5
tPML = 0.5
tGLS = 0.5
tITO = 0.5
tORG = 0.5
tALU = 0.2
L = 1.0 # length of OLED
# length of computational cell along Z
# length of non-absorbing region of computational cell in X and Y
sxy = L+2*tABS
cell_size = mp.Vector3(sxy,sxy,sz)
boundary_layers = [mp.Absorber(tABS,direction=mp.X),
ORG = mp.Medium(index=1.75)
geometry = [mp.Block(material=mp.Medium(index=1.5),
sources = [mp.Source(mp.ContinuousSource(fcen),
sim = mp.Simulation(resolution=resolution,
# surround source with a six-sided box of flux planes
srcbox_width = 0.05
srcbox_top = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(center=mp.Vector3(z=0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS), size=mp.Vector3(srcbox_width,srcbox_width,0), direction=mp.Z, weight=+1))
srcbox_bot = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(center=mp.Vector3(z=0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-tITO-0.8*tORG), size=mp.Vector3(srcbox_width,srcbox_width,0), direction=mp.Z, weight=-1))
srcbox_xp = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(center=mp.Vector3(0.5*srcbox_width,0,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+0.8*tORG)), size=mp.Vector3(0,srcbox_width,tITO+0.8*tORG), direction=mp.X, weight=+1))
srcbox_xm = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(center=mp.Vector3(-0.5*srcbox_width,0,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+0.8*tORG)), size=mp.Vector3(0,srcbox_width,tITO+0.8*tORG), direction=mp.X, weight=-1))
srcbox_yp = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(center=mp.Vector3(0,0.5*srcbox_width,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+0.8*tORG)), size=mp.Vector3(srcbox_width,0,tITO+0.8*tORG), direction=mp.Y, weight=+1))
srcbox_ym = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(center=mp.Vector3(0,-0.5*srcbox_width,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+0.8*tORG)), size=mp.Vector3(srcbox_width,0,tITO+0.8*tORG), direction=mp.Y, weight=-1))
# padding for flux box to fully capture waveguide mode
fluxbox_dpad = 0.05
glass_flux = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(center=mp.Vector3(z=0.5*sz-tPML-(tGLS-fluxbox_dpad)), size = mp.Vector3(L,L,0), direction=mp.Z, weight=+1))
wvgbox_xp = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(size=mp.Vector3(0,L,fluxbox_dpad+tITO+tORG+fluxbox_dpad),direction=mp.X, center=mp.Vector3(0.5*L,0,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+tORG)), weight=+1))
wvgbox_xm = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(size=mp.Vector3(0,L,fluxbox_dpad+tITO+tORG+fluxbox_dpad),direction=mp.X, center=mp.Vector3(-0.5*L,0,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+tORG)), weight=-1))
wvgbox_yp = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(size=mp.Vector3(L,0,fluxbox_dpad+tITO+tORG+fluxbox_dpad),direction=mp.Y, center=mp.Vector3(0,0.5*L,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+tORG)), weight=+1))
wvgbox_ym = sim.add_flux(fcen, df, nfreq, mp.FluxRegion(size=mp.Vector3(L,0,fluxbox_dpad+tITO+tORG+fluxbox_dpad),direction=mp.Y, center=mp.Vector3(0,-0.5*L,0.5*sz-tPML-tGLS-0.5*(tITO+tORG)), weight=-1))
for _ in range(5):
print("field:, {}".format(np.real(sim.get_field_point(mp.Ez, mp.Vector3(0.1235,-0.3165,0.7298)))))
flux_srcbox_top = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(srcbox_top))
flux_srcbox_bot = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(srcbox_bot))
flux_srcbox_xp = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(srcbox_xp))
flux_srcbox_xm = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(srcbox_xm))
flux_srcbox_yp = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(srcbox_yp))
flux_srcbox_ym = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(srcbox_ym))
flux_wvgbox_xp = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(wvgbox_xp))
flux_wvgbox_xm = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(wvgbox_xm))
flux_wvgbox_yp = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(wvgbox_yp))
flux_wvgbox_ym = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(wvgbox_ym))
flux_glass = np.asarray(mp.get_fluxes(glass_flux))
flux_total = flux_srcbox_top+flux_srcbox_bot+flux_srcbox_xp+flux_srcbox_xm+flux_srcbox_yp+flux_srcbox_ym
flux_waveguide = flux_wvgbox_xp+flux_wvgbox_xm+flux_wvgbox_yp+flux_wvgbox_ym
print("flux_glass:, {}".format(flux_glass))
print("flux_waveguide:, {}".format(flux_waveguide))
print("flux_total:, {}".format(flux_total))
print("sum(flux_glass):, {}".format(np.sum(flux_glass)))
print("sum(flux_waveguide):, {}".format(np.sum(flux_waveguide)))
print("sum(flux_total):, {}".format(np.sum(flux_total)))
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oskooi commented Jul 15, 2021

  1. output for single precision:
Meep progress: 0.5636363636363636/2.0 = 28.2% done in 4.1s, 10.3s to go
on time step 62 (time=0.563636), 0.065456 s/step
Meep progress: 1.0999999999999999/2.0 = 55.0% done in 8.1s, 6.6s to go
on time step 121 (time=1.1), 0.0687096 s/step
Meep progress: 1.509090909090909/2.0 = 75.5% done in 12.1s, 3.9s to go
on time step 166 (time=1.50909), 0.0894278 s/step
Meep progress: 1.9636363636363636/2.0 = 98.2% done in 16.2s, 0.3s to go
on time step 216 (time=1.96364), 0.0808322 s/step
run 0 finished at t = 2.0 (220 timesteps)
outputting timing statistics to file "oled_timings.csv"...
field:, -0.0004297305867521808
flux_glass:, [0.00061794 0.00074978 0.00089503 0.00105169 0.00121712 0.00138814
 0.00156106 0.00173184 0.00189619 0.00204977 0.00218828 0.00230771
 0.00240445 0.00247545 0.00251837 0.00253167 0.00251468 0.00246767
 0.0023918  0.00228913 0.00216252 0.00201552 0.00185224 0.00167719
flux_waveguide:, [0.06104264 0.07971065 0.10236324 0.12893493 0.15910964 0.19230373
 0.22766815 0.26411161 0.30034509 0.33494572 0.36643675 0.39337797
 0.41446002 0.42859536 0.43499809 0.43324595 0.42331851 0.40560801
 0.38090098 0.35033154 0.31530968 0.27743003 0.2383681  0.19977253
flux_total:, [ 1.64351400e-01  1.15919355e-01  4.47967703e-02 -9.80502751e-03
  1.02664718e-03  1.21286733e-01  3.74726858e-01  7.53763754e-01
  1.21653048e+00  1.69364283e+00  2.10327725e+00  2.37054996e+00
  2.44580243e+00  2.31662705e+00  2.01031945e+00  1.58628439e+00
  1.12078644e+00  6.88530293e-01  3.46237066e-01  1.22417859e-01
  1.54794759e-02 -2.83034656e-04  3.65414716e-02  8.70968019e-02
sum(flux_glass):, 0.04645034780810235
sum(flux_waveguide):, 7.075850530119095
sum(flux_total):, 19.848410877445428

Elapsed run time = 21.4690 s

time spent on DFT field updates: 0.0122615 s.

  1. output for double precision
Meep progress: 0.00909090909090909/2.0 = 0.5% done in 4.2s, 918.8s to go
on time step 1 (time=0.00909091), 4.19565 s/step
Meep progress: 0.16363636363636364/2.0 = 8.2% done in 8.3s, 92.7s to go
on time step 18 (time=0.163636), 0.238992 s/step
Meep progress: 0.3181818181818182/2.0 = 15.9% done in 12.3s, 65.1s to go
on time step 35 (time=0.318182), 0.238976 s/step
Meep progress: 0.4727272727272727/2.0 = 23.6% done in 16.4s, 52.9s to go
on time step 52 (time=0.472727), 0.238944 s/step
Meep progress: 0.6272727272727272/2.0 = 31.4% done in 20.4s, 44.7s to go
on time step 69 (time=0.627273), 0.238902 s/step
Meep progress: 0.7818181818181817/2.0 = 39.1% done in 24.5s, 38.2s to go
on time step 86 (time=0.781818), 0.238988 s/step
Meep progress: 0.9363636363636363/2.0 = 46.8% done in 28.6s, 32.5s to go
on time step 103 (time=0.936364), 0.239043 s/step
Meep progress: 1.0909090909090908/2.0 = 54.5% done in 32.6s, 27.2s to go
on time step 120 (time=1.09091), 0.238979 s/step
Meep progress: 1.2454545454545454/2.0 = 62.3% done in 36.7s, 22.2s to go
on time step 137 (time=1.24545), 0.239009 s/step
Meep progress: 1.4/2.0 = 70.0% done in 40.8s, 17.5s to go
on time step 154 (time=1.4), 0.239419 s/step
Meep progress: 1.5545454545454545/2.0 = 77.7% done in 44.8s, 12.8s to go
on time step 171 (time=1.55455), 0.238686 s/step
Meep progress: 1.709090909090909/2.0 = 85.5% done in 48.9s, 8.3s to go
on time step 188 (time=1.70909), 0.239289 s/step
Meep progress: 1.8636363636363635/2.0 = 93.2% done in 53.0s, 3.9s to go
on time step 205 (time=1.86364), 0.238977 s/step
run 0 finished at t = 2.0 (220 timesteps)
on time step 222 (time=2.01818), 0.238997 s/step
outputting timing statistics to file "oled_timings.csv"...
field:, -0.0004297287042276192
flux_glass:, [0.00061794 0.00074978 0.00089503 0.00105169 0.00121712 0.00138814
 0.00156106 0.00173184 0.00189619 0.00204977 0.00218828 0.00230771
 0.00240445 0.00247545 0.00251837 0.00253167 0.00251468 0.00246767
 0.0023918  0.00228913 0.00216252 0.00201552 0.00185224 0.00167719
flux_waveguide:, [0.06104266 0.07971066 0.10236325 0.12893494 0.15910965 0.19230375
 0.22766817 0.26411163 0.3003451  0.33494573 0.36643677 0.39337799
 0.41446004 0.42859538 0.43499812 0.43324598 0.42331853 0.40560803
 0.380901   0.35033155 0.31530969 0.27743004 0.23836811 0.19977254
flux_total:, [ 1.64351336e-01  1.15919382e-01  4.47967381e-02 -9.80505957e-03
  1.02668322e-03  1.21286425e-01  3.74726696e-01  7.53763535e-01
  1.21653043e+00  1.69364312e+00  2.10327682e+00  2.37054976e+00
  2.44580313e+00  2.31662698e+00  2.01031930e+00  1.58628532e+00
  1.12078662e+00  6.88530166e-01  3.46237056e-01  1.22418044e-01
  1.54796577e-02 -2.83059463e-04  3.65414613e-02  8.70967538e-02
sum(flux_glass):, 0.046450346802942084
sum(flux_waveguide):, 7.07585093320708
sum(flux_total):, 19.84841146085479

Elapsed run time = 66.2785 s

time spent on DFT field updates: 0.151868 s.

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