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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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import Numeric
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
data State = Accept | S1 | S2 deriving (Show)
data Alphabet = Zero | One deriving (Show)
newtype Transition = Transition { runTransition :: State -> State }
transition :: Alphabet -> Transition
transition Zero = Transition $ \q -> case q of
Accept -> Accept
S1 -> S2
S2 -> S1
transition One = Transition $ \q -> case q of
Accept -> S1
S1 -> Accept
S2 -> S2
transitionHat :: State -> [Alphabet] -> State
transitionHat q [] = q
transitionHat q (a:w) = runTransition (transition a) $ transitionHat q w
transitionHat' :: State -> [Alphabet] -> State
transitionHat' q w = runTransition (mconcat (map transition w)) q
isMultipleOfThree :: [Alphabet] -> Bool
isMultipleOfThree w = case transitionHat Accept w of
Accept -> True
S1 -> False
S2 -> False
toBin :: Show a => Integral a => a -> String
toBin n = showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit n ""
fromBin :: String -> Int
fromBin = fst . head . readInt 2 (`elem` "01") digitToInt
toAlphabet :: Char -> Alphabet
toAlphabet '0' = Zero
toAlphabet '1' = One
toInput :: Show a => Integral a => a -> [Alphabet]
toInput = map toAlphabet . toBin
instance Monoid Transition where
mempty = Transition id -- can we do this???
(Transition t1) `mappend` (Transition t2) = Transition $ t1 . t2
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
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