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Created September 30, 2022 17:38
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Extract private key and cert from pfx file using openssl and create Kubernetes TLS secret
# extract cert from pfx file (pkcs#12 format - includes root chain with "End Entity First" chain order and private key)
# will need cert password
openssl pkcs12 -in <CERT_FILE>.pfx -nodes -nokeys -nomac -out domain.crt
# extract encrypted private key
openssl pkcs12 -in <CERT_FILE>.pfx -nocerts -out domain.enc.key
# get unencrypted private key
openssl rsa -in domain.enc.key -outform PEM -out domain.key
# view the cert details
openssl x509 -text -noout -in domain.crt
# create kubernetes TLS secret yaml
kubectl create secret tls <SECRET_NAME> \
--key=domain.key \
--cert=domain.crt \
--output=yaml \
--dry-run=client > tls-cert-secret.yaml
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