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Created August 5, 2014 16:15
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Propositional Logic
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.HashMap as HM
import Control.Monad
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Propositional calculus
data Formula = T
| F
| Symbol String
| Not Formula
| And Formula Formula
| Or Formula Formula
| Imp Formula Formula
| Iff Formula Formula
deriving (Show,Eq)
type KnowledgeBase = [Formula]
data Error = SymbolUndefined String
deriving (Show)
type MaybeError a = Either Error a
type Model = HM.Map String Bool
reduceKB :: KnowledgeBase -> Model -> MaybeError Bool
reduceKB kb m = (liftM and) $ (mapM (flip reduce m) kb)
reduce :: Formula -> Model -> MaybeError Bool
reduce (T) _ = Right True
reduce (F) _ = Right False
reduce (Symbol s) m = maybe (Left err) (Right) (HM.lookup s m)
where err = SymbolUndefined s
reduce (Not s) m = liftM not $ reduce s m
reduce (And s0 s1) m = liftM2 (&&) (reduce s0 m) (reduce s1 m)
reduce (Or s0 s1) m = liftM2 (||) (reduce s0 m) (reduce s1 m)
reduce (Imp s0 s1) m = liftM2 tt (reduce s0 m) (reduce s1 m)
where tt False False = True
tt False True = True
tt True False = False
tt True True = True
reduce (Iff s0 s1) m = liftM2 tt (reduce s0 m) (reduce s1 m)
where tt False False = True
tt False True = False
tt True False = False
tt True True = True
-- Tests using standard equivalences
instance Arbitrary Formula where
arbitrary = liftM toAtom $ choose (True,False)
toAtom :: Bool -> Formula
toAtom (True ) = T
toAtom (False) = F
getRight :: Either a b -> b
getRight = either (\_ -> error "err") id
r = getRight . (flip reduce HM.empty)
(====) :: Formula -> Formula -> Bool
(====) s0 s1 = r s0 == r s1
infixl 1 ====
-- 1-ary equivalences
equivs1 :: [Formula -> Bool]
equivs1 = [-- Double-negation elimination
\a -> Not ( Not a) ==== a]
-- 2-ary equivalences
equivs2 :: [Formula -> Formula -> Bool]
equivs2 = [ -- Commutativity of AND
\a b -> a `And` b ==== b `And` a
-- Commutativity of OR
,\a b -> a `Or` b ==== b `Or` a
-- Contraposition
,\a b -> a `Imp` b ==== Not b `Imp` Not a
-- Implication elimination
,\a b -> a `Imp` b ==== Not a `Or` b
-- Biconditional elimination
,\a b -> a `Iff` b ==== ((a `Imp` b) `And` (b `Imp` a))
-- De Morgan
,\a b -> Not (a `And` b) ==== Not a `Or` Not b
-- De Morgan
,\a b -> Not (a `Or` b) ==== Not a `And` Not b]
-- 3-ary equivalences
equivs3 :: [Formula -> Formula -> Formula -> Bool]
equivs3 = [ -- Associativity of AND
\a b c -> ((a `And` b) `And` c) ==== (a `And` (b `And` c))
-- Associativity of OR
,\a b c -> ((a `Or` b) `Or` c) ==== (a `Or` (b `Or` c))
-- Distributivity of AND over OR
,\a b c -> (a `And` (b `Or` c)) ==== ((a `And` b) `Or` (a `And` c))
-- Distributivity of OR over AND
,\a b c -> (a `Or` (b `And` c)) ==== ((a `Or` b) `And` (a `Or` c))]
runTests :: IO ()
runTests = putStrLn "Running tests of 1-ary equivalences..."
>> mapM_ quickCheck equivs1
>> putStrLn ""
>> putStrLn "Running tests of 2-ary equivalences..."
>> mapM_ quickCheck equivs2
>> putStrLn ""
>> putStrLn "Running tests of 3-ary equivalences..."
>> mapM_ quickCheck equivs3
>> putStrLn ""
>> putStrLn "Done."
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