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Created December 13, 2014 17:12
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Запрос, чтобы узнать какие объекты базы в какой файловой группе находятся #SQL
SELECT o .[name], o. [type], i.[name] , i .[index_id], f. [name]
FROM sys .indexes i
INNER JOIN sys. filegroups f
ON i .data_space_id = f .data_space_id
INNER JOIN sys. all_objects o
ON i .[object_id] = o .[object_id]
WHERE i .data_space_id = f .data_space_id
AND o .type = 'U' -- User Created Tables
ORDER BY f. [name]
SELECT AS filegroupname
, df .name AS 'FileName'
, physical_name AS 'PhysicalName'
, size /128 AS 'TotalSizeinMB'
, size /128.0 - CAST( FILEPROPERTY(df .name, 'SpaceUsed') AS int)/128.0 AS 'AvailableSpaceInMB'
, CAST (FILEPROPERTY( , 'SpaceUsed' ) AS int)/ 128.0 AS 'ActualSpaceUsedInMB'
, ( CAST(FILEPROPERTY (df. name, 'SpaceUsed') AS int)/128.0 )/(size/ 128)*100. AS '%SpaceUsed'
FROM sys .database_files df LEFT OUTER JOIN sys .data_spaces ds
ON df .data_space_id = ds .data_space_id;
EXEC xp_fixeddrives
SELECT t .name AS TableName , AS IndexName,
p.rows AS Rows
FROM sys .filegroups fg ( nolock) JOIN sys .database_files df ( nolock)
ON fg .data_space_id = df .data_space_id JOIN sys .indexes i ( nolock)
ON df .data_space_id = i .data_space_id JOIN sys .TABLES t ( nolock)
ON i .object_id = t .object_id JOIN sys .partitions p ( nolock)
ON t .object_id = p .object_id AND i .index_id = p .index_id
WHERE fg .name = 'PRIMARY' AND t.type = 'U'
SELECT t .name AS TableName , AS IndexName,
p.rows AS Rows
FROM sys .filegroups fg ( nolock) JOIN sys .database_files df ( nolock)
ON fg .data_space_id = df .data_space_id JOIN sys .indexes i ( nolock)
ON df .data_space_id = i .data_space_id JOIN sys .TABLES t ( nolock)
ON i .object_id = t .object_id JOIN sys .partitions p ( nolock)
ON t .object_id = p .object_id AND i .index_id = p .index_id
WHERE fg .name = 'PRIMARY' AND t.type = 'U' AND i. index_id = 0
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