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Created March 26, 2014 09:19
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build with svn revision
var svnInfoOutput = '';
var svnInfo = require('child_process').exec(
'svn info',
function (err) {
var svnRevision;
if (err) {
// 如果没装svn命令行,获取不到版本号,就用时间戳了
svnRevision = +new Date();
+ 'SVN client not found, '
+ 'use timestamp as version number, '
+ 'this may cause MD5 diferrence when deploy'
+ '\033[0m'
else {
// 获取svn版本号
svnRevision = /Revision: (\d+)/.exec(svnInfoOutput)[1];
console.log('SVN is at revision ' + svnRevision);
console.log('Started building');
var startTime = new Date();
var args = ['build', '.', '--revision=' + svnRevision];
// Windows下必须用`cmd /c edp build . --revision=xxx`这么来,直接执行报错,
// 使用`process.env.comspec`可以判断是否为Windows平台了
if (process.env.comspec) {
// 把svn版本号传给edp build命令
var build = require('child_process').spawn(
process.env.comspec || 'edp',
{ stdio: 'inherit' }
function (err) {
console.log('Encountered error:', err);
function (err) {
console.log('done within ' + (new Date() - startTime) + 'ms');
svnInfo.stdout.on('data', function (data) { svnInfoOutput += data; });
// 获取命令行传过来的svn版本号
var args = {};
(function () {
for (var i = 4; i < process.argv.length; i++) {
var arg = process.argv[i];
var pair = arg.split('=');
var key = pair[0].substring(2);
var value = pair[1];
args[key] = value;
var svnRevision = args.revision || '';
// 重点就在2个PathMapper上,其它的Processor随便加
exports.getProcessors = function () {
return [
new PathMapper({
replacements: [
{ type: 'html', tag: 'link', attribute: 'href', extnames: pageEntries },
{ type: 'html', tag: 'img', attribute: 'src', extnames: pageEntries },
{ type: 'html', tag: 'script', attribute: 'src', extnames: pageEntries },
{ type: 'html', tag: 'a', attribute: 'href', extnames: pageEntries },
{ extnames: moduleEntries, replacer: 'module-config' },
{ extnames: 'css,less', replacer: 'css' }
from: 'src',
to: 'asset-' + svnRevision
new PathMapper({
replacements: [
{ type: 'html', tag: 'link', attribute: 'href', extnames: pageEntries },
{ type: 'html', tag: 'img', attribute: 'src', extnames: pageEntries },
{ type: 'html', tag: 'script', attribute: 'src', extnames: pageEntries },
{ type: 'html', tag: 'a', attribute: 'href', extnames: pageEntries },
{ extnames: moduleEntries, replacer: 'module-config' },
{ extnames: 'css,less', replacer: 'css' }
from: 'dep',
to: 'dep-' + svnRevision
new AddCopyright(),
new ReplaceDebug({
exclude: ['*.tpl.html']
* builder主模块注入processor构造器的方法
* @param {Object} processors
exports.injectProcessor = function (processors) {
for (var key in processors) {
global[key] = processors[key];
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