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otan/dms.log Secret

Created July 6, 2023 20:47
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2022-12-08 19:00:01 UTC:[8193]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:00:16 UTC:[8198]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:00:26 UTC:[8201]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:00:26 UTC:[8202]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:00:26 UTC:[8203]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:00:31 UTC:[8204]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:00:46 UTC:[8207]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:01:01 UTC:[8212]:FATAL: the database system is shutting down
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: starting PostgreSQL 13.7 on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 7.3.1 20180712 (Red Hat 7.3.1-6), 64-bit
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[365]:LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2022-12-08 18:54:26 UTC
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[365]:LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[365]:LOG: redo starts at 1CE/9C000468
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[365]:LOG: redo done at 1CE/9C000550
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[365]:LOG: checkpoint starting: end-of-recovery immediate
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[365]:LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 0 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=0.006 s, sync=0.001 s, total=0.017 s; sync files=0, longest=0.000 s, average=0.000 s; distance=65534 kB, estimate=65534 kB
2022-12-08 19:01:10 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2022-12-08 19:01:19 UTC:[391]:LOG: starting logical decoding for slot "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc"
2022-12-08 19:01:19 UTC:[391]:DETAIL: Streaming transactions committing after 1CE/6801FAE0, reading WAL from 1CE/6801F670.
2022-12-08 19:01:19 UTC:[391]:STATEMENT: START_REPLICATION SLOT "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" LOGICAL 000001CE/6801F670 ("include-timestamp" 'on')
2022-12-08 19:01:19 UTC:[391]:LOG: logical decoding found consistent point at 1CE/6801F670
2022-12-08 19:01:19 UTC:[391]:DETAIL: There are no running transactions.
2022-12-08 19:01:19 UTC:[391]:STATEMENT: START_REPLICATION SLOT "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" LOGICAL 000001CE/6801F670 ("include-timestamp" 'on')
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[363]:LOG: parameter "log_statement" changed to "all"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[370]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC:[391]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC:[391]:STATEMENT: START_REPLICATION SLOT "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" LOGICAL 000001CE/6801F670 ("include-timestamp" 'on')
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[364]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[372]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[367]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[369]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[371]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:01:51 UTC::@:[368]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:02:30 UTC:[unknown]@[unknown]:[501]:LOG: could not accept SSL connection: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
2022-12-08 19:02:32 UTC:[502]:LOG: statement: select 1;
2022-12-08 19:03:46 UTC:[387]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:03:46 UTC:[388]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:03:51 UTC:[390]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:03:51 UTC:[389]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:03:52 UTC:[386]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:03:52 UTC:[385]:LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/rdsdbdata/config/recovery.conf"
2022-12-08 19:04:04 UTC:[502]:LOG: statement: select 1;
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[667]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[667]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[667]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10"
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10"
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10"
2022-12-08 19:04:33 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ee00f1c10";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:34 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 600000
2022-12-08 19:04:34 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ee0196860" cursor with hold for
t.schemaname as ownerName,
t.tablename as tableName,
/*c.oid*/ cast(c.oid as bigint) as objectId,
(select n_live_tup from pg_stat_user_tables s where s.schemaname=t.schemaname and s.relname=t.tablename) as row_count,
1 as tableType
from pg_tables t, pg_class c, pg_namespace n
/*where clause number 1 (table where clause)*/
where t.tablename=c.relname
and n.oid = c.relnamespace
and t.schemaname = n.nspname
and t.schemaname <> 'information_schema'
and t.tablename <> 'awsdms_ddl_audit'
and t.tablename <> 'awsdms_heartbeat'
(( (1=0) ) -- Explicit Inclusion
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'good\_table'
) -- Patterned Inclusion
and not
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_changes%'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_apply%'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_truncation%'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_audit\_table'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_status'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_suspended\_tables'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_history'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_validation\_failure'
t.schemaname LIKE '%' and t.schemaname not like 'pg\_%' and t.tablename LIKE 'awsdms\_cdc\_%awsdms\_full\_load\_exceptions%'
) -- Patterned exclusion
v.schemaname as ownerName,
v.viewname as tableName,
/*c.oid*/ cast(c.oid as bigint) as objectId,
0 as row_count,/**/
2 as tableType
from pg_views v, pg_class c, pg_namespace n
/*where clause number 2 (view where clause)*/
where v.viewname = c.relname
and n.oid = c.relnamespace
and v.schemaname = n.nspname
and v.schemaname <> 'information_schema'
and v.viewname <> 'awsdms_ddl_audit'
and v.viewname <> 'awsdms_heartbeat'
(( (1=0) ) -- Explicit Inclusion
( (1=0) ) -- Patterned Inclusion
and not
( (1=0) ) -- Patterned exclusion
order by 1,2
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ee0196860"
2022-12-08 19:04:34 UTC:[666]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ee0196860";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[669]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[669]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[669]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[668]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ec81ead10";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00b5350" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00b5350"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00b5350";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00b5350" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00b5350"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00b5350";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[670]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for select cast(oid as integer) from pg_database where datname='replicationload';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
select case when exists
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
else 'null' end
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for select cast(oid as integer) from pg_database where datname='replicationload';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
SELECT cast(name as varchar(1000)),cast(setting as varchar(1000)) FROM pg_settings
WHERE name in ('wal_level','max_wal_senders','max_replication_slots','wal_sender_timeout')
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: SHOW DATESTYLE
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for select count(*) from pg_namespace where nspname='public';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for select count(*) from pg_tables t where t.schemaname = 'public' and t.tablename='awsdms_ddl_audit';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for select count(*) from pg_proc p,pg_namespace n where p.pronamespace = n.oid and n.nspname='public' and p.proname='awsdms_intercept_ddl';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for select count(*) from pg_event_trigger where evtname='awsdms_intercept_ddl' /* Not qulified by 'public'*/;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
select case when exists
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
else 'null' end
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 0
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid, t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules, c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd' then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, 0, attidentity, c.relhassubclass from (((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace and c.oid = 12273) inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on t.oid = a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and d.adrelid = a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname, c.relname, attnum
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
SELECT active FROM pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload'
and plugin ='test_decoding'
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
select case when exists
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
else 'null' end
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc');fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
select case when exists
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
(select plugin from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload')
else 'null' end
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 600000
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for SELECT lsn FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc', 'test_decoding');fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: logical decoding found consistent point at 1CE/A0000568
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:DETAIL: There are no running transactions.
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:STATEMENT: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for SELECT lsn FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc', 'test_decoding');fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for select cast (clock_timestamp() as varchar(40));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
select cast(tn.is_dst as varchar(8))
from pg_timezone_names tn, pg_settings s
where = s.setting
and = 'log_timezone'
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0" cursor with hold for
select restart_lsn from pg_replication_slots
where slot_name='kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc'
and database ='replicationload'
and plugin ='test_decoding'
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[671]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ed00bada0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:LOG: starting logical decoding for slot "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc"
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:DETAIL: Streaming transactions committing after 1CE/A00005A0, reading WAL from 1CE/A0000568.
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:STATEMENT: START_REPLICATION SLOT "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" LOGICAL 000001CE/A0000568 ("include-timestamp" 'on')
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:LOG: logical decoding found consistent point at 1CE/A0000568
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:DETAIL: There are no running transactions.
2022-12-08 19:04:35 UTC:[672]:STATEMENT: START_REPLICATION SLOT "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" LOGICAL 000001CE/A0000568 ("include-timestamp" 'on')
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[674]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[674]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[674]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70"
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70"
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70"
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[673]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ec01dad70";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[676]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[676]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[676]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090"
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090"
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090"
2022-12-08 19:04:36 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80e4090";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 0
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid, t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules, c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd' then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, 0, attidentity, c.relhassubclass from (((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace and c.relname like 'good\_table' and n.nspname like 'public') inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on t.oid = a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and d.adrelid = a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname, c.relname, attnum
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0" cursor with hold for
select cast(c.oid as bigint)
from pg_class c,pg_namespace n
where n.oid = c.relnamespace
and c.relkind='r' -- ordinary table
and n.nspname='public'
and c.relname='good_table'
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 0
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid, t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules, c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd' then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, 0, attidentity, c.relhassubclass from (((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace and c.oid = 14091) inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on t.oid = a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and d.adrelid = a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname, c.relname, attnum
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0" cursor with hold for select
from information_schema.columns i
where i.table_schema = 'public'
and i.table_name = 'good_table'
and i.column_name = 'a'
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0" cursor with hold for select
from information_schema.columns i
where i.table_schema = 'public'
and i.table_name = 'good_table'
and i.column_name = 'b'
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80f1bc0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 0
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid, t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules, c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd' then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, 0, attidentity, c.relhassubclass from (((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace and c.relname = 'good_table' and n.nspname = 'public') inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on t.oid = a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and d.adrelid = a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname, c.relname, attnum
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select c.relname, i.indkey, i.indisunique, i.indisclustered, a.amname, c.relhasrules, n.nspname, c.oid, 0, i.indoption from pg_catalog.pg_index i, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_class d, pg_catalog.pg_am a, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n where d.relname = 'good_table' and n.nspname = 'public' and n.oid = d.relnamespace and d.oid = i.indrelid and i.indexrelid = c.oid and c.relam = a.oid order by i.indisprimary desc, i.indisunique, n.nspname, c.relname
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select ta.attname, ia.attnum, ic.relname, n.nspname, tc.relname from pg_catalog.pg_attribute ta, pg_catalog.pg_attribute ia, pg_catalog.pg_class tc, pg_catalog.pg_index i, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class ic where tc.relname = 'good_table' AND n.nspname = 'public' AND tc.oid = i.indrelid AND n.oid = tc.relnamespace AND i.indisprimary = 't' AND ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid AND ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1] AND (NOT ta.attisdropped) AND (NOT ia.attisdropped) AND ic.oid = i.indexrelid order by ia.attnum
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid, t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules, c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd' then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, 0, attidentity, c.relhassubclass from (((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace and c.relname = 'good_table' and n.nspname = 'public') inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on t.oid = a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and d.adrelid = a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname, c.relname, attnum
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: select c.relname, i.indkey, i.indisunique, i.indisclustered, a.amname, c.relhasrules, n.nspname, c.oid, 0, i.indoption from pg_catalog.pg_index i, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_class d, pg_catalog.pg_am a, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n where d.relname = 'good_table' and n.nspname = 'public' and n.oid = d.relnamespace and d.oid = i.indrelid and i.indexrelid = c.oid and c.relam = a.oid order by i.indisprimary desc, i.indisunique, n.nspname, c.relname
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0" cursor with hold for
select cast(relreplident as char(1)), coalesce(i.indisprimary, false) as relhaspkey
from pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
LEFT JOIN pg_index i ON (indrelid = c.oid AND indisprimary)
where c.relkind='r' -- ordinary table
and n.nspname='public'
and c.relname='good_table'
;fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[675]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[676]:LOG: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid, t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules, c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd' then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, 0, attidentity, c.relhassubclass from (((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace and c.oid = 18848) inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on t.oid = a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and d.adrelid = a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname, c.relname, attnum
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[676]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 900000
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[676]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0" cursor with hold for SELECT "a","b" FROM "public"."good_table";fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[676]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb80ff1a0";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[679]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[679]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[679]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090"
2022-12-08 19:04:37 UTC:[677]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146ebc0e4090";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[681]:LOG: statement: SET DateStyle = 'ISO';SET extra_float_digits = 2;show transaction_isolation
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[681]:LOG: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname = 'lo'
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[681]:LOG: statement: show max_identifier_length
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: SET statement_timeout = 60000
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40" cursor with hold for select CAST (version() as varchar(512));fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40"
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40" cursor with hold for select cast(setting as integer) from pg_settings where name = 'server_version_num';fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40"
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40";commit
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;declare "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40" cursor with hold for SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database();fetch 10000 in "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40"
2022-12-08 19:04:38 UTC:[680]:LOG: statement: close "SQL_CUR0x146eb01d4d40";commit
2022-12-08 19:06:03 UTC:[unknown]@[unknown]:[792]:LOG: could not accept SSL connection: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
2022-12-08 19:06:10 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint starting: time
2022-12-08 19:06:11 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 3 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 1 removed, 0 recycled; write=0.389 s, sync=0.003 s, total=0.422 s; sync files=3, longest=0.003 s, average=0.001 s; distance=1 kB, estimate=1 kB
2022-12-08 19:06:25 UTC:[793]:LOG: statement: insert into good_table values(66, 666);
2022-12-08 19:08:10 UTC:[unknown]@[unknown]:[1057]:LOG: could not accept SSL connection: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
2022-12-08 19:08:12 UTC:[1058]:LOG: statement: select * from pg_replication_slots;
2022-12-08 19:11:10 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint starting: time
2022-12-08 19:11:10 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 3 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=0.385 s, sync=0.003 s, total=0.399 s; sync files=3, longest=0.003 s, average=0.001 s; distance=65536 kB, estimate=65536 kB
2022-12-08 19:12:07 UTC:[unknown]@[unknown]:[1475]:LOG: could not accept SSL connection: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
2022-12-08 19:12:12 UTC:[1476]:LOG: statement: select cast(oid as integer) from pg_database where datname='replicationload';
2022-12-08 19:16:10 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint starting: time
2022-12-08 19:16:10 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 1 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=0.185 s, sync=0.003 s, total=0.200 s; sync files=1, longest=0.003 s, average=0.003 s; distance=65535 kB, estimate=65536 kB
2022-12-08 19:17:44 UTC:[unknown]@[unknown]:[2008]:LOG: could not accept SSL connection: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
2022-12-08 19:17:45 UTC:[2009]:LOG: statement: SELECT lsn FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc', 'test_decoding');
2022-12-08 19:17:45 UTC:[2009]:ERROR: replication slot "kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc" already exists
2022-12-08 19:17:45 UTC:[2009]:STATEMENT: SELECT lsn FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('kl3yh77fl5mhvcyz_00016402_6d5a24d1_0a92_4efc_80e7_9d0c0d409dbc', 'test_decoding');
2022-12-08 19:17:52 UTC:[2009]:LOG: statement: select * from pg_logical;
2022-12-08 19:17:52 UTC:[2009]:ERROR: relation "pg_logical" does not exist at character 15
2022-12-08 19:17:52 UTC:[2009]:STATEMENT: select * from pg_logical;
2022-12-08 19:17:58 UTC:[2009]:LOG: statement: select * from pg_replication_slot;
2022-12-08 19:17:58 UTC:[2009]:ERROR: relation "pg_replication_slot" does not exist at character 15
2022-12-08 19:17:58 UTC:[2009]:STATEMENT: select * from pg_replication_slot;
2022-12-08 19:18:03 UTC:[2009]:LOG: statement: select * from pg_replication_slots;
2022-12-08 19:21:11 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint starting: time
2022-12-08 19:21:11 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 1 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=0.186 s, sync=0.003 s, total=0.201 s; sync files=1, longest=0.003 s, average=0.003 s; distance=65536 kB, estimate=65536 kB
2022-12-08 19:22:22 UTC:[2009]:LOG: statement: select * from pg_proc where proname like 'pg_logical_%'
2022-12-08 19:22:28 UTC:[2009]:LOG: statement: select proname from pg_proc where proname like 'pg_logical_%'
2022-12-08 19:22:56 UTC:[unknown]@[unknown]:[2516]:LOG: could not accept SSL connection: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
2022-12-08 19:22:57 UTC:[2517]:LOG: statement: select * from pg_replication_slots;
2022-12-08 19:23:02 UTC:[2517]:LOG: statement: select * from pg_replication_slots;
2022-12-08 19:26:11 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint starting: time
2022-12-08 19:26:12 UTC::@:[366]:LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 6 buffers (0.0%); 0 WAL file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=0.687 s, sync=0.002 s, total=0.706 s; sync files=3, longest=0.002 s, average=0.001 s; distance=65556 kB, estimate=65556 kB
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