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Created April 28, 2012 12:54
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open System
type World<'a> = 'a [,]
let tryGet ar x y =
try Some <| Array2D.get ar x y
with e -> None
let countAlive = List.collect Option.toList >> List.filter ((=) true) >> List.length
let getNeighborCount board x y =
for x2 in [-1 .. 1] do
for y2 in [-1 .. 1] do
yield (tryGet board (x + x2) (y + y2))
] |> countAlive
let neighbors board = board |> Array2D.mapi (fun x y _ -> getNeighborCount board x y)
let zip ar = Array2D.mapi (fun x y cell -> (cell, Array2D.get ar x y))
let fix a = (fun _ -> a)
let action = function
| (3, false) -> (fix true)
| (n, true) when n >= 4 || n <= 1 -> (fix false)
| _ -> id
let life world =
let fworld = zip world (neighbors world) |> action
zip world fworld |> (fun (f, c) -> f c)
let initWorld i =
let r = new Random ()
Array2D.init i i (fun _ _ -> r.Next() % 2 = 1)
let pritty = (fun c -> if c then "●" else "○")
let update world =
printfn "===================================="
printf "%A" (world |> pritty)
Console.ReadLine () |> ignore
let lifeGame = Seq.unfold (fun prev -> Some (life prev, life prev))
let main args =
initWorld 10 |> lifeGame |> Seq.iter update
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