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Last active January 11, 2022 16:54
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Attempting to calculate string-length of an x-expression with minimal allocation
#lang racket/base
(require racket/contract/base
;; Function for calculating the length in characters of an x-expression if it
;; we converted to a string --- without actually converting it into a string
;; Discussion:
(contract-out [xexpr-string-length (-> xexpr? exact-nonnegative-integer?)]))
;; We need to convert symbols to strings to check their length, but we can
;; avoid most of the cost of doing so by using symbol->immutable-string.
(define (attrs-string-length lst)
(for/sum ([attr-pair (in-list lst)])
(define attr-str (symbol->immutable-string (car attr-pair)))
(+ 4 (string-length attr-str) (string-length (cadr attr-pair)))))
(define (xexpr-string-length x)
[(string? x) (string-length x)]
(define-values (tag attrs elems)
(match x
[(list tag) (values tag '() '())]
[(list tag (? list? attrs) children ...)
(values tag attrs children)]
[(list tag children ...)
(values tag '() children)]))
(define tag-len (string-length (symbol->immutable-string tag)))
(+ 3 ; </>
(if (null? elems) 0 (+ 2 tag-len))
(attrs-string-length attrs)
(apply + (map xexpr-string-length elems)))]))
;; Validation and benchmarking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define test-txs '( (br)
(hr [[class "x"]])
(div "Hello")
(div [[id "top"]] "Hello")
(div [[class "x"]] (br))
(div [[class "x"]] (hr [[class "pause"]]) "hello")
(p "Hello " (b [[class "excl"]] "world!") " " (em "wow.")) ))
(for ([test-tx (in-list test-txs)])
(check-equal? (xexpr-string-length test-tx)
(string-length (xexpr->string test-tx))))
(define naive-time
(let* ([start (current-inexact-milliseconds)]
[result (for/sum ([test-tx (in-list test-txs)])
(string-length (xexpr->string test-tx)))])
(- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start)))
(define hopefully-better
(let* ([start (current-inexact-milliseconds)]
[result (for/sum ([test-tx (in-list test-txs)])
(xexpr-string-length test-tx))])
(- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start)))
;; After all this, we verify that the clever method...
;; is actually faster (whew)
;; Naive nethod: 24.0 μs
;; Clever method: 5.0 μs
(displayln (format "Naive nethod: ~a μs" (ceiling (* naive-time 1000))))
(displayln (format "Clever method: ~a μs" (ceiling (* hopefully-better 1000)))))
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