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Created March 18, 2021 20:32
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IT Wallpaper Generator
#lang racket/base
(require br/macro
;; Make wallpaper for use on server desktops
(define mint-green (make-object color% 1 133 116))
(define sport-green (make-object color% 16 137 62))
(define std-blue (make-object color% 0 83 148))
(define metal-blue (make-object color% 81 92 107))
(define output-dir (current-directory))
(define font "IBM Plex Mono")
(define-values (width height) (values 1366 1024))
;; (make-it std-blue "Exchange" "") -- will output a .png file
(define (make-it bgcolor srv-str ip-str)
(define servername
(text srv-str
(cons (make-object color% "white")
(cons 'bold font))
(define info
(text ip-str
(cons (make-object color% "white")
(define servertext (vr-append servername info))
(define bg (filled-rectangle width height
#:color bgcolor
#:border-color bgcolor))
(define combined
(rb-superimpose bg
(lt-superimpose (filled-rectangle (+ (pict-width servertext) 100)
(+ (pict-height servertext) 100)
#:color bgcolor
#:border-color bgcolor)
(define img (pict->bitmap combined))
(define outfile (build-path output-dir (string-append srv-str ".png")))
(send img save-file (build-path output-dir (string-append srv-str ".png")) 'png)
(displayln (format "Saved to ~a" outfile))
(scale combined 0.25)) ; thumbnail for REPL output
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