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Created September 15, 2022 06:32
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// deno-fmt-ignore-file
// deno-lint-ignore-file
// This code was bundled using `deno bundle` and it's not recommended to edit it manually
var PlayerState;
(function(PlayerState) {
PlayerState[PlayerState["UNSTARTED"] = -1] = "UNSTARTED";
PlayerState[PlayerState["ENDED"] = 0] = "ENDED";
PlayerState[PlayerState["PLAYING"] = 1] = "PLAYING";
PlayerState[PlayerState["PAUSED"] = 2] = "PAUSED";
PlayerState[PlayerState["BUFFERING"] = 3] = "BUFFERING";
PlayerState[PlayerState["CUED"] = 5] = "CUED";
})(PlayerState || (PlayerState = {}));
class YouTubePlayerDelegate {
if (option?.stateUpdater) this.__notifier__ = option.stateUpdater;
if (option?.initialVideoID) this.__initialVideoID__ = option.initialVideoID;
this.__onPlayerReadyPromise__ = new Promise((resolve)=>{
this.__onPlayerReadyPromiseResolve___ = resolve;
onStateChange(ev) {
if (this.__notifier__) this.__notifier__(;
onError(ev) {
console.error("[ERROR] fresh-youtube:YouTubePlayerDelegate", ev);
onReady(ev) {
__onPlayerLoaded__(player) {
this.__player__ = player;
get ready() {
return this.__onPlayerReadyPromise__;
initialVideoID() {
if (this.__initialVideoID__) return this.__initialVideoID__;
return "";
play() {
stop() {
pause() {
load(videoId, startSeconds, suggestedQuality) {
console.log(this.__player__, this.__player__?.loadVideoById);
this.__player__.loadVideoById(videoId, startSeconds, suggestedQuality);
cue(videoId, startSeconds, suggestedQuality) {
this.__player__?.cueVideoById(videoId, startSeconds, suggestedQuality);
next() {
prev() {
get muted() {
return this.__player__.isMuted();
set muted(yes) {
yes ? this.__player__?.mute() : this.__player__?.unMute();
set volume(vol) {
get volume() {
return this.__player__.getVolume();
get currentTime() {
return this.__player__.getCurrentTime();
set currentTime(seconds) {
this.__player__?.seekTo(seconds, true);
get duration() {
return this.__player__.getDuration();
get state() {
return this.__player__.getPlayerState();
get progress() {
return Math.round(100 * this.currentTime / this.duration);
set progress(percentage) {
if (percentage < 0) percentage = 0;
if (percentage > 100) percentage = 100;
const sec = this.duration * (percentage / 100);
this.__player__?.seekTo(Math.round(sec), true);
__destroy__() {
export { PlayerState as PlayerState };
export { YouTubePlayerDelegate as YouTubePlayerDelegate };
var P, d, $, S, F, T = {}, V = [], Z = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i;
function k(t, e) {
for(var n in e)t[n] = e[n];
return t;
function j(t) {
var e = t.parentNode;
e && e.removeChild(t);
function ee(t, e, n) {
var r, l, o, s = {};
for(o in e)o == "key" ? r = e[o] : o == "ref" ? l = e[o] : s[o] = e[o];
if (arguments.length > 2 && (s.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : n), typeof t == "function" && t.defaultProps != null) for(o in t.defaultProps)s[o] === void 0 && (s[o] = t.defaultProps[o]);
return w(t, s, r, l, null);
function w(t, e, n, r, l) {
var o = {
type: t,
props: e,
key: n,
ref: r,
__k: null,
__: null,
__b: 0,
__e: null,
__d: void 0,
__c: null,
__h: null,
constructor: void 0,
__v: l ?? ++$
return l == null && d.vnode != null && d.vnode(o), o;
function L(t) {
return t.children;
function U(t, e) {
this.props = t, this.context = e;
function C(t, e) {
if (e == null) return t.__ ? C(t.__, t.__.__k.indexOf(t) + 1) : null;
for(var n; e < t.__k.length; e++)if ((n = t.__k[e]) != null && n.__e != null) return n.__e;
return typeof t.type == "function" ? C(t) : null;
function z(t) {
var e, n;
if ((t = t.__) != null && t.__c != null) {
for(t.__e = t.__c.base = null, e = 0; e < t.__k.length; e++)if ((n = t.__k[e]) != null && n.__e != null) {
t.__e = t.__c.base = n.__e;
return z(t);
function M(t) {
(!t.__d && (t.__d = !0) && S.push(t) && !D.__r++ || F !== d.debounceRendering) && ((F = d.debounceRendering) || setTimeout)(D);
function D() {
for(var t; D.__r = S.length;)t = S.sort(function(e, n) {
return e.__v.__b - n.__v.__b;
}), S = [], t.some(function(e) {
var n, r, l, o, s, f;
e.__d && (s = (o = (n = e).__v).__e, (f = n.__P) && (r = [], (l = k({}, o)).__v = o.__v + 1, W(f, o, l, n.__n, f.ownerSVGElement !== void 0, o.__h != null ? [
] : null, r, s ?? C(o), o.__h), K(r, o), o.__e != s && z(o)));
function G(t, e, n, r, l, o, s, f, p, a) {
var _, h, c, i, u, b, v, y = r && r.__k || V, g = y.length;
for(n.__k = [], _ = 0; _ < e.length; _++)if ((i = n.__k[_] = (i = e[_]) == null || typeof i == "boolean" ? null : typeof i == "string" || typeof i == "number" || typeof i == "bigint" ? w(null, i, null, null, i) : Array.isArray(i) ? w(L, {
children: i
}, null, null, null) : i.__b > 0 ? w(i.type, i.props, i.key, null, i.__v) : i) != null) {
if (i.__ = n, i.__b = n.__b + 1, (c = y[_]) === null || c && i.key == c.key && i.type === c.type) y[_] = void 0;
else for(h = 0; h < g; h++){
if ((c = y[h]) && i.key == c.key && i.type === c.type) {
y[h] = void 0;
c = null;
W(t, i, c = c || T, l, o, s, f, p, a), u = i.__e, (h = i.ref) && c.ref != h && (v || (v = []), c.ref && v.push(c.ref, null, i), v.push(h, i.__c || u, i)), u != null ? (b == null && (b = u), typeof i.type == "function" && i.__k === c.__k ? i.__d = p = q(i, p, t) : p = J(t, i, c, y, u, p), typeof n.type == "function" && (n.__d = p)) : p && c.__e == p && p.parentNode != t && (p = C(c));
for(n.__e = b, _ = g; _--;)y[_] != null && (typeof n.type == "function" && y[_].__e != null && y[_].__e == n.__d && (n.__d = C(r, _ + 1)), X(y[_], y[_]));
if (v) for(_ = 0; _ < v.length; _++)Q(v[_], v[++_], v[++_]);
function q(t, e, n) {
for(var r, l = t.__k, o = 0; l && o < l.length; o++)(r = l[o]) && (r.__ = t, e = typeof r.type == "function" ? q(r, e, n) : J(n, r, r, l, r.__e, e));
return e;
function J(t, e, n, r, l, o) {
var s, f, p;
if (e.__d !== void 0) s = e.__d, e.__d = void 0;
else if (n == null || l != o || l.parentNode == null) e: if (o == null || o.parentNode !== t) t.appendChild(l), s = null;
else {
for(f = o, p = 0; (f = f.nextSibling) && p < r.length; p += 2)if (f == l) break e;
t.insertBefore(l, o), s = o;
return s !== void 0 ? s : l.nextSibling;
function ne(t, e, n, r, l) {
var o;
for(o in n)o === "children" || o === "key" || o in e || N(t, o, null, n[o], r);
for(o in e)l && typeof e[o] != "function" || o === "children" || o === "key" || o === "value" || o === "checked" || n[o] === e[o] || N(t, o, e[o], n[o], r);
function I(t, e, n) {
e[0] === "-" ? t.setProperty(e, n) : t[e] = n == null ? "" : typeof n != "number" || Z.test(e) ? n : n + "px";
function N(t, e, n, r, l) {
var o;
e: if (e === "style") if (typeof n == "string") = n;
else {
if (typeof r == "string" && ( = r = ""), r) for(e in r)n && e in n || I(, e, "");
if (n) for(e in n)r && n[e] === r[e] || I(, e, n[e]);
else if (e[0] === "o" && e[1] === "n") o = e !== (e = e.replace(/Capture$/, "")), e = e.toLowerCase() in t ? e.toLowerCase().slice(2) : e.slice(2), t.l || (t.l = {}), t.l[e + o] = n, n ? r || t.addEventListener(e, o ? R : O, o) : t.removeEventListener(e, o ? R : O, o);
else if (e !== "dangerouslySetInnerHTML") {
if (l) e = e.replace(/xlink(H|:h)/, "h").replace(/sName$/, "s");
else if (e !== "href" && e !== "list" && e !== "form" && e !== "tabIndex" && e !== "download" && e in t) try {
t[e] = n ?? "";
break e;
} catch {}
typeof n == "function" || (n != null && (n !== !1 || e[0] === "a" && e[1] === "r") ? t.setAttribute(e, n) : t.removeAttribute(e));
function O(t) {
this.l[t.type + !1](d.event ? d.event(t) : t);
function R(t) {
this.l[t.type + !0](d.event ? d.event(t) : t);
function W(t, e, n, r, l, o, s, f, p) {
var a, _, h, c, i, u, b, v, y, g, x, H, E, m = e.type;
if (e.constructor !== void 0) return null;
n.__h != null && (p = n.__h, f = e.__e = n.__e, e.__h = null, o = [
]), (a = d.__b) && a(e);
try {
e: if (typeof m == "function") {
if (v = e.props, y = (a = m.contextType) && r[a.__c], g = a ? y ? y.props.value : a.__ : r, n.__c ? b = (_ = e.__c = n.__c).__ = _.__E : ("prototype" in m && m.prototype.render ? e.__c = _ = new m(v, g) : (e.__c = _ = new U(v, g), _.constructor = m, _.render = oe), y && y.sub(_), _.props = v, _.state || (_.state = {}), _.context = g, _.__n = r, h = _.__d = !0, _.__h = []), _.__s == null && (_.__s = _.state), m.getDerivedStateFromProps != null && (_.__s == _.state && (_.__s = k({}, _.__s)), k(_.__s, m.getDerivedStateFromProps(v, _.__s))), c = _.props, i = _.state, h) m.getDerivedStateFromProps == null && _.componentWillMount != null && _.componentWillMount(), _.componentDidMount != null && _.__h.push(_.componentDidMount);
else {
if (m.getDerivedStateFromProps == null && v !== c && _.componentWillReceiveProps != null && _.componentWillReceiveProps(v, g), !_.__e && _.shouldComponentUpdate != null && _.shouldComponentUpdate(v, _.__s, g) === !1 || e.__v === n.__v) {
_.props = v, _.state = _.__s, e.__v !== n.__v && (_.__d = !1), _.__v = e, e.__e = n.__e, e.__k = n.__k, e.__k.forEach(function(A) {
A && (A.__ = e);
}), _.__h.length && s.push(_);
break e;
_.componentWillUpdate != null && _.componentWillUpdate(v, _.__s, g), _.componentDidUpdate != null && _.__h.push(function() {
_.componentDidUpdate(c, i, u);
if (_.context = g, _.props = v, _.__v = e, _.__P = t, x = d.__r, H = 0, "prototype" in m && m.prototype.render) _.state = _.__s, _.__d = !1, x && x(e), a = _.render(_.props, _.state, _.context);
else do _.__d = !1, x && x(e), a = _.render(_.props, _.state, _.context), _.state = _.__s;
while (_.__d && ++H < 25)
_.state = _.__s, _.getChildContext != null && (r = k(k({}, r), _.getChildContext())), h || _.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == null || (u = _.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(c, i)), E = a != null && a.type === L && a.key == null ? a.props.children : a, G(t, Array.isArray(E) ? E : [
], e, n, r, l, o, s, f, p), _.base = e.__e, e.__h = null, _.__h.length && s.push(_), b && (_.__E = _.__ = null), _.__e = !1;
} else o == null && e.__v === n.__v ? (e.__k = n.__k, e.__e = n.__e) : e.__e = _e(n.__e, e, n, r, l, o, s, p);
(a = d.diffed) && a(e);
} catch (A) {
e.__v = null, (p || o != null) && (e.__e = f, e.__h = !!p, o[o.indexOf(f)] = null), d.__e(A, e, n);
function K(t, e) {
d.__c && d.__c(e, t), t.some(function(n) {
try {
t = n.__h, n.__h = [], t.some(function(r) {;
} catch (r) {
d.__e(r, n.__v);
function _e(t, e, n, r, l, o, s, f) {
var p, a, _, h = n.props, c = e.props, i = e.type, u = 0;
if (i === "svg" && (l = !0), o != null) {
for(; u < o.length; u++)if ((p = o[u]) && "setAttribute" in p == !!i && (i ? p.localName === i : p.nodeType === 3)) {
t = p, o[u] = null;
if (t == null) {
if (i === null) return document.createTextNode(c);
t = l ? document.createElementNS("", i) : document.createElement(i, && c), o = null, f = !1;
if (i === null) h === c || f && === c || ( = c);
else {
if (o = o &&, a = (h = n.props || T).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, _ = c.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, !f) {
if (o != null) for(h = {}, u = 0; u < t.attributes.length; u++)h[t.attributes[u].name] = t.attributes[u].value;
(_ || a) && (_ && (a && _.__html == a.__html || _.__html === t.innerHTML) || (t.innerHTML = _ && _.__html || ""));
if (ne(t, c, h, l, f), _) e.__k = [];
else if (u = e.props.children, G(t, Array.isArray(u) ? u : [
], e, n, r, l && i !== "foreignObject", o, s, o ? o[0] : n.__k && C(n, 0), f), o != null) for(u = o.length; u--;)o[u] != null && j(o[u]);
f || ("value" in c && (u = c.value) !== void 0 && (u !== t.value || i === "progress" && !u || i === "option" && u !== h.value) && N(t, "value", u, h.value, !1), "checked" in c && (u = c.checked) !== void 0 && u !== t.checked && N(t, "checked", u, h.checked, !1));
return t;
function Q(t, e, n) {
try {
typeof t == "function" ? t(e) : t.current = e;
} catch (r) {
d.__e(r, n);
function X(t, e, n) {
var r, l;
if (d.unmount && d.unmount(t), (r = t.ref) && (r.current && r.current !== t.__e || Q(r, null, e)), (r = t.__c) != null) {
if (r.componentWillUnmount) try {
} catch (o) {
d.__e(o, e);
r.base = r.__P = null;
if (r = t.__k) for(l = 0; l < r.length; l++)r[l] && X(r[l], e, typeof t.type != "function");
n || t.__e == null || j(t.__e), t.__e = t.__d = void 0;
function oe(t, e, n) {
return this.constructor(t, n);
P = V.slice, d = {
__e: function(t, e, n, r) {
for(var l, o, s; e = e.__;)if ((l = e.__c) && !l.__) try {
if ((o = l.constructor) && o.getDerivedStateFromError != null && (l.setState(o.getDerivedStateFromError(t)), s = l.__d), l.componentDidCatch != null && (l.componentDidCatch(t, r || {}), s = l.__d), s) return l.__E = l;
} catch (f) {
t = f;
throw t;
}, $ = 0, U.prototype.setState = function(t, e) {
var n;
n = this.__s != null && this.__s !== this.state ? this.__s : this.__s = k({}, this.state), typeof t == "function" && (t = t(k({}, n), this.props)), t && k(n, t), t != null && this.__v && (e && this.__h.push(e), M(this));
}, U.prototype.forceUpdate = function(t) {
this.__v && (this.__e = !0, t && this.__h.push(t), M(this));
}, U.prototype.render = L, S = [], D.__r = 0, 0;
function YouTubePlayerView(props) {
const onDivLoaded = (ref)=>{
let { context , eventListener , controller , delegate } = props;
if (!context) context = window;
if (delegate) controller = eventListener = delegate;
if (!eventListener || !controller) {
throw new Error("Both `eventListener` and `controller` are required, or provide `delegate`");
const scriptOnLoad = ()=>{
const yt = context.YT;
context["onYouTubeIframeAPIReady"] = ()=>{
const player = new yt.Player(ref, {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
videoId: controller.initialVideoID ? controller?.initialVideoID() : null,
events: {
onStateChange: (ev)=>eventListener.onStateChange(ev),
onError: (ev)=>eventListener.onError(ev),
onReady: (ev)=>eventListener.onReady ? eventListener.onReady(ev) : null
const script = context.document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";
script.onload = scriptOnLoad;
return ee("div", Object.assign({}, props), ee("div", {
id: "player",
ref: onDivLoaded
export { YouTubePlayerView as YouTubePlayerView };
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