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Created November 12, 2021 20:36
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Detecting "addition" or "change" within two lists.
import java.util.UUID
sealed trait Change[V] extends Product { val value: V }
final case class Added[V](value: V) extends Change[V]
final case class Updated[V](value: V, prev: V) extends Change[V]
def changesWithKey[T, K](previous: Array[T], current: Array[T])
(implicit key: T => K): Array[Change[T]] = {
val updates: Array[Change[T]] = for {
p <- previous; c <- current
r = Updated(p, c) if p != c && key(p) == key(c)
} yield r
(updates ++ current.filterNot(previous.contains(_)).map(Added(_)))
.distinctBy(change => key(change.value))
* Usage example. We have 2 arrays or "traffic-events" and we care about what event was "added"
* or what event was "changed" (i.e. status was updated or something similar)
type ID = UUID
sealed trait RawEvent extends Product { val id: ID }
final case class RoadClosure(street: String, id: ID = UUID.randomUUID()) extends RawEvent
final case class Accident(message: String, id: ID = UUID.randomUUID()) extends RawEvent
final case class Radar(id: ID = UUID.randomUUID()) extends RawEvent
val List(roadClosure: RoadClosure, radar: Radar, accident: Accident, roadClosure2: RoadClosure) =
List(RoadClosure("Main Street"), Radar(), Accident("Accident here"),
RoadClosure("Big closure here"))
val previous = Array(roadClosure2, radar, accident)
val current = Array(radar, accident.copy(message = "No more accident."), roadClosure2)
changesWithKey(previous, current)("\n")
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