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Created August 24, 2023 11:03
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GameService (WebSockets w/ Cats Effect, FS2 and http4s)
package com.pinkstack.tttx
import cats.*
import cats.effect.*
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.syntax.all.*
import fs2.Stream
import fs2.concurrent.Topic
import org.http4s.*
import org.http4s.server.websocket.WebSocketBuilder
import org.http4s.websocket.WebSocketFrame
import org.http4s.websocket.WebSocketFrame.{Close, Text}
import java.util.UUID
type Connection = UUID
enum Protocol:
case Connected(connection: Connection)
case Disconnected(connection: Connection)
case In(connection: Connection, message: String)
case Out(connection: Connection)
case Ping
final case class GameService(
ws: WebSocketBuilder[IO],
topic: Topic[IO, Protocol],
queue: Queue[IO, Protocol]
) extends LoggingIO:
import Protocol.*
private def play(connection: Connection = UUID.randomUUID()): IO[Response[IO]] =
val disconnected = queue.offer(Disconnected(connection))
val connected = Stream.emit(Connected(connection))
val toClient: Stream[IO, WebSocketFrame] = topic
.map {
case Ping => WebSocketFrame.Ping()
case m => Text(m.toString)
def fromClient(wsStream: Stream[IO, WebSocketFrame]): Stream[IO, Unit] = {
val parsedInput: Stream[IO, Protocol] = wsStream.collect {
case Text(text, _) => In(connection, text.strip.trim)
case Close(_) => Disconnected(connection)
(connected ++ parsedInput)
.evalTap(msg => info(s"[$connection] ${msg}"))
}.onFinalize(disconnected), fromClient)
def routes: HttpRoutes[IO] = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
case GET -> Root / "play" => play()
case GET -> Root / "play" / connection => IO(UUID.fromString(connection)).flatMap(play)
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