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Last active May 27, 2021 06:35
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Exploring Cats Effect and sttp
// Oto Brglez - <> - May 2021
package com.pinkstack.gen4
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import cats.implicits._
import com.pinkstack.gen1.CoinMarketCap.Implicits._
import com.pinkstack.gen1.CoinMarketCap._
import sttp.client3._
import sttp.client3.circe._
import sttp.model.Uri
object CoinMarketCapClient {
type PerPage = Int
val DefaultPerPage: PerPage = 200
type QueryKey = String
type QueryValue = String
type QueryParams = Map[QueryKey, QueryValue]
implicit val intToQueryValue: Int => QueryValue = _.toString
private def queryParams(p: (QueryKey, QueryValue)*): QueryParams = p.toMap
private val initialParameters: QueryParams = queryParams(
"limit" -> 200, "sortBy" -> "market_cap", "sortType" -> "desc",
"convert" -> "EUR", "cryptoType" -> "all", "tagType" -> "all")
private val baseUri: Uri = uri"$initialParameters"
private val backend: SttpBackend[Identity, Any] = HttpURLConnectionBackend()
private val getCurrenciesPage: QueryParams => IO[CurrencyPage] =
params =>
private def headCurrencies(implicit recordsPerPage: Int): IO[CurrencyPage] =
getCurrenciesPage(queryParams("limit" -> recordsPerPage))
private def tailCurrencies(perPage: PerPage)(head: CurrencyPage): IO[List[CurrencyPage]] =
Range(1, Math.ceil(head.totalCount / perPage).toInt + 1)
.map(page => queryParams(
"start" -> (perPage * page + 1),
"limit" -> perPage))
private def allResponses(perPage: PerPage = DefaultPerPage): IO[List[CurrencyPage]] =
for {
perPage <- IO.pure(perPage)
head <- headCurrencies(perPage)
tail <- tailCurrencies(perPage)(head)
all <- IO.pure(List(head) ++ tail)
} yield all
def currencies(perPage: PerPage): IO[List[Currency]] =
object Main extends IOApp {
val program: IO[ExitCode] =
for {
currencies <- CoinMarketCapClient.currencies(300)
_ <- IO.println {
s"Got ${currencies.size} currencies."
} yield ExitCode.Success
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = program
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