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Last active January 5, 2019 06:52
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ReverseParentheses - Codefights
You are given a string s that consists of English letters, punctuation marks,
whitespace characters and brackets.
It is guaranteed that the brackets in s form a regular bracket sequence.
Your task is to reverse the strings in each pair of matching parenthesis,
starting from the innermost one.
For string "s = a(bc)de" the output should be
reverseParentheses(s) = "acbde".
open System
let test f =
if f "co(de(fight)s)" = "cosfighted" then printfn "success" else printfn "fail"
if f "a(bcdefghijkl(mno)p)q" = "apmnolkjihgfedcbq" then printfn "success" else printfn "fail"
// Iteration 1. Let's parse it into a tree.
type El =
| Node of list<El>
| Leaf of char
let parse (s: string) : list<El> =
let rec go (s: string) (pos: int) (acc: list<El>) (stack: list<El>) : list<El> =
let last = s.Length - 1
if pos > last then
elif s.[pos] = '(' then
let stack' = (Node []) :: stack
go s (pos + 1) acc stack'
elif s.[pos] = ')' then
match stack with
| Node xs :: Node xss :: t -> go s (pos + 1) acc (Node (Node (List.rev xs) :: xss) :: t)
| Node xs :: [] -> go s (pos + 1) (Node (List.rev xs) :: acc) []
| [] -> failwith "Unbalanced parentheses."
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected element."
match stack with
| Node xs :: t -> go s (pos + 1) acc (Node (Leaf (s.[pos]) :: xs) :: t)
| [] -> go s (pos + 1) (Leaf (s.[pos]) :: acc) stack
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected element."
go s 0 [] [] |> List.rev
let printTree (t: list<El>) =
let rec go (xs: list<El>) =
seq {
for i in xs do
match i with
| Leaf c -> yield c
| Node l -> yield! (go l |> Seq.rev)
go t |> Array.ofSeq |> String
let revInParens = parse >> printTree
test revInParens
// Iteration 2. Get rid of the accumulator in the "go" function,
// the stack can hold everything we need.
let parse2 (s: string) : El =
let rec go (s: string) (pos: int) (stack: list<El>) : El =
let last = s.Length - 1
if pos > last then
match List.head stack with
| Node xs -> Node (List.rev xs)
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected element."
elif s.[pos] = '(' then
let stack' = (Node []) :: stack
go s (pos + 1) stack'
elif s.[pos] = ')' then
match stack with
| Node xs :: Node xss :: t -> go s (pos + 1) (Node (Node (List.rev xs) :: xss) :: t)
| [] -> failwith "Unbalanced parentheses."
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected element."
match stack with
| Node xs :: t -> go s (pos + 1) (Node (Leaf (s.[pos]) :: xs) :: t)
| [] -> failwith "Unexpected end of stack."
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected element."
go s 0 [Node []]
let printTree2 (t: El) =
let rec go (xs: list<El>) =
seq {
for i in xs do
match i with
| Leaf c -> yield c
| Node l -> yield! (go l |> Seq.rev)
match t with
| Node xs -> go xs |> Array.ofSeq |> String
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected leaf."
let revInParens2 = parse2 >> printTree2
test revInParens2
// Iteration 3. Get rid of the fancy tree structure,
// replace it with a list of chars.
let parse3 (s: string) =
let rec go (s: string) (pos: int) (stack: list<list<char>>) : list<char> =
if pos > s.Length - 1 then
List.head stack |> List.rev
elif s.[pos] = '(' then
let stack' = [] :: stack
go s (pos + 1) stack'
elif s.[pos] = ')' then
match stack with
| top :: next :: rest -> go s (pos + 1) ((List.rev top @ next) :: rest)
| _ -> failwithf "Parse error at pos %d." pos
match stack with
| top :: rest -> go s (pos + 1) ((s.[pos] :: top) :: rest)
| _ -> failwithf "Parse error at pos %d." pos
go s 0 [[]] |> List.toArray |> String
test parse3
// Iteration 4. Get rid of the explicit recursion,
// replace it with `fold`.
/// Executes a fold operation within a list passing as parameter of the folder function
/// the zero based index of each element.
let foldi fold first source =
|> List.fold (fun (prev,i) c -> (fold i prev c,i + 1)) (first,0)
|> fst
let parse4 (s: string) =
let go pos (stack: list<list<char>>) (c: char) : list<list<char>> =
let fail () = failwithf "Parse error at pos %d, char '%c'." pos c
if c = '(' then
[] :: stack
elif c = ')' then
match stack with
| top :: next :: rest -> ((List.rev top @ next) :: rest)
| _ -> fail ()
match stack with
| top :: rest -> ((c :: top) :: rest)
| _ -> fail ()
s |> Seq.toList |> foldi go [[]] |> List.head |> List.rev |> List.toArray |> String
test parse4
// Iteration 5. Prettify: replace if/else with pattern matching.
let parse5 (s: string) =
let go pos (stack: list<list<char>>) (c: char) : list<list<char>> =
let fail () = failwithf "Parse error at pos %d, char '%c'." pos c
match c with
| '(' -> [] :: stack
| ')' ->
match stack with
| top :: next :: rest -> ((List.rev top @ next) :: rest)
| _ -> fail ()
| _ ->
match stack with
| top :: rest -> ((c :: top) :: rest)
| _ -> fail ()
s |> Seq.toList |> foldi go [[]] |> List.head |> List.rev |> List.toArray |> String
test parse5
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