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Last active April 4, 2024 15:46
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Verify JWT signature, for RS256 in NodeJS (code in TypeScript). Only needs public key modulus and exponent (i.e. not as PEM/DER)
This gist's core function is verifyJwt, whose purpose is to verify JWT's signed
using RS256
The public key needs to be provided as n (modulus) and e (exponent).
JWT algorithm RS256 in fact means RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256:
The specification of RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 specifies the steps to verify signatures:
The implementation here follows that specification to the letter: variable names are
chosen to match 1:1 with the spec.
import { createHash } from "crypto";
export function verifyJwt(
jwt: string,
publicKey: PublicKey,
options: { audience: string; issuer: string }
) {
Verify the JWT. If valid, the payload is returned. In not valid, an error is thrown
// Decompose JWT
const [headerB64, payloadB64, signatureB64] = jwt.split(".");
// Check JWT signature algorithm
const header = JSON.parse(
Buffer.from(headerB64, "base64").toString("utf8")
) as JwtHeader;
if (header.alg !== "RS256") {
throw new Error(
`Wrong JWT alg claim: ${header.alg}, expected: "RS256"`
// Verify the JWT signature
const M = Buffer.from(`${headerB64}.${payloadB64}`);
const S = Buffer.from(signatureB64, "base64");
rsassaPkcs1V1_5Verify(publicKey, M, S);
// Check JWT payload contents
const payload = JSON.parse(
Buffer.from(payloadB64, "base64").toString("utf8")
) as JwtPayload;
// Check audience claim
if (payload.aud !== options.audience) {
throw new Error(
`Wrong JWT aud claim: "${payload.aud}", expected: "${options.audience}"`
// Check issuer claim
if (payload.iss !== options.issuer) {
throw new Error(
`Wrong JWT iss claim: "${payload.iss}", expected: "${options.issuer}"`
return payload;
function rsassaPkcs1V1_5Verify(
publicKey: PublicKey,
M: Buffer,
S: Buffer
) {
RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY ((n, e), M, S)
(n, e) signer's RSA public key
M message whose signature is to be verified, an octet string
S signature to be verified, an octet string of length k,
where k is the length in octets of the RSA modulus n
1. Length checking: If the length of the signature S is not k
octets, output "invalid signature" and stop.
const k = publicKey.n.length;
if (S.length !== k) {
throw new Error("invalid signature");
2. RSA verification: calculate EM (encoded message)
const EM = rsaVerification(S, publicKey, k);
3. EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding: determine EM' (second encoded message)
const EMaccent = emsaPkcs1V1_5Encode(M, k);
4. Compare the encoded message EM and the second encoded message
EM'. If they are the same, output "valid signature";
otherwise, output "invalid signature".
if (!EM.equals(EMaccent)) {
throw new Error("invalid signature");
function emsaPkcs1V1_5Encode(M: Buffer, emLen: number) {
M message to be encoded
emLen intended length in octets of the encoded message, at
least tLen + 11, where tLen is the octet length of the
Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoding T of
a certain value computed during the encoding operation
EM encoded message, an octet string of length emLen
1. Apply the hash function to the message M to produce a hash value H:
H = Hash(M).
const H = createHash("sha256").update(M).digest();
2. Encode the algorithm ID for the hash function and the hash value
into an ASN.1 value of type DigestInfo (see Appendix A.2.4) with
the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), where the type DigestInfo
has the syntax
DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
The first field identifies the hash function and the second
contains the hash value. Let T be the DER encoding of the
DigestInfo value (see the notes below) and let tLen be the length
in octets of T.
1. For the nine hash functions mentioned in Appendix B.1, the DER
encoding T of the DigestInfo value is equal to the following:
SHA-256: (0x)30 31 30 0d 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 01 05 00
04 20 || H.
const T = Buffer.concat([
const tLen = T.length;
3. If emLen < tLen + 11, output "intended encoded message length
too short" and stop.
if (emLen < tLen + 11) {
throw new Error("intended encoded message length too short");
4. Generate an octet string PS consisting of emLen - tLen - 3
octets with hexadecimal value 0xff. The length of PS will be
at least 8 octets.
const PS = Buffer.alloc(emLen - tLen - 3, Buffer.from("ff", "hex"));
5. Concatenate PS, the DER encoding T, and other padding to form
the encoded message EM as
EM = 0x00 || 0x01 || PS || 0x00 || T.
const EM = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from("00", "hex"),
Buffer.from("01", "hex"),
Buffer.from("00", "hex"),
return EM;
function rsaVerification(S: Buffer, publicKey: PublicKey, k: number) {
a. Convert the signature S to an integer signature
representative s (see Section 4.2):
s = OS2IP (S).
const s = os2ip(S);
b. Apply the RSAVP1 verification primitive (Section 5.2.2) to
the RSA public key (n, e) and the signature representative
s to produce an integer message representative m:
m = RSAVP1 ((n, e), s).
If RSAVP1 outputs "signature representative out of range",
output "invalid signature" and stop.
const m = rsavp1(publicKey, s);
c. Convert the message representative m to an encoded message
EM of length k octets (see Section 4.1):
EM = I2OSP (m, k).
const EM = i2osp(m, k);
return EM;
function i2osp(x: bigint, xLen: number) {
I2OSP converts a nonnegative integer to an octet string of a
specified length.
x nonnegative integer to be converted
xLen intended length of the resulting octet string
X corresponding octet string of length xLen
1. If x >= 256^xLen, output "integer too large" and stop.
if (x >= BigInt(256) ** BigInt(xLen)) {
throw new Error("integer too large");
2. Write the integer x in its unique xLen-digit representation in
base 256:
x = x_(xLen-1) 256^(xLen-1) + x_(xLen-2) 256^(xLen-2) + ...
+ x_1 256 + x_0,
where 0 <= x_i < 256 (note that one or more leading digits
will be zero if x is less than 256^(xLen-1)).
const octets = Buffer.alloc(xLen);
octets.forEach((_, index) => {
octets[index] = Number(x % BigInt(256));
x = x / BigInt(256);
3. Let the octet X_i have the integer value x_(xLen-i) for 1 <= i
<= xLen. Output the octet string
X = X_1 X_2 ... X_xLen.
return octets.reverse();
function os2ip(X: Buffer) {
OS2IP converts an octet string to a nonnegative integer.
Input: X octet string to be converted
Output: x corresponding nonnegative integer
1. Let X_1 X_2 ... X_xLen be the octets of X from first to last,
and let x_(xLen-i) be the integer value of the octet X_i for 1
<= i <= xLen.
2. Let x = x_(xLen-1) 256^(xLen-1) + x_(xLen-2) 256^(xLen-2) +
... + x_1 256 + x_0.
3. Output x.
const x = Buffer.from(X)
(total, value, index) =>
(total += BigInt(value) * BigInt(256) ** BigInt(index)),
return x;
function rsavp1(publicKey: PublicKey, s: bigint) {
(n, e) RSA public key
s signature representative, an integer between 0 and n - 1
m message representative, an integer between 0 and n - 1
1. If the signature representative s is not between 0 and n - 1,
output "signature representative out of range" and stop.
2. Let m = s^e mod n.
(Note: here implemented conform Right-to-left binary method:
3. Output m.
const n_as_int = os2ip(publicKey.n);
let e_as_int = os2ip(publicKey.e);
if (BigInt(0) > s || s >= n_as_int - BigInt(1)) {
throw new Error("signature representative out of range");
if (n_as_int === BigInt(1)) {
return BigInt(0);
let result = BigInt(1);
s = s % n_as_int;
let c = 0;
while (e_as_int > 0) {
if (e_as_int % BigInt(2) === BigInt(1)) {
result = (result * s) % n_as_int;
e_as_int = e_as_int >> BigInt(1);
s = (s * s) % n_as_int;
return result;
export interface JwtHeader {
alg: "RS256" | string;
kid: string;
export interface JwtPayload {
exp: number; // expires
aud: string; // audience
iss: string; // issuer
[key: string]: any;
export type JwtSignature = Buffer;
export interface PublicKey {
n: Buffer; // modulus
e: Buffer; // exponent
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