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Last active September 29, 2022 20:38
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pyflink + event platform experiments
# Pyflink Streaming Table Env + Event Utilities Event Platform integration.
# Download wikimedia-event-utilities Flink:
# Download Wikimedia Event Utilities Flink jar, e.g.
# wget
# Also download other dependencies we need:
# wget
# wget
# If you like, use ipython for your REPL, its nicer!
# export PYFLINK_PYTHON=ipython
# Since this example demo prints results, it only works in local mode.
# local
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway
from pyflink.table import TableDescriptor
def flink_jvm():
return get_gateway().jvm
# Change this to the path where you downloaded eventutilties-flink.jar
st_env.get_config().set("pipeline.jars", "file:///home/otto/eventutilities-flink-1.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar;file:///home/otto/flink-connector-kafka-1.15.2.jar;file:///home/otto/kafka-clients-3.2.3.jar")
# Import Wikimedia Event Utilities java classes.
EventTableDescriptorBuilder = flink_jvm().org.wikimedia.eventutilities.flink.table.EventTableDescriptorBuilder
# Set schema base URIs and Stream Config URIs.
schema_uris = [
stream_config_uri = ""
# Instantiate an EventTableDescriptorBuilder using the schema_uris and stream_config_uri.
# TODO: We have to get the 'from' factory method by string name, because from is a keyword in python.
# We should probably rename this factory method.
EventTableDescriptorBuilderFrom = getattr(EventTableDescriptorBuilder, 'from')
tableDescriptorBuilder = EventTableDescriptorBuilderFrom(schema_uris, stream_config_uri)
# Create the TableDescriptor for the stream.
# Note: We instantiate the TableDescriptor python class with the Java instance
# returned by tableDescriptorBuilder(...).build() so that we can pass it to our
# python st_env.
page_create_stream_table_descriptor = TableDescriptor(
).withKafkaTimestampAsWatermark().option("json.timestamp-format.standard", "ISO-8601").build()
# TODO: ^ we should make "json.timestamp-format.standard", "ISO-8601"
# the default in EventTableDescriptorBuilderFrom.
# Instantiate the Table from the TableDescriptor
page_create_stream_table = st_env.from_descriptor(page_create_stream_table_descriptor)
# Register the table in the Table Env by a name we can use in SQL.
st_env.register_table("mediawiki_page_create", page_create_stream_table)
# This is a pretty simple streaming query that selects every row.
result_table = st_env.sql_query(
SELECT database, page_title FROM mediawiki_page_create
# Print the results on the CLI.
streaming_result = result_table.execute()
# Pyflink DataStream + Event Utilities Event Platform integration.
# Download wikimedia-event-utilities Flink:
# Download Wikimedia Event Utilities Flink jar, e.g.
# wget
# Also download other dependencies we need:
# wget
# wget
# If you like, use ipython for your REPL, its nicer!
# export PYFLINK_PYTHON=ipython
# Since this example demo prints results, it only works in local mode.
# local
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway
from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment, DataStream
from pyflink.datastream.connectors import Source
from pyflink.common import WatermarkStrategy, Encoder, Types
# Change this to the path where you downloaded eventutilties-flink.jar
s_env.add_jars("file:///home/otto/eventutilities-flink-1.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar", "file:///home/otto/flink-connector-kafka-1.15.2.jar", "file:///home/otto/kafka-clients-3.2.3.jar")
def flink_jvm():
return get_gateway().jvm
# Import Wikimedia Event Utilities java classes.
EventDataStreamFactory = flink_jvm()
schema_uris = [
stream_config_uri = ""
# Instantiate an EventDataStreamFactory using the schema_uris and stream_config_uri.
# TODO: We have to get the 'from' factory method by string name, because from is a keyword in python.
# We should probably rename this factory method.
EventDataStreamFactoryFrom = getattr(EventDataStreamFactory, 'from')
datastream_factory = EventDataStreamFactoryFrom(schema_uris, stream_config_uri)
# Use the datastream_factory sourcce builder to create a Java KafkaSource,
# and then instantiate the python Source so we can pass it to the s_env.
kafka_source = Source(
# Instantiate the python DataStream from the kafka_source
datastream = s_env.from_source(
# Print out every record on the CLI.
# Pyflink Streaming Table Env + Event Utilities Event Platform integration.
# Download wikimedia-event-utilities Flink:
# Download Wikimedia Event Utilities Flink jar, e.g.
# wget
# Also download other dependencies we need:
# wget
# wget
# If you like, use ipython for your REPL, its nicer!
# export PYFLINK_PYTHON=ipython
# Since this example demo prints results, it only works in local mode.
# local
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway
from pyflink.table import TableDescriptor
from pyflink.common import Row
from pyflink.table import DataTypes
from pyflink.table.types import _from_java_type
from pyflink.table.udf import udf
def flink_jvm():
return get_gateway().jvm
# Change this to the path where you downloaded eventutilties-flink.jar
# st_env.get_config().set("pipeline.jars", "file:///home/otto/eventutilities-flink-1.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar;file:///home/otto/flink-connector-kafka-1.15.2.jar;file:///home/otto/kafka-clients-3.2.3.jar")
st_env.get_config().set("pipeline.jars", "file:///home/otto/event-utilities/eventutilities-flink/target/eventutilities-flink-1.2.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar;file:///home/otto/flink-connector-kafka-1.15.2.jar;file:///home/otto/kafka-clients-3.2.3.jar")
JsonSchemaFlinkConverter = flink_jvm().org.wikimedia.eventutilities.flink.formats.json.JsonSchemaFlinkConverter
# Import Wikimedia Event Utilities java classes.
EventTableDescriptorBuilder = flink_jvm().org.wikimedia.eventutilities.flink.table.EventTableDescriptorBuilder
# Set schema base URIs and Stream Config URIs.
schema_uris = [
stream_config_uri = ""
# Instantiate an EventTableDescriptorBuilder using the schema_uris and stream_config_uri.
# TODO: We have to get the 'from' factory method by string name, because from is a keyword in python.
# We should probably rename this factory method.
EventTableDescriptorBuilderFrom = getattr(EventTableDescriptorBuilder, 'from')
tableDescriptorBuilder = EventTableDescriptorBuilderFrom(schema_uris, stream_config_uri)
eventStreamFactory = tableDescriptorBuilder.getEventStreamFactory()
# Create the TableDescriptor for the stream.
# Note: We instantiate the TableDescriptor python class with the Java instance
# returned by tableDescriptorBuilder(...).build() so that we can pass it to our
# python st_env.
page_create_stream_table_descriptor = TableDescriptor(
).withKafkaTimestampAsWatermark().option("json.timestamp-format.standard", "ISO-8601").build()
# TODO: ^ we should make "json.timestamp-format.standard", "ISO-8601"
# the default in EventTableDescriptorBuilderFrom.
# Instantiate the Table from the TableDescriptor
page_create_stream_table = st_env.from_descriptor(page_create_stream_table_descriptor)
# Register the table in the Table Env by a name we can use in SQL.
st_env.register_table("mediawiki_page_create", page_create_stream_table)
# we are going to map to the revision-score schema, so we need to get its DataType.
# Create the TableDescriptor for the stream.
# Note: We instantiate the TableDescriptor python class with the Java instance
# returned by tableDescriptorBuilder(...).build() so that we can pass it to our
# python st_env.
revision_score_stream_table_descriptor = TableDescriptor(
).withKafkaTimestampAsWatermark().option("json.timestamp-format.standard", "ISO-8601").build()
# TODO: ^ we should make "json.timestamp-format.standard", "ISO-8601"
# the default in EventTableDescriptorBuilderFrom.
# Instantiate the Table from the TableDescriptor
revision_score_stream_table = st_env.from_descriptor(revision_score_stream_table_descriptor)
revision_score_datatype = revision_score_stream_table.get_schema().to_row_data_type()
# given a rev_id, look up rev score and return the value of the 'scores' field.
def get_score(rev_id: int):
scores_row = {
"awesomeness": Row(
prediction=["yes", "mostly"],
print("scores for rev_id", rev_id, scores_row)
return scores_row
# Register a function called get_score with this udf
st_env.create_temporary_function("get_score", get_score)
# I can't get this to work. I can't figure out how to pass the full input Row
# to the UDF. Only individual parameters can be passed.
# @udf(result_type=revision_score_datatype)
# def add_score(revision_create: Row):
# scores_map = {
# "awesomeness": Row(
# model_name="awesomeness",
# model_version="1.0.1",
# prediction=["yes", "mostly"],
# probability={
# 'yes':0.99,
# 'mostly':0.90,
# 'hardly':0.01
# }
# )
# }
# revision_score_dict = revision_create.as_dict()
# revision_score_dict['scores'] = scores_map
# del revision_score_dict['kafka_timestamp'] # TODO: do we need this?
# revision_score_event = Row(**revision_score_dict)
# # print("scores for rev_id", rev_id, scores_row)
# return revision_score_event
# Select all input fields, plus a new scores field with the result of get_score
result_table = st_env.sql_query("SELECT *, get_score(rev_id) as scores FROM mediawiki_page_create LIMIT 10")
# Print the results on the CLI.
streaming_result = result_table.execute()
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