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Last active December 13, 2021 17:21
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Build a packed conda env .tgz from conda environment.yml and/or pip requirements.txt
# See also:_
# The conda env build stage image:
# 1. Create conda env
# 2. Optionally install conda dependencies
# 3. Optionally install pip dependencies
FROM continuumio/miniconda3 AS conda_build_env
# Create a bare conda env.
# We need at minimum python, pip, conda-pack and gcc and g++ (to build any binary pip packages later)
RUN conda create -c conda-forge -p /srv/conda_build_env \
python=3.7 pip conda-pack gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64
# Create gcc and g++ symlinks in conda env, so that pip install can use them if it needs to.
RUN ln -s /srv/conda_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda-cos6-linux-gnu-gcc /srv/conda_build_env/bin/gcc && \
ln -s /srv/conda_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda-cos6-linux-gnu-g++ /srv/conda_build_env/bin/g++
# Copy all of the current project dir into the docker build.
COPY . .
# If a conda enviroment.yml file exists, conda install any specified conda dependencies from it.
RUN (test -f environment.yml && conda env update -p /srv/conda_build_env --file environment.yml) || \
echo "No conda environment.yml"
# If a pip requirements.txt file is specified, install it now.
RUN (test -f requirements.txt && conda run -p /srv/conda_build_env pip install -r requirements.txt) || \
echo 'No pip requirements.txt'
RUN (test -f frozen-requirements.txt && conda run -p /srv/conda_build_env pip install -r frozen-requirements.txt) || \
echo 'No pip frozen-requirements.txt'
# Also install the current project directory via pip.
# This will work with either or pyproject.toml (as long as [build-system] is configured properly)
RUN conda run -p /srv/conda_build_env pip install .
# Pack the conda env. This can be extracted out of the docker image later
# and used outside of docker if needed.
FROM conda_build_env as conda_packed_env
# Remove gcc and g++. shoudln't need them in the packed env.
# This makes the packed env much smaller.
RUN conda uninstall -p /srv/conda_build_env gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64 && \
unlink /srv/conda_build_env/bin/gcc && \
unlink /srv/conda_build_env/bin/g++
# Use conda-pack to create a standalone enviornment
RUN conda run -p /srv/conda_build_env conda-pack -p /srv/conda_build_env --ignore-editable-packages --format=tgz -o /srv/conda_env.tgz
# NOTE: to extract this file from the conda_packed_env build stage:
# docker build -f ../Dockerfile --target conda_packed_env -t conda:packed_env .
# docker create -ti --name conda_packed_env -t conda:packed_env bash
# docker cp conda_packed_env:/srv/conda_env.tgz /tmp/conda_env.tgz
# docker rm -f conda_packed_env
# Unpack the conda env for use by the conda_runtime image stage below.
FROM conda_packed_env as conda_env
RUN mkdir -p /srv/conda_env && \
cd /srv/conda_env && \
tar -xf /srv/conda_env.tgz && \
# conda-unpack to fix up any prefixes to set them to /srv/conda_env
# The runtime-stage image; we can use Debian as the
# base image since the Conda env also includes Python
# for us.
# NOTE: This might not be needed for us at WMF data eng,
# unless we are able to run docker images.
FROM debian:buster AS conda_runtime
# Copy /srv/conda_env from the previous stage.
# In this way we keep only the final conda env
# without any of the build step leftovers.
COPY --from=conda_env /srv/conda_env /srv/conda_env
# # When image is run, run the code with the environment activated:
# SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
# ENTRYPOINT source /srv/conda_env/bin/activate && \
# /srv/conda_env/bin/python -c "import pyarrow; print('success!')"
# to test:
# docker run -it \
# --rm \
# -v $(pwd):/srv/project \
# -e SKIP_DOCKER=true \
# -w /srv/project conda bash -c 'source /srv/conda_env/bin/activate && pip install -r ./requirements-test.txt && pytest'
# See also:_
# The conda env build stage image:
# 1. Create conda env
# 2. Optionally install conda dependencies
# 3. Optionally install pip dependencies
FROM AS conda_build_env
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y anaconda-wmf
# Create a stacked conda env.
RUN /usr/lib/anaconda-wmf/bin/conda-create-stacked conda_build_env
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/usr/lib/anaconda-wmf/condabin"
ENV CONDA_ENV_PREFIX="/root/.conda/envs/conda_build_env"
# # Create gcc and g++ symlinks in conda env, so that pip install can use them if it needs to.
# #
# RUN ln -s /srv/conda_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda-cos6-linux-gnu-gcc /srv/conda_build_env/bin/gcc && \
# ln -s /srv/conda_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda-cos6-linux-gnu-g++ /srv/conda_build_env/bin/g++
# Copy all of the current project dir into the docker build.
COPY . /srv/project
# If a conda enviroment.yml file exists, conda install any specified conda dependencies from it.
RUN /bin/bash -c "(cd /srv/project && test -f environment.yml && . source ${CONDA_ENV_PREFIX}/bin/activate && conda env update --file environment.yml) || echo 'No conda environment.yml'"
# If a pip requirements.txt file is specified, install it now.
RUN /bin/bash -c "(cd /srv/project && test -f requirements.txt && source ${CONDA_ENV_PREFIX}/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt) || echo 'No pip requirements.txt'"
RUN /bin/bash -c "(cd /srv/project && test -f frozen-requirements.txt && source ${CONDA_ENV_PREFIX}/bin/activate && pip install -r frozen-requirements.txt) || echo 'No pip frozen-requirements.txt'"
# Also install the current project directory via pip.
# This will work with either or pyproject.toml (as long as [build-system] is configured properly)
RUN /bin/bash -c "cd /srv/project && source ${CONDA_ENV_PREFIX}/bin/activate && pip install ."
# Pack the conda env. This can be extracted out of the docker image later
# and used outside of docker if needed.
FROM conda_build_env as conda_packed_env
# Use conda-pack to create a standalone enviornment
RUN /bin/bash -c 'source ${CONDA_ENV_PREFIX}/bin/activate && conda-pack --ignore-editable-packages --format=tgz -o /srv/conda_env.tgz'
# NOTE: to extract this file from the conda_packed_env build stage:
# docker build -f ../Dockerfile-anaconda-wmf --target conda_packed_env -t conda:packed_env .
# docker create -ti --name conda_packed_env -t conda:packed_env bash
# docker cp conda_packed_env:/srv/conda_env.tgz /tmp/conda_env.tgz
# docker rm -f conda_packed_env
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