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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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Ryan_Lane 3:11 ottomata: yo
ottomata 3:12 hiyaaaa
Ryan_Lane 3:12 so, yeah, let's delete those two gerrit repos
ottomata 3:12 oh ok!
Ryan_Lane 3:12 git-deploy and sartoris
ottomata 3:12 awesome
ottomata 3:12 our git-deploy is the python port of the perl git-deploy, and sartoris is the salt backend
Ryan_Lane 3:12 it'll help reduce the confusion factor
Ryan_Lane 3:12 nop
ottomata 3:12 and we want to rename them both to trebuchet stuff
Ryan_Lane 3:12 *nope
ottomata 3:12 no?
Ryan_Lane 3:12 we use the perl frontend
ottomata 3:13 but our repository i mean
Ryan_Lane 3:13 sartoris was a python port of that
Ryan_Lane 3:13 we never used it
Ryan_Lane 3:13 the backend of the system has always been in the deployment module in puppet
Ryan_Lane 3:13 it's really never had a name
ottomata 3:13 hm
Ryan_Lane 3:13 we decided we'd name everything sartoris, then there was an issue with that that I'll ignore
Ryan_Lane 3:13 so, I decided I'd name everything trebuchet
Ryan_Lane 3:14 and then I wrote the frontend from scratch and called it trebuchet-trigger
Ryan_Lane 3:14 now there's trebuchet (the salt backend), trebuchet-trigger (the git frontend) and trebuchet-ricochet (the web interface)
Ryan_Lane 3:15 trebuchet is most up to date in puppet in the deployment module
Ryan_Lane 3:15 I'm working on switching that upstream to git-hub, rather than wikimedia's puppet repo
Ryan_Lane 3:15 here's all the stuff that's in github:
Ryan_Lane 3:16 for trigger and ricochet, github is the proper upstream
Ryan_Lane 3:16 trigger has debianization
Ryan_Lane 3:16 ricochet and trebuchet will soon too
ottomata 3:16 ok cool, i think i'm mostly interested in trigger, right?
Ryan_Lane 3:16 trigger and trebuchet
ottomata 3:16 i want to build in support for grabbing jars from urls
ottomata 3:16 and verifying hashes
Ryan_Lane 3:16 trigger, as the name implies, just triggers a deployment
Ryan_Lane 3:17 it could generate the jars, grab them, etc
Ryan_Lane 3:17 and place them somewhere to be deployed
Ryan_Lane 3:17 but to deploy it, you'll need to use trebuchet
ottomata 3:17 hmm, interesting
ottomata 3:17 hm
ottomata 3:17 i'm thinking that this can acutally be done very simply, maybe not even dependent on java stuff
ottomata 3:17 just enabling individual files to be deployed based on urls and hashes
Ryan_Lane 3:18 yeah, that's sane
Ryan_Lane 3:18 trigger could generate them
ottomata 3:18 so, maintain a list of urls to .jar or whatever files in a config file somewhere
Ryan_Lane 3:18 and trebuchet could grab the hashes
ottomata 3:18 and then when a deploy happens, those files are dled, hashes computed and compared to what is in the file
ottomata 3:18 config file
Ryan_Lane 3:18 it may be a good idea to make a directory for each deployment
Ryan_Lane 3:18 with all the necessary files
ottomata 3:19 could this just be a feature of a normal git-deploy maybe?
Ryan_Lane 3:19 on the minion side its ideal to be able to quickly revert
Ryan_Lane 3:19 ignore git-deploy
ottomata 3:19 ok
Ryan_Lane 3:19 you don't need to use git
ottomata 3:19 hmmm
Ryan_Lane 3:19 (for deployment)
Ryan_Lane 3:19 you can write any style of deployment you want
ottomata 3:19 ok, i am about 25% familiar with this system, so appreciate the handholding
ottomata 3:19
grrrit-wm (PS1) Aude: Have each site group use own cache key for wikibase [operations/mediawiki-config] - 3:19
Ryan_Lane 3:19 trigger (git deploy blah) is necessary
Ryan_Lane 3:19 but for the backend it can be anything you want
Ryan_Lane 3:20 you could use git annex
Ryan_Lane 3:21 in fact, git annex may be a sane way to handle this, in fact
Ryan_Lane 3:21 s/, in fact$//
ottomata 3:21 oh hm
Ryan_Lane 3:21 I'm assuming you've seen this?
Ryan_Lane 3:21 ugh, this image is still named sartoris:
Ryan_Lane 3:22 renames
ottomata 3:22 ah yes i have seen that
Ryan_Lane 3:23 \o/
Ryan_Lane 3:24 so, in that diagram, everything except for git-deploy is trebuchet
Ryan_Lane 3:24 (and git-deploy is now trigger)
ottomata 3:24 Ryan_Lane: the fetch is done against the local repository where git-deploy is run, right?
ottomata 3:24 so
Ryan_Lane 3:24 yeah
ottomata 3:25 running git deploy sync triggers salt on the deploy hosts to fetch against the local repo there
ottomata 3:25 ok
Ryan_Lane 3:25 trebuchet modifies the origin and all submodules to point to the deployment server
Ryan_Lane 3:25 yeah. technically it calls a runner, which calls the salt modules on the minions
Ryan_Lane 3:26 but that's easy enough to ignore
ottomata 3:26 hhmm git annex actually looks good
Ryan_Lane 3:26 indeed
Ryan_Lane 3:27 ottomata: what you want to look at is this: puppet/modules/deployment/files/modules
Ryan_Lane 3:27 mostly
Ryan_Lane 3:27 right now it's written to be very git specific
ottomata 3:27 deploy_server.pp?
Ryan_Lane 3:27 we'd want to split this into multiple modules:, deploy_<yourmethod>.py, etc
Ryan_Lane 3:28 then from deploy, you'd want to call the method based on the type of deployment from the config
ottomata 3:28 oh files sorry
Ryan_Lane 3:28 __salt__['deploy_<method>.<this_function>'](args, kwargs)
Ryan_Lane 3:29 or something along those lines
Ryan_Lane 3:29 that way we can have multiple methods that implement the same interface
Ryan_Lane 3:30 this may take a bit of refactoring, of course
ottomata 3:30 yeah, grokking...
Ryan_Lane 3:30 so, I have a development environment for this in labs
Ryan_Lane 3:30 which is terribly enough the "sartoris" project
Ryan_Lane 3:30 let me add you to that project
Ryan_Lane 3:30 I have a new trebuchet project I'll be moving everything into
Ryan_Lane 3:31 What's your username on wikitech?
ottomata 3:31 ok cool
ottomata 3:31 ottomata
ottomata 3:32 Ryan_Lane: if we were to use git annex, could we just add support for that, like _update_gitmodules?
Ryan_Lane 3:32 yes
ottomata 3:32 that woudln't need a new deployment method then
Ryan_Lane 3:32 that would be a pretty simple way to do this without refactoring
Ryan_Lane 3:32 I'm all for that if you'd like to do it
ottomata 3:32 jars and other not-in-get content could be managed with just git annex commands then
ottomata 3:32 hmm
Ryan_Lane 3:33 so, in the sartoris project are the following instances: sartoris-server, sartoris-deploy, sartoris-target, sartoris-target4
ottomata 3:33 i think…that would be ok, right, hm
Ryan_Lane 3:33 server is a puppet/salt master
Ryan_Lane 3:33 deploy is a deployment server
Ryan_Lane 3:33 target and target4 are targets
ottomata 3:33 ah ok cool
ottomata 3:33 awesome
Ryan_Lane 3:33 they are all pointing to the salt and puppet master that's on server
ottomata 3:33 are the deployment projects puppetized like they are in productoin?
Ryan_Lane 3:34 so you can do local dev there for testing
Ryan_Lane 3:34 yeah
Ryan_Lane 3:34 there's basically nothing custom in the dev environment right now
Ryan_Lane 3:34 you can check out their puppet config via the "configure" action in wikitech
ottomata 3:35 role::deployment::test?
ottomata 3:35 ah, parsoid::production too
ottomata 3:35 awesome
ottomata 3:35 ok
Ryan_Lane 3:35 yeah
ottomata 3:35 coool
Ryan_Lane 3:35 so, you can set up anything you want for targeting
ottomata 3:35 awesome
Ryan_Lane 3:35 it should work just like it does in production
ottomata 3:35 ok great
Ryan_Lane 3:36 I spent quite a bit of time setting this up during my last sprint
ottomata 3:36 ok, so, since i'm really trying to get this working sooner rather than later, would you be ok with me adding the annex support (if that is what I do) to the python files in puppet?
Ryan_Lane 3:36 yep
ottomata 3:36 or would you rather me help you refactor the final stuff and get us up to date on that
Ryan_Lane 3:36 do it in puppet
ottomata 3:36 ok cool
Ryan_Lane 3:36 we can work the changes upstream later
ottomata 3:36 ok awesom, thanks
ottomata 3:36 hopefully the anex thing will make this way easier, i don't fully understand it yet
ottomata 3:36 but it looks like it should work
Ryan_Lane 3:36 the downside is that it won't show your changes in github
Ryan_Lane 3:36 unless you upstream the changes
ottomata 3:36 heh, yeah
ottomata 3:37 well, if the python is basically the same in upstream trebuchet
Ryan_Lane 3:37 we'll do that when I'm ready to move things
Ryan_Lane 3:37 so you get proper credit
ottomata 3:37 then that shouldn't be hard?
Ryan_Lane 3:37 yep
Ryan_Lane 3:37 exactly
ottomata 3:37 ok cool
Ryan_Lane 3:38 so, a kind of pain in the ass way of doing dev for this is to develop inside of the puppet module
Ryan_Lane 3:38 and to restart the puppetmaster, and to run puppet on the server
Ryan_Lane 3:38 it'll sync the modules to the targets
Ryan_Lane 3:38 oh...
ottomata 3:38 hm ,heh, yeah
ottomata 3:38 hm
Ryan_Lane 3:38 I have trigger in use in labs, rather than the perl frontend
ottomata 3:38 i could edit the synced modules on the targets?
Ryan_Lane 3:39 so changes to that should go to github
Ryan_Lane 3:39 you could, but I wouldn't recommend it
ottomata 3:39 heheh
Ryan_Lane 3:39 you could disable puppet
Ryan_Lane 3:39 one sec
ottomata 3:39 well, if annex works like I think it will, i don't think i will need to mess with the front end
Ryan_Lane 3:39 true
ottomata if config['checkout_annex']: blablalb
ottomata 3:40 or whatever
Ryan_Lane 3:40 so...
Ryan_Lane 3:40 on server: /srv/salt/_modules
Ryan_Lane 3:40 that's where modules are sync'd from
Ryan_Lane 3:41 if you disable puppet and edit that directly, you can just run: salt '*' saltutil.sync_modules
Ryan_Lane 3:41 if you run puppet it's going to overwrite your work though!
Ryan_Lane 3:41 so make sure to back that up
Ryan_Lane 3:41 or to make it into a repo
ottomata 3:41 ah ok awesome
ottomata 3:41 ok cool, i'll probably editi locally
ottomata 3:41 so ja
Ryan_Lane 3:41 editing the modules directly on the minions is hard
Ryan_Lane 3:42 because it does stuff with caching and such
ottomata 3:42 actually, when I need to test things like this in labs, i have a really hacky rsync setup so I can edit locally
Ryan_Lane 3:42 heh
ottomata 3:42 so i will probalby edit locally, rsync to sartoris-server (rigth?) and then run saltutil.sync
Ryan_Lane 3:42 I usually edit in git, then do a git push
ottomata 3:42 that would be fine, right?
Ryan_Lane 3:42 yep
ottomata 3:42 k cool
Ryan_Lane 3:42 I'm definitely interested in having this support
ottomata 3:43 yeah, this will be simple and generic and awesome if it works this way
Ryan_Lane 3:43 git sucks at large objects
Ryan_Lane 3:43 annex is good with it, though
ottomata 3:43 i've been playing with archiva, and it will let me curl whatever i want from it
Ryan_Lane 3:43 and it works with s3/swift, etc
ottomata 3:43 and annex looks like it verifies checksums, maybe?
Ryan_Lane 3:43 yes
ottomata 3:43 hmm, ok still ahve lots of research to do
ottomata 3:44 basically, all we want is a way to maintain a list of files and checksums
Ryan_Lane 3:44 let me know if you have any issues, I'm around to help
ottomata 3:44 and change thme (in git?)
ottomata 3:44 that way the list goes through git review
ottomata 3:44 awesooome
ottomata 3:44 ok thanks Ryan_Lane
Ryan_Lane yw
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