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Created February 24, 2015 15:54
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Magento CE + Patches composer install
"require": {
"magento/ce": "",
"aoepeople/composer-installers": "*"
"repositories": [
{ "type": "package", "package": { "name": "magento/ce", "version": "", "type": "magento-source",
"dist": { "url": "", "type": "tar" }}}
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"htdocs": ["type:magento-source"],
".modman/{$vendor}_{$name}/": ["type:magento-module"]
"config": {
"discard-changes": true
"scripts": {
"pre-install-cmd": [
"mkdir -p ./.modman && echo \"htdocs/\" > ./.modman/.basedir"
"post-install-cmd": [
"mv ./htdocs/var ./var",
"mv ./htdocs/media ./media",
"ln -rs ./var ./htdocs/var",
"ln -rs ./media ./htdocs/media"
"post-update-cmd": [
"modman deploy-all --force"
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