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Created July 19, 2019 19:43
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Query Badgr API for Expired Assertions

Badgr API Example: Querying for expired assertions

Notifications and related UX around expired or soon-to-expire badges will be available as a Badgr Pro feature soon. In the meantime, intrepid API clients may implement their own custom behavior around notifications by processing awarded assertions to determine which are expired.

Instructions for use

  • Download the files to a directory on your local system.
  • Activate a virtualenvironment for dependencies
  • Install the python dependencies in requirements.txt with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Configure a file to expose BADGR_HOST (like and BADGR_API_KEY strings.
  • You may obtain an API key with the quickstart instructions at
  • Enter a python interpreter: python
  • Import the function: from assertions_expiration_report import *
  • Run the function for a particular issuer you control: export_expiring_assertions('abc123abc123abc123a')
  • Optionally, pass in a export filename and whether to skip past expirations like export_expiring_assertions('abc123abc123abc123a', filename='myexport.csv', include_past=False)
import csv
import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
from import tzutc
import json
import requests
from settings_local import BADGR_HOST, BADGR_API_KEY
REQUEST_HEADERS = request_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + BADGR_API_KEY}
DEFAULT_COLUMNS = ['url', 'email', 'issuedOn', 'expires', 'badge_entityId', 'badge_name']
def export_expiring_assertions(issuer_id, filename='expiration_report.csv', include_past=True):
badge_response = requests.get(
"{}/v2/issuers/{}/badgeclasses".format(BADGR_HOST, issuer_id),
badge_data = badge_response.json()['result']
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
now =
per_page = 100
next_url = "{}/v2/issuers/{}/assertions?num={}".format(BADGR_HOST, issuer_id, per_page)
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, DEFAULT_COLUMNS)
while next_url is not None:
assertion_response = requests.get(
next_url, headers=REQUEST_HEADERS)
assertions = assertion_response.json()['result']
for assertion in assertions:
if assertion['expires'] is not None:
if include_past or parse(assertion['expires']) > now:
badgeclass_name = [b for b in badge_data if b.get('entityId') == assertion['badgeclass']][0]['name']
data = {
'url': assertion['openBadgeId'],
'email': assertion['recipient']['plaintextIdentity'].encode('utf-8'),
'issuedOn': assertion['issuedOn'],
'expires': assertion['expires'],
'badge_entityId': assertion['badgeclass'],
'badge_name': badgeclass_name.encode('utf-8')
links = assertion_response.headers.get('link')
pagination_links = None
if links:
pagination_links = requests.utils.parse_header_links(links)
if links and pagination_links is not None:
next_url = [l.get('url') for l in pagination_links if l.get('rel') == 'next'][0]
except IndexError:
next_url = None
next_url = None
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