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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Save otukutun/b4a63b4903cdd2bdfa06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Mimic-GAS is a XML-RPC client for Google Apps Script ( based on mimic.js )
* Change Log
* - Support (basic) authentication
* - Add handling response value as string when value type is not defined
* - Replace with class supported Google Apps Script
* ++ XmlHttpRequest -> UrlFetch
* ++ DOM -> Xml
* ++ Base64 -> Utilities.base64Encode/base64Decode
* @author ikikko (
* Mimic (XML-RPC Client for JavaScript) v2.0.1 Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Carlos
* Eduardo Goncalves (
* Mimic is dual licensed under the MIT
* ( and GPLv3
* ( licenses.
* XmlRpc
function XmlRpc() {
* <p>
* XML-RPC document prolog.
* </p>
XmlRpc.PROLOG = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
* <p>
* XML-RPC methodCall node template.
* </p>
XmlRpc.REQUEST = "<methodCall>\n<methodName>${METHOD}</methodName>\n<params>\n${DATA}</params>\n</methodCall>";
* <p>
* XML-RPC param node template.
* </p>
XmlRpc.PARAM = "<param>\n<value>\n${DATA}</value>\n</param>\n";
* <p>
* XML-RPC array node template.
* </p>
XmlRpc.ARRAY = "<array>\n<data>\n${DATA}</data>\n</array>\n";
* <p>
* XML-RPC struct node template.
* </p>
XmlRpc.STRUCT = "<struct>\n${DATA}</struct>\n";
* <p>
* XML-RPC member node template.
* </p>
XmlRpc.MEMBER = "<member>\n${DATA}</member>\n";
* <p>
* XML-RPC name node template.
* </p>
XmlRpc.NAME = "<name>${DATA}</name>\n";
* <p>
* XML-RPC value node template.
* </p>
XmlRpc.VALUE = "<value>\n${DATA}</value>\n";
* <p>
* XML-RPC scalar node template (int, i4, double, string, boolean, base64,
* dateTime.iso8601).
* </p>
XmlRpc.SCALAR = "<${TYPE}>${DATA}</${TYPE}>\n";
* <p>
* Get the tag name used to represent a JavaScript object in the XMLRPC
* protocol.
* </p>
* @param data
* A JavaScript object.
* @return <code>String</code> with XMLRPC object type.
XmlRpc.getDataTag = function(data) {
try {
var tag = typeof data;
switch (tag.toLowerCase()) {
case "number":
tag = (Math.round(data) == data) ? "int" : "double";
case "object":
if (data.constructor == Base64_)
tag = "base64";
else if (data.constructor == String)
tag = "string";
else if (data.constructor == Boolean)
tag = "boolean";
else if (data.constructor == Array)
tag = "array";
else if (data.constructor == Date)
tag = "dateTime.iso8601";
else if (data.constructor == Number)
tag = (Math.round(data) == data) ? "int" : "double";
tag = "struct";
return tag;
} catch (e) {
Engine.reportException(null, e);
* <p>
* Get JavaScript object type represented by XMLRPC protocol node.
* <p>
* @param node
* A XMLRPC node.
* @return A JavaScript object.
XmlRpc.getNodeData = function(node) {
var tag = node.getName().getLocalName().toLowerCase();
switch (tag) {
case "dateTime.iso8601":
return Date.fromIso8601(node.getText());
case "boolean":
return (node.getText() == "1") ? true : false;
case "int":
case "i4":
case "double":
return new Number(node.getText());
case "string":
return new String(node.getText());
case "base64":
return new Base64_(node.getText());
case "value":
if (node.getText() != "") {
return new String(node.getText());
* XmlRpcRequest
* @param url
* Server url.
* @param method
* Server side method do call.
function XmlRpcRequest(url, method) {
this.serviceUrl = url;
this.methodName = method;
this.params = [];
this.authentication = null;
* <p>
* Add a new request parameter.
* </p>
* @param data
* New parameter value.
XmlRpcRequest.prototype.addParam = function(data) {
var type = typeof data;
switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
case "function":
case "object":
if (!
* <p>
* Clear all request parameters.
* </p>
XmlRpcRequest.prototype.clearParams = function() {
this.params.splice(0, this.params.length);
* <p>
* Set authentication user and password.
* </p>
* @param user
* User for Authentication.
* @param password
* Password for Authentication.
XmlRpcRequest.prototype.setAuthentication = function(user, password) {
this.authentication = {
"user" : user,
"password" : password
* <p>
* Execute a synchronous XML-RPC request.
* </p>
* @return XmlRpcResponse object.
XmlRpcRequest.prototype.send = function() {
var xml_params = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < this.params.length; i++)
xml_params += XmlRpc.PARAM.replace("${DATA}", this
var xml_call = XmlRpc.REQUEST.replace("${METHOD}", this.methodName);
xml_call = XmlRpc.PROLOG + xml_call.replace("${DATA}", xml_params);
var optAdvancedArgs = {
contentType : "text/xml",
method : "post",
payload : xml_call
if (this.authentication != null) {
var authHeader = {
Authorization : "Basic "
+ new Base64_(this.authentication["user"] + ":"
+ this.authentication["password"]).encode()
optAdvancedArgs["headers"] = authHeader;
// TODO handle exceptions while processing UrlFetchApp.fetch
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(this.serviceUrl, optAdvancedArgs);
return new XmlRpcResponse(Xml.parse(response.getContentText()));
* <p>
* Marshal request parameters.
* </p>
* @param data
* A request parameter.
* @return String with XML-RPC element notation.
XmlRpcRequest.prototype.marshal = function(data) {
var type = XmlRpc.getDataTag(data);
var scalar_type = XmlRpc.SCALAR.replace(/\$\{TYPE\}/g, type);
var xml = "";
switch (type) {
case "struct":
var member = "";
for ( var i in data) {
var value = "";
value += XmlRpc.NAME.replace("${DATA}", i);
value += XmlRpc.VALUE.replace("${DATA}", this.marshal(data[i]));
member += XmlRpc.MEMBER.replace("${DATA}", value);
xml = XmlRpc.STRUCT.replace("${DATA}", member);
case "array":
var value = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
value += XmlRpc.VALUE.replace("${DATA}", this.marshal(data[i]));
xml = XmlRpc.ARRAY.replace("${DATA}", value);
case "dateTime.iso8601":
xml = scalar_type.replace("${DATA}", data.toIso8601());
case "boolean":
xml = scalar_type.replace("${DATA}", (data == true) ? 1 : 0);
case "base64":
xml = scalar_type.replace("${DATA}", data.encode());
case "string":
var convertData = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
convertData += ("&#" + (data.charCodeAt(i)) + ";");
xml = scalar_type.replace("${DATA}", convertData);
xml = scalar_type.replace("${DATA}", data);
return xml;
* XmlRpcResponse
* @param xml
* Response XML document.
function XmlRpcResponse(xml) {
this.xmlData = xml;
* <p>
* Indicate if response is a fault.
* </p>
* @return Boolean flag indicating fault status.
XmlRpcResponse.prototype.isFault = function() {
return this.faultValue;
* <p>
* Parse XML response to JavaScript.
* </p>
* @return JavaScript object parsed from XML-RPC document.
XmlRpcResponse.prototype.parseXML = function() {
this.faultValue = undefined;
this.propertyName = "";
this.params = [];
var top = this.xmlData.getDocument().getElement();
for ( var i = 0; i < top.getElements().length; i++)
this.params = this.unmarshal(top.getElements()[i], this.params);
return this.params[0];
* <p>
* Unmarshal response parameters.
* </p>
* @param node
* Current document node under processing.
* @param parent
* Current node' parent node.
XmlRpcResponse.prototype.unmarshal = function(node, parent) {
var tag = node.getName().getLocalName().toLowerCase();
if (tag == "fault") {
this.faultValue = true;
if (tag == "struct" || tag == "array") {
var parentPropertyName = this.propertyName;
var children = (tag == "struct" ? new Object() : new Array());
for ( var i = 0; i < node.getElements().length; i++) {
children = this.unmarshal(node.getElements()[i], children);
this.propertyName = parentPropertyName;
this.addValueToParent(children, parent);
} else if (/[^\t\n\r ]/.test(node.getText())) {
if (tag == "name") { // TODO handle changing order 'name' and 'value'
this.propertyName = node.getText();
} else {
this.addValueToParent(XmlRpc.getNodeData(node), parent);
} else {
var children = parent;
for ( var i = 0; i < node.getElements().length; i++) {
children = this.unmarshal(node.getElements()[i], children);
parent = children;
return parent;
* <p>
* Add value to parent object.
* </p>
* @param value
* Value added to parent object.
* @param parent
* parent object.
XmlRpcResponse.prototype.addValueToParent = function(value, parent) {
switch (XmlRpc.getDataTag(parent)) {
case "struct":
parent[this.propertyName] = value;
case "array":
case "dateTime.iso8601":
case "int":
case "double":
case "string":
case "base64":
parent = value;
* Date
* <p>
* Convert a GMT date to ISO8601.
* </p>
* @return <code>String</code> with an ISO8601 date.
Date.prototype.toIso8601 = function() {
year = this.getYear();
if (year < 1900)
year += 1900;
month = this.getMonth() + 1;
if (month < 10)
month = "0" + month;
day = this.getDate();
if (day < 10)
day = "0" + day;
time = this.toTimeString().substr(0, 8);
return year + month + day + "T" + time;
* <p>
* Convert ISO8601 date to GMT.
* </p>
* @param value
* ISO8601 date.
* @return GMT date.
Date.fromIso8601 = function(value) {
year = value.substr(0, 4);
month = value.substr(4, 2);
day = value.substr(6, 2);
hour = value.substr(9, 2);
minute = value.substr(12, 2);
sec = value.substr(15, 2);
return new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute, sec, 0);
* Base64
function Base64_(value) {
Base64_.prototype.bytes = value;
* <p>
* Encode the object bytes using base64 algorithm.
* </p>
* @return Encoded string.
Base64_.prototype.encode = function() {
return Utilities.base64Encode(this.bytes);
* <p>
* Decode the object bytes using base64 algorithm.
* </p>
* @return Decoded string.
Base64_.prototype.decode = function() {
return Utilities.base64Decode(this.bytes);
function calculateHatebuSum() {
var method = "bookmark.getTotalCount";
var request = new XmlRpcRequest("", method);
var response = request.send();
return response.parseXML();
function subHatebu(today, yesterday) {
if (yesterday == 0) {
return 0;
return today - yesterday;
function getTodayDate() {
var date = new Date();
var formated_date = Utilities.formatDate(date, "JST", "yyyy/MM/dd");
return formated_date;
function insertIntoSpreadSheet() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("URL");
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var yesterday_hatebu = getYesterdayHatebu();
var today_hatebu = calculateHatebuSum();
var sub_hatebu = subHatebu(today_hatebu, yesterday_hatebu);
sheet.appendRow([getTodayDate(),today_hatebu, sub_hatebu]);
to: "Mail",
subject: "はてブ数のメール",
htmlBody: "本日のお知らせ<br>" +
"今日の合計はてブ数→" + today_hatebu + "<br>" +
"昨日とのはてブ差異→" + sub_hatebu,
function getYesterdayHatebu() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("URL");
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var lastCell = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 2);
if (!isFinite(lastCell.getValue())) {
return 0;
return lastCell.getValue();
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