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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • input 詩を書く
  • output 詩があなたを書く
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using NMeCab;
namespace touch
public static class Program
static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<MeCabNode> mecabutil(MeCabNode node)
while (node != null)
yield return node;
node = node.Next;
public static string touch(string sentence)
string result = "";
MeCabParam param = new MeCabParam();
param.DicDir = @"D:\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\touch\touch\NMeCab\dic\ipadic";//@"..\..\NMeCab\dic\ipadic";
MeCabTagger t = MeCabTagger.Create(param);
MeCabNode node = t.ParseToNode(sentence);
List<MeCabNode> target = new List<MeCabNode>(); //詩を書く
// ^^
//List<MeCabNode> target2 = new List<MeCabNode>();//詩を書く
// ^^^^
MeCabNode girl = null;
while (node != null)
if (node.CharType > 0)
//Console.WriteLine(node.Surface + "\t" + node.Feature);
if (node.Feature.IndexOf("助詞") != -1) girl = node;
target.Add(node);//else if (girl == null) target.Add(node); else target2.Add(node);
node = node.Next;
foreach (var i in target)
if (i == girl) result += ("があなた");
foreach (var i in target2)
t = MeCabTagger.Create(param);
MeCabNode node2 = t.ParseToNode(result);
int index = 0;
int gan = - 1;
MeCabNode prev = null;
foreach (var i in mecabutil(node2))
if(i.Surface == "が")
if(gan + 2 == index)
i.Surface = "と";
gan = index;
prev = i;
if (i.Surface == "は")
if (gan + 2 == index)
prev.Surface = "と";
var res2 = result;
result = "";
foreach (var i in mecabutil(node2))
result += res2 == i.Surface ? "" : i.Surface;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// アプリケーションのメイン エントリ ポイントです。
/// </summary>
static void Main()
while (true)
Application.Run(new Form1());
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