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Last active July 13, 2018 08:25
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// Buttons
Builder.CardAction.imBack(session, "1", "Trouver un emploi")
new builder.CardAction(session).title('Add a number').value('Add').type('imBack')
Builder.CardAction.dialogAction(session, "weather", "Seattle, WA", "Current Weather")
// Send Attachement
var msg = session.message;
var attachment = msg.attachments[0];
text: "You sent:",
attachments: [{
contentType: attachment.contentType,
contentUrl: attachment.contentUrl,
//detect Facebook Messenger message here
if (session.message.address.channelId === "facebook")
//create a facebook share button using sourceEvent
var msg = new botbuilder.Message(session).sourceEvent({
//specify the channel
facebook: {
//format according to channel's requirements
//(in our case, the above JSON required by Facebook)
attachment: {
type: "template",
payload: {
template_type: "generic",
elements: [
title: "Microsoft Bot Framework",
subtitle: "Check it out!",
buttons: [
type: "web_url",
url: "",
title: "Go to Dev Portal"
//this is our share button
type: "element_share"
} //end of attachment
// Prompts
var choices = [{ value: 'en', title: "English" },{ value: 'es', title: "Español" }];
builder.Prompts.choice(session, "Please select your preferred language.", choices);
builder.Prompts.choice(session, "What's your preferred language?", 'English|Español|Italiano');
// Session
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