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Created November 2, 2023 18:21
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1. Configure config/application.rb for Subdomain Handling:
# config/application.rb
module YourAppName
class Application < Rails::Application
config.middleware.use SubdomainMiddleware
# ... other configurations
2. Create a Custom Subdomain Middleware (lib/subdomain_middleware.rb):
Create a new file for your custom subdomain middleware and define it as follows:
# lib/subdomain_middleware.rb
class SubdomainMiddleware
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
request =
subdomain = request.subdomain
if subdomain.present?
tenant = find_tenant_by_subdomain(subdomain)
if tenant
# You can put your logic here to switch users to their subdomain URLs
# For example, you can redirect or route them to the appropriate controllers and views
case subdomain
when tenant.subdomain
env['HTTP_HOST'] = "#{tenant.subdomain}"
env['PATH_INFO'] = '/' # Change the path as needed
# Handle invalid subdomains or show an error page
return [404, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, ['Invalid subdomain']]
# Redirect to the root URL when no subdomain is present
return [302, { 'Location' => '' }, []]
def find_tenant_by_subdomain(subdomain)
# Look up the tenant in the database table 'tenants' based on the subdomain
# Modify this logic according to your actual table and column names
Tenant.find_by(subdomain: subdomain)
In this modified middleware, the find_tenant_by_subdomain method searches the tenants table in the database to find a matching tenant based on the subdomain.
3. Configure config/routes.rb for Subdomain Routing:
In your config/routes.rb file, you can set up routing for different subdomains. Here's an example:
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# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# Define routes for the "public" site
root 'public#index'
# ... other public routes
constraints( do
# Define routes for tenant-specific subdomains
root 'tenant#index'
# ... other tenant-specific routes
4. Create a Subdomain Constraint (lib/subdomain_constraint.rb):
Create a SubdomainConstraint class to handle routing based on subdomains:
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# lib/subdomain_constraint.rb
class SubdomainConstraint
def initialize
@tenants = Tenant.pluck(:subdomain) # Retrieve all subdomains from the 'tenants' table
def matches?(request)
subdomain = request.subdomain
In this example, the SubdomainConstraint class retrieves all subdomains from the tenants table and uses them for routing. You should adjust the table and column names according to your database schema.
5. Define Controllers and Views:
You should create separate controllers and views for the public site and tenant-specific sites as needed.
Remember to update your routes, controllers, and views according to your application's requirements. This setup allows you to handle subdomains and route users to their subdomain-specific content based on the subdomain they access by searching for tenants in the database table.
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