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Forked from anonymous/tools.lisp
Last active December 30, 2015 00:59
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;; -*- LFE -*-
;; macrology only, so can be included before module definition
;; These were created by Wojciech Kaczmarek and posted to the LFE mail list here:
;; macro-building bits
(defmacro body-list () '(= body _))
(defmacro args-list () '(= args _))
(defmacro synonym (new old)
`(defmacro ,new
((body-list) `(,',old ,@body))))
(synonym is =:=)
(defmacro empty? (x) `(is [] ,x))
(defmacro cons? (x) `(case ,x ([_ . _] 'true) (_ 'false)))
(defmacro defun/c ((body-list) `(eval-when-compile (defun ,@body))))
(defun/c listq (xs)
(if (empty? xs) [] `(list ,@xs)))
;; gensym by rv/etnt
(defun/c gensym ()
(fletrec ((gen (n)
(let ((uniq? (++ '"_#G" (integer_to_list n))))
(try (progn
(list_to_existing_atom uniq?)
(gen (+ n 1)))
((tuple _ _ _) (list_to_atom uniq?)))))))
(gen 1)))
;; w/gensyms pg-style
(defmacro w/gensyms
([vars . body]
`(let ,(lc ((<- v vars)) `(,v (gensym)))
;; clojure-like stuff
(synonym fn lambda)
(synonym do progn)
;; cl-like stuff
(synonym eq =:=)
(synonym neq =/=)
(defmacro nil? (x) `(eq [] ,x))
(defmacro non-nil? (x) `(neq [] ,x))
(defmacro 1- (n) `(- ,n 1))
(defmacro 1+ (n) `(+ ,n 1))
;; haskell-like stuff
(defmacro fst (x) `(element 1 ,x))
(defmacro snd (x) `(element 2 ,x))
;; shortening the parens
(defmacro when* ((body-list) `(when (andalso ,@body))))
(defmacro let1
([var val . body] `(let ((,var ,val)) ,@body)))
(defmacro def-fop1 (op name)
`(defmacro ,name
([[f fargs . fbody] . body] `(,',op ((,f ,fargs ,@fbody)) ,@body))))
(def-fop1 flet flet1)
(def-fop1 fletrec fletrec1)
(def-fop1 macrolet macrolet1)
;; fun fun
(defmacro id () `(fn (x) x))
(defmacro const
([k] `(fn (_) ,k))
([k arity]
`(fn ,(: lists duplicate arity '_) ,k)))
; todo: fun builders like (mkfn > _ a) =:= (fn (x) (> x a))
;; fun composition, inspired by OnLisp
(defmacro compose
([funs fold]
`(fn (x) (funcall ,fold (fn (f a) (funcall f a)) x ,funs)))
`(compose ,funs (fun lists foldr 3))))
(defmacro rev-compose (funs)
`(compose ,funs (fun lists foldl 3)))
(synonym chain rev-compose)
(defmacro complement (pred)
`(compose (fun not 1) ,pred))
;; defensive catcher
(defmacro catch-when
([errname 'catcharg catcharg 'ret subst 'call mod f . args]
`(try (call ,mod ,f ,@args)
(catch ((tuple 'error ,errname [(tuple ,mod ,f ,catcharg) . _])
([errname 'ret subst 'call . callargs]
`(catch-when ,errname catcharg _ ret ,subst call ,@callargs)))
;; more macro builders
(defun/c group
([_ n] (when (=< n 0)) (error '"non-positive grouping size"))
([xs n]
(fletrec1 (build (xs acc)
(let1 (tuple chunk rest)
(catch-when 'badarg ret #([] [])
call 'lists 'split n xs)
(if (cons? rest)
(build rest (cons chunk acc))
(: lists reverse (cons xs acc)))))
(if (empty? xs) [] (build xs [])))))
;; more shortening
;; clojure-like (let/ [x 1 y 2] . body)
(defmacro let/
([binds . body]
`(let ,(group binds 2) ,@body)))
;; more macro builders
;; (defmacro build-n (n op xs)
;; `(macrolet ((builder ([0 arg] arg)
;; ([n arg] `(,',op (builder ,(1- n) ,arg)))))
;; (builder ,n ,xs)))
;; ^^ seems ugly
;; this builds n tokens so not named nthcdr which was function
;; originally in CL
;;(defmacro build-nthcdr' (n xs) `(build-n ,n cdr' ,xs))
;; ^^ bug?
;; build macro from a function definition avoiding capture by using closure
(defun/c n-symbols (n)
(lc ((<- i (: lists seq 1 n)))
(list_to_atom (++ '"x" (: lfe_io print1 i)))))
(defun/c macro/f-gen (name args body)
(let1 decl-args (n-symbols (length args))
`(,name ,decl-args
`(flet [(f ,',args ,@',body)] (f ,,@decl-args)))))
(defmacro defmacro/f
([name args . body]
`(defmacro ,@(macro/f-gen name args body))))
(defmacro macrolet1/f
([[name args . body] . mbody]
`(macrolet1 ,(macro/f-gen name args body) ,@mbody)))
;; this is not needed but shows how I started:
(defmacro defmacro/f/1
([name arg . body]
`(defmacro ,name (x)
`(flet [(f ,',arg ,',@body)] (f ,x)))))
;; cl-like "defensive" car/cdr family -- with \' suffix
(defmacro/f car' (xs)
(if (non-nil? xs) (hd xs) []))
(defmacro/f cdr' (xs)
(if (non-nil? xs) (tl xs) []))
(defmacro nthcdr' (n xs)
`(funcall (compose (: lists duplicate ,n (fn (x) (cdr' x)))) ,xs))
;;(defmacro nthcdr' (n xs)
;; `(catch-when 'function_clause catcharg [_ []] ret []
;; call 'lists 'nthtail ,n ,xs))
;; ^^ BUG when called from a module
;;(defmacro cddr' (xs) `(build-nthcdr' 2 ,xs))
(defmacro cddr' (xs) `(nthcdr' 2 ,xs))
(defmacro cdddr' (xs) `(nthcdr' 3 ,xs))
(defmacro cddddr' (xs) `(nthcdr' 4 ,xs))
(defmacro cadr' (xs) `(car' (cdr' ,xs)))
(defmacro caddr' (xs) `(car' (cddr' ,xs)))
(defmacro cadddr' (xs) `(car' (cdddr' ,xs)))
(synonym first car')
(synonym second cadr')
(synonym third caddr')
;; abbrevs
(defun/c abbrev-fdef-parse
([[f0 'as f]] (list f0 f))
([f] (list f f)))
(defun/c abbrev-gen-macrodefs (mod fs)
(lc ((<- fdef fs))
(let1 [f0 f] (abbrev-fdef-parse fdef)
`(,f ((args-list) `(: ,',mod ,',f0 ,@args))))))
(defmacro abbrev
([mod f . fs]
(let1 defs (lc ((<- def (abbrev-gen-macrodefs mod (cons f fs))))
(cons 'defmacro def))
`(do ,@defs))))
;; the same as local macros:
(defmacro w/abbrev
([[mod f . fs] . body]
(let1 defs (abbrev-gen-macrodefs mod (cons f fs))
`(macrolet ,defs ,@body))))
(defmacro w/abbrevs
([mf-defs . body]
(let1 defs (: lists append
(lc ((<- [m . fs] mf-defs))
(abbrev-gen-macrodefs m fs)))
`(macrolet ,defs ,@body))))
;; now define some:
(abbrev erlang error)
(abbrev lists map foldl foldr filter reverse)
;; ^^ BEWARE! Such global abbrev can screw defmodule's imports if
;; these macros are included before defmodule
(defmacro/f foldl1 (f lst)
(let1 [x . xs] lst (foldl f x xs)))
(defmacro/f foldr1 (f lst)
(let1 [x . xs] lst (foldr f x xs)))
;; misc
(defmacro maybe
([f x . xs]
(let ((x' (gensym)))
`(if (nil? ,x') [] (,f ,x' ,@xs)))))
;; pprint, run, timings, debug, profile
(defmacro p (term)
;;todo: - use lfe except for binaries when fallback to erl
`(: io format '"~p" (list ,term)))
(defmacro apply-to
([m0 f0 mod f . args] `(call ',m0 ',f0 ',mod ',f ,(listq args))))
(defmacro tc
(['do . block] `(tc fun (fn () ,@block)))
(['fun f . args] `(tc erlang apply ,f ,(listq args)))
([mod f . args] `(apply-to timer tc ,mod ,f ,@args)))
;; todo: generalize this as sth like lift-run?
;; todo: write a macro which repeats tc, gets the avg or median
;; assert stuff
(defmacro assert (pred)
`(if (is 'true ,pred) 'ok
(error '(assertion-failed ,pred))))
(defmacro assert= (val expr) `(assert (is ,val ,expr)))
(defmacro assert== (val expr) `(assert (== ,val ,expr)))
;; spawn/receive helpers
(defmacro recvloop ; captures (loop)
((body-list) `(fletrec1 (loop () (receive ,@body)) (loop))))
(defmacro spawn-recvloop ; captures (loop)
((body-list) `(spawn (fn () (recvloop ,@body)))))
;; module generation
;; compiles a module from forms and sends it to given nodes
(defmacro mkmod
([body] `(mkmod `(,(node)) ,body))
([nodes body]
`(let1 (tuple 'ok mod bin) (: lfe_comp forms ',body '[binary])
(lc ((<- node ,nodes))
(list node (: rpc call node 'code 'load_binary `[,mod undefined ,bin]))))))
;; test
(defmacro/f test ()
;; It was defun/c, but again, eval-when-compile functions
;; can't use macrolet, so broke some tests.
;;(assert (=/= (gensym) (gensym)))
(assert= 42 (funcall (id) 42))
(assert= 42 (funcall (const 42) 'foo))
(let1 fs [list (fn (x) (+ 10 x)) (fn (x) (* 2 x))]
(assert= 16 (funcall (compose fs) 3))
(assert= 26 (funcall (chain fs) 3)))
(assert= 42 (funcall (compose (: lists duplicate 10 (id))) 42))
;;(assert= '[[1 2] [3 4] [5]] (group '[1 2 3 4 5] 2))
(assert= 42 (let1 x 42 x))
(assert= '[1 2 3] (let/ [x 1 y 2 z 3] (list x y z)))
(assert= '[2 3] (let1 xs '[1 2 3] (cdr' xs)))
(assert= [] (cdr' []))
(assert= [] (first []))
(assert= [] (cddr' []))
(assert= [] (nthcdr' 10 []))
(assert= [] (nthcdr' 10 '[1 2 3 4 5 6]))
(let1 proc (spawn-recvloop (['ping p] (! p `[pong ,(self)])))
(! proc `[ping ,(self)])
(receive (['pong proc] 'ok) (after 500 'bad)))
(assert= 1.0 (w/abbrev (math cos) (cos 0)))
(assert= 1.0 (w/abbrev (math [cos as cosinus]) (cosinus 0)))
(assert= 2.0 (w/abbrev (math cos sin pi)
(+ (cos 0) (sin (/ (pi) 2)))))
(assert= 2.0 (w/abbrev (math [cos as cosinus] [sin as sinus] [pi as mkpi])
(+ (cosinus 0) (sinus (/ (mkpi) 2)))))
(assert= 1.0 (w/abbrevs [[math pi] [math sin]] (sin (/ (pi) 2))))
(assert= 1.0 (w/abbrevs [[math [pi as mkpi]] [math sin]]
(sin (/ (mkpi) 2))))
(assert= '[42] (w/abbrevs [[math [pi as mkpi]] [math [sin as sinus]]
[string [copies as dupstr]]]
(dupstr '"*" (trunc (sinus (/ (mkpi) 2))))))
(assert= '[42] (w/abbrevs [[math [pi as mkpi] [sin as sinus]]
[string [copies as dupstr]]]
(dupstr '"*" (trunc (sinus (/ (mkpi) 2))))))
(assert= 42 (macrolet1/f (f (x y) (+ x y)) (f 32 10)))
(assert= 42 (macrolet1/f (f (x y) (+ x y))
(let1 x -10 (f 52 x))))
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