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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Multi-language Maps Comparison
%% create a new map
A = #{key1 => Val1, key2 => Val2, ...}
%% pattern match a map
#{key1 := Pattern1, key2 := Pattern2, ...} = VarContainingAMap
%% updating a map with new key/value pairs
NewX = X#{ key1 => Val1, ... KeyN => ValN, ...}
%% updating a map with new values for keys that already exist
NewX = X#{ key1 := Val1, ... KeyN := ValN, ...}
%% keys can be any ground term
Z = #{{age, fred} => 12,
{age, bill} => 97,
{color, red} => {rgb, 255, 0, 0}}.
%% extracing values via pattern matching
#{{color, red} := X1} = Z.
;; create a new empty map
(defparameter *my-map* (make-hash-table))
;; add values to map
(setf (gethash 'key-one *my-map*) "value one")
(setf (gethash 'key-two *my-map*) "value two")
;; get a value from a map
(gethash 'key-one *my-map*)
"value one"
;; update a map
(setf (gethash 'key-two *my-map*) "value 2")
;; iterating over key/values
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (format t "~a => ~a~%" k v)) *my-map*)
KEY-ONE => value one
KEY-TWO => value two
;; create a new empty map
(define my-map (hash))
;; add values to map
(define my-map (hash-set my-map 'key-one "value one"))
(define my-map (hash-set my-map 'key-two "value two"))
'#hash((key-one . "value one") (key-two . "value two"))
;; create a new map with default values
(define my-map (hash 'key-one "value one" 'key-two "value two"))
'#hash((key-one . "value one") (key-two . "value two"))
;; get a value from a map
(hash-ref my-map 'key-two)
"value two"
;; update a map
(hash-update my-map 'key-two (lambda (x) 2))
'#hash((key-one . "value one") (key-two . 2))
;; iterating over key/values
(hash-map my-map vector)
'(#(key-one "value one") #(key-two "value two"))
;; create a new empty map
(def my-map (hash-map))
;; add values to map
(def my-map (assoc my-map :key-1 "value one"))
(def my-map (assoc my-map :key-2 "value two"))
;; or you could use merge
(def my-map (merge my-map {:key-1 "value one"}))
(def my-map (merge my-map {:key-2 "value two"}))
;; create a new map with default values
(assoc {} :key-1 "value one" :key-2 "value two")
{:key-2 "value two", :key-1 "value one"}
;; get a value from a map
(my-map :key-2)
"value two"
;; update a map
(def my-map (assoc my-map :key-2 "value 2"))
;; iterating over key/values
(map #(list %) my-map)
(([:key-2 "value 2"]) ([:key-1 "value one"]))
;; create a new property list with default values
(put my-map key-1 "value one")
(put my-map key-2 "value two")
;; get a value from a property list
(get my-map key-2)
"value two"
;; create a non-system (non-default) hash-table for property lists
;; we'll make it small for demo purposes
(set *hash-table* (vector 2))
;; add key/values
(put my-map key-1 "value one" (value *hash-table*))
(put my-map key-2 "value two" (value *hash-table*))
;; get a stored value
(get my-map key-1 (value *hash-table*))
"value one"
;; peek inside the hash table
(value *hash-table*)
<[[[my-map key-1] | "value one"] [[my-map key-2] | "value two"]] ...>
;; create a new empty map
(defdynamic my-hash (make-hash-table))
;; add values to map
(puthash 'key-1 my-hash "value one")
(puthash 'key-2 my-hash "value two")
;; get a value from a map
(gethash 'key-2 my-hash)
"value two"
;; iterating over key/values
(maphash #'(lambda (key val) (print "key: " key " and value: " val)) my-hash)
"key: "key-2" and value: ""value two"
"key: "key-1" and value: ""value one"
;; create a new empty property list
(set my-map '())
;; create a new property list with default values
(set my-map '(#(key-1 "value one") #(key-2 "value two")))
;; get a value from a property list
(: proplists lookup 'key-2 my-map)
#(key-2 "value two")
;; or this
(: proplists get_value 'key-2 my-map)
"value two"
;; iterating over key/values
(: lists map (lambda (x) x) my-map)
(#(key-1 "value one") #(key-2 "value two"))
;; create a new ordered-list-based dictionary
(set my-map (: orddict new))
;; add values to map
(set my-map (: orddict store 'key-1 '"value one" my-map))
(set my-map (: orddict store 'key-2 '"value two" my-map))
;; get a value from a map
(: orddict fetch 'key-2 my-map)
("value two")
;; iterating over key/values
(: lists map (lambda (x) x) my-map)
(#(key-1 ("value one")) #(key-2 ("value two")))
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