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Created September 18, 2023 12:27
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CN lang patch for ESO addon CrutchAlerts's bosshealthbar
local arenaAliases = {
["勇士马卡尔德"] = "Champion Marcauld",
["大地之心骑士"] = "Earthen Heart Knight",
["阿那拉·图哈"] = "Anal'a Tu'wha",
["远射手皮斯娜"] = "Pishna Longshot",
["马维斯·泰尔纳里斯"] = "Mavus Talnarith",
["吸血鬼大君斯萨"] = "Vampire Lord Thisa",
["战斗大师西亚斯"] = "Hiath the Battlemaster",
["柴堆领主"] = "The Pyrelord",
local dungeonAliases = {
["奎因图斯·韦雷斯"] = "Quintus Verres",
["阿塔鲁斯"] = "Atarus",
["魂摄魔灵"] = "Overfiend",
["血肉雕刻者伊波梅兹"] = "Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor",
["黄昏典狱长"] = "Lord Warden Dusk",
["莫拉格·科娜"] = "Molag Kena",
["树之牧者纳-凯石"] = "Tree-Minder Na-Kesh",
["希瑟拉"] = "Sithera",
["薇利德雷斯"] = "Velidreth",
["凯拉奥菲"] = "Caillaoife",
["波敦恩石心"] = "Stoneheart",
["地血混合体"] = "Earthgore Amalgam",
["“血角”多米豪斯"] = "Domihaus the Bloody-Horned",
["图尔佛昆"] = "Thurvokun",
["“铁心”多来米什"] = "Doylemish Ironheart",
["首领阿尔蒂斯"] = "Matriarch Aldis",
["唤鳞者赞恩"] = "Zaan the Scalecaller",
["狱卒梅利图斯"] = "Jailer Melitus",
["米伦尼·唤月者"] = "Mylenne Moon-Caller",
["树篱迷宫守护者"] = "Hedge Maze Guardian",
["档案管理员厄纳尔德"] = "Archivist Ernarde",
["崛起的维科萨"] = "Vykosa the Ascendant",
["至日的阿格海德"] = "Aghaedh of the Solstice",
["塔赛尔"] = "Tarcyr",
["巴洛格"] = "Balorgh",
["寒冰追猎者"] = "Icestalker",
["督军佐格文"] = "Warlord Tzogvin",
["宝库守护者"] = "Vault Protector",
["石之看守"] = "The Stonekeeper",
["拾荒饿鬼"] = "The Scavenging Maw",
["悲泣之女"] = "The Weeping Woman",
["利刃交响曲"] = "Symphony of Blades",
["多罗扎卡"] = "Dro'zakar",
["库乔·科斯巴"] = "Kujo Kethba",
["格伦德伍尔夫"] = "Grundwulf",
["马塞洛克"] = "Maarselok",
["冰铸亡魂"] = "Stormborn Revenant",
["嚎叫者哈克格里姆"] = "Hakgrym the Howler",
["炉窑守护者"] = "Keeper of the Kiln",
["永恒盾灵"] = "Eternal Aegis",
["疯狂的昂达戈尔"] = "Ondagore the Mad",
["卡尔纳尔·墓歌"] = "Kjalnar Tombskald",
["偷心者沃瑞亚"] = "Voria the Hearth-Thief",
["疯炼金术士阿卡西斯"] = "Arkasis the Mad Alchemist",
["瓦杜罗斯"] = "Vaduroth",
["荆棘夫人"] = "Lady Thorn",
["杰米诺斯队长"] = "Captain Geminus",
["派罗图格·恩克拉迪斯"] = "Pyroturge Encratis",
["哨兵阿克萨拉兹"] = "Sentinel Aksalaz",
["使命之主维希娅"] = "Taskmaster Viccia",
["于连·梅里克"] = "Eliam Merick",
["斯克里昂巢穴领主"] = "Scorion Broodlord",
["岩浆化身"] = "Magma Incarnate",
["马里伽利格"] = "Maligalig",
["萨利迪尔"] = "Sarydil",
["瓦拉利昂"] = "Varallion",
["泽巴萨"] = "Z'Baza",
["工头布拉迪干"] = "Foreman Bradiggan",
["队长努米利尔"] = "Captain Numirril",
["腐化之石"] = "Corruption of Stone",
["腐化之根"] = "Corruption of Root",
["大德鲁伊德维里克"] = "Archdruid Devyric",
["无息泽尔拉克"] = "Zelvraak the Unbreathing",
["科万·吉里恩"] = "Kovan Giryon",
["扭曲者洛科萨"] = "Roksa the Warped",
["女族长雷拉蒂·泰尔瓦尼"] = "Matriarch Lladi Telvanni",
["裂隙御侍纳克里"] = "Riftmaster Naqri",
["炼狱奥泽赞"] = "Ozezan the Inferno",
["瓦琳娜"] = "Valinna",
local trialAliases = {
["拉·阔图"] = "Ra Kotu",
["武士"] = "The Warrior",
["法师"] = "The Mage",
["遗忘者扎哈撒"] = "Zhaj'hassa the Forgotten",
["拉卡特"] = "Rakkhat",
["猎杀者聂佳特里克斯"] = "Hunter-Killer Negatrix",
["巅峰机械人"] = "Pinnacle Factotum",
["反应器人"] = "Reactor",
["组装将军"] = "Assembly General",
["公正圣徒奥尔姆斯"] = "Saint Olms the Just",
["希罗利亚幽影"] = "Shade of Siroria",
["洛克提兹"] = "Lokkestiiz",
["尤尔纳克林"] = "Yolnahkriin",
["纳温塔丝"] = "Nahviintaas",
["屠夫扬迪尔"] = "Yandir the Butcher",
["威若船长"] = "Captain Vrol",
["法尔格拉文领主"] = "Lord Falgravn",
["奥西索"] = "Oaxiltso",
["烈焰先驱巴塞"] = "Flame-Herald Bahsei",
["夏尔瓦卡"] = "Xalvakka",
["莱拉纳尔"] = "Lylanar",
["礁石守护者"] = "Reef Guardian",
["泰德伯恩·塔勒里亚"] = "Tideborn Taleria",
["主教亚塞拉"] = "Exarchanic Yaseyla",
["折磨者安苏尔"] = "Ansuul the Tormentor",
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