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Created April 17, 2019 19:02
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MobX cheatsheet
// MobX - state manager with functional reactive programming paradigm.
// version 5.8.0
// The philosophy behind MobX is very simple:
// Anything that can be derived from the application state,
// should be derived. Automatically.
// Events
// ↓
// [ Actions ] ← ----- ← --•
// ↓ Modify |
// [ State ] ↑
// ↓ Updates | Events invoke
// [ Computed values ] ↑
// ↓ Trigger |
// [ Reactions ] → --- → --•
// Core concepts:
// Observable state
// Computed values
// Value that will be derived automatically when relevant data
// is modified.
// Reactions
// Like a Computed but produces side effect instead of new value.
// Actions
// Changing the state.
// MobX reacts to any existing observable property that is read during
// the execution of a tracked function.
// MobX tracks property access, not values.
Core API =======================================================================
observable(value) : value
observable.object(value) : value
observable.array(value) : value : value : value
@observable.deep // default
@observable.ref // no observable conversion, just create reference
@observalbe.shallow // for collections. Makes collection observable
// but not values in collection.
// Clone and convert into it's observable counterpart.
// Value can be primitive, reference, object, array.
// Decorator is same as wrapping value in observable(value) function call
// and assigning to given property.
computed(expression() : value)
// Create a derived property.
// Computed value - value that can be derived from existing observable state
// or other computed values.
action(changeState()): changeState()
@action.bound // Automatically bind context.
// Create an action.
// Wraps given action function in transaction.
// Transaction - is batch of MobX work.
// So action's state changes and all relative reactions will be performed
// in one transaction.
autorun(sideEfect(reaction) [, options]) : dispose()
// Like a bridge from reactive to imperative code.
// Runs once immediately and then again each time one of its
// dependencies changes.
// options properties:
delay : number // ms
name : string
onError : handler()
// reaction argument has dispose() method.
reaction(tracker() : data, sideEffect(data, reaction) [, options]) : dispose()
// Variation of autorun with more fine grained control on which observables
// will be tracked.
// options properties:
fireImmediately : boolean // default: false
delay : number // ms
name : string
equals : comparerFn // default: comparer.default
when(predicate() : boolean, sideEffect() [, options]) : cancel()
// Will invoke sideEffect when predicate returned true,
// but only once.
// options properties:
name : string
onError : handler(err)
timeout : number // ms. Timeout after which onError will be triggered.
Utils ==========================================================================
// Just syntactic sugar for action(someFn)().
flow(generatorFn) : flow() : CancellablePromise
// Wraps generator in flow.
// Flow does not needs for actions
// Flow can be cancelled.
fromPromise(promise) : promiseWithState
// Wrap promise in promise with additional observable properties:
state : 'pending'|'fulfilled'|'rejected'
value : any // value that was resolved|rejected
extendObservable(target, newProps)
// Introduce new observable properties on the target observable object.
toJS(observable) : object
// Recursively converts an observable object to a javascript structure.
mobx-react package =============================================================
observer(component) : component
// Turn React component into reactive.
// Wraps render function in autorun.
// Available in mobx-react package.
// React context provider to pass stores to child components.
// stores
inject(storeNames) : wrap(component) : component
@inject(mapStoresToProps(stores) : propsToInject)
// Connect provider stores to the React component.
// Wraps component in HOC.
// Injected stores|props fill be available as plain component's props.
Example ========================================================================
// stores/root-store.js
export class RootStore {
constructor() {
this.userStore = new UserStore(this)
this.todoStore = new TodoStore(this)
export default new RootStore();
// stores/user-store.js
export class UserStore {
constructor(rootStore) {
this.rootStore = rootStore
getTodos(user) {
return this.rootStore.todoStore.todos.filter(todo=> === user)
// stores/todo-store.js
import {observable, computed} from 'mobx';
export class TodoStore {
@observable todos = []
constructor(rootStore) {
this.rootStore = rootStore
get unfinishedTodoCount() {
return this.todos.filter(todo=> !todo.finished).length;
// app.jsx
import {Provider} from 'mobx-react';
import rootStore from './stores/root-store';
export class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Provider {...rootStore}>
// components/todos-counter.jsx
import {inject, observer} from 'mobx-react';
@inject((rootStore)=> ({
todoStore: rootStore.todoStore,
export class TodosCounter extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<span>Amount of todos: {this.props.todoStore.unfinishedTodoCount}<span>
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