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Last active February 4, 2017 06:16
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Front-end Developer Interview Questions

Interview questions and resources for recruiting senior front-end developers

Table of Contents

  1. HTML
  2. CSS and Preprocessors
  3. JavaScript
  4. Responsive Design
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Accessibility
  7. Performance
  8. Version Control
  9. Learning
  10. Best practices
  11. Role


Some people write good HTML, some people write bad HTML. What do you consider to be good HTML?

CSS and Preprocessors

When working on a large codebase CSS it can quickly become unwieldly and difficult to maintain. How do you approach this problem?

How do you architect your CSS (and have you heard/used BEM, OOCS or SMACSS)?


Some people write good JavaScript, some people write bad JavaScript. What do you consider to be good JavaScript?

Can you give me an example of how you have used JavaScript on a recent project?

How do you organise your code (RequireJS, modules, etc.)?

How do you make sure that the code you write is high quality and works as expected?

What are the advantages of TDD/BDD?

Technical JavaScript questions

  • Can you explain to me what a closure is? And what are the key benefits of using them?
  • What's the difference between call and apply? And how does bind fit into this?
  • What's the difference between === and ==?

Question resources: 25 Essential JS Questions / 5 Typical JS Questions

Responsive Design

What do you understand by the term "responsive design"?

Tell me about a responsive project you have worked on recently?

Problem Solving

Can you give us an example of a recent problem you encountered and how you solved it?


As an organisation we aim to meet WCAG AA standards for accessibility. What experience do you have with developing accessible websites?

How do you approach developing an accessible website?

What are some of the common accessibility pitfalls when developing a website? How would you go about fixing them?

What does the term "progressive enhancement" mean to you?


Can you talk about how you have considered performance when developing a website?

What performance issues do you anticipate when building a website?

How would you go about troubleshooting a slow website?


Do you have experience working in an agile team?

Do you work in sprints, or using the kanban approach? Do you have a preference, and why?

Version Control

What is your preferred version control software? Do you have experience working on a project versioned with Git?

What is your opinion on pull requests (and code reviews)?


How do you keep up-to-date with the latest front-end technologies and best practices?

The front-end "industry" moves so quickly, how do you decide what to invest time into and what not to?


What sort of project are you looking for?

What is your availability?

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