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Created April 6, 2022 06:41
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retryAsync - retry an async function a set amount of times
import retryAsync from '~utils/retryAsync';
describe('retryAsync', () => {
describe('with retry attempts left', () => {
describe('if the async function promise rejects', () => {
it('retries the given async function 3 times before eventually throwing', async () => {
const mockAsyncFn = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue('failed');
await expect(retryAsync(3, () => mockAsyncFn())).rejects.toThrow();
describe('if the async function promise resolves', () => {
it("returns the async function's payload", async () => {
const mockAsyncFn = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('success');
await expect(retryAsync(3, () => mockAsyncFn())).resolves.toEqual('success');
describe('if the async function fails a couple of times before eventually resolving', () => {
it("returns the async function's payload", async () => {
const mockAsyncFn = jest.fn();
await expect(retryAsync(3, () => mockAsyncFn())).resolves.toEqual('success');
describe('without retry attempts left', () => {
describe('if the async function rejects', () => {
it('throws', async () => {
const mockAsyncFn = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue('failed');
await expect(retryAsync(3, () => mockAsyncFn())).rejects.toThrow();
export default async function retryAsync<AsyncFn>(retries: number, asyncFn: () => Promise<AsyncFn>): Promise<AsyncFn> {
try {
return await asyncFn();
} catch (err: any) {
if (retries === 0) {
throw new Error(err);
return retryAsync(retries, asyncFn);
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